(Government of Himachal Pradesh Undertaking)
Himachal Pradesh State Road Transformation Program (HPSRTP)
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)- Environment and Social Management Plan Dadhol-Ladrour Road (Km 0.00 to KM 13.500) Version December-2019.
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)-Appendices of Environment and Social Management Plan Dadhol-Ladrour Road (Km 0.00 to KM 13.500).
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)-Environment and Social Impact Assessment Report-Dadhol-Ladrour Road (Km 0.00 to Km 13.500) Version December-2019.
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)-Appendices Environment and Social Impact Assessment Report-Dadhol-Ladrour Road (Km 0.00 to Km 13.500) Version December-2019.
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank) Environment and Social Management Plan Baddi-Sai-Ramshahar Road (Km 11.00 to Km 45.) Version December-2019.
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)- Appendices of Environment and Social Management Plan Baddi-Sai-Ramshahar Road (Km 11.00 to Km 45).
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)-Environment and Social Impact Assessment Report Baddi-Sai-Ramshahar Road (Km 11.00 to Km 45) Version December-2019.
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)-Appendices of Environment and Social Impact Assessment Report- Baddi-Sai-Ramshahar Road (Km 11.00 to Km 45).
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)-Resettlement Policy Framework For HPSRTP Version February-2020.
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)-Stake Holder Engagement Plan.
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)- Grievance Redressal Mechanism
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)- Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP).
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)-Gender Based Violence Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan.
· Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for Dadol-Ladror (Km 0.00 to 13.500) Road and Baddi Sai Ramshar Road (Km 11.00 to 45) February- 2020.
· Hindi Version of Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) report summary
· Hindi Version Environment and Social Impact Assessment report summary for Dadhol- Ladrour Road (Km 0.00 to 13.500)
· Hindi Version of Environment and Social Impact Assessment report summary for Baddi-Sai-Ramshehar Road (Km 11.00 to 45)
· Hindi Version of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) summary for Dadol-Ladror (Km 0.00 to 13.500) Road and Baddi Sai Ramshar Road (Km 11.00 to 45)
· Hindi Version Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) report summary
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)- Labour Management Procedure.
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)-Upgradation of Ragunathpura-Mandi-Harpura-Bharari Road in Bilaspur District from (km 0/000 to km 2/740)- Version October 2021
1) Final Report of Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
2) Appendices of Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
3) Final Report of Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
4) Appendices of Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
5) Executive Summary (Hindi Version)
· Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Program (Funded by World Bank)-Upgradation of Mandi Rewalsar Kalkhar Road in Mandi District from (km 0/000 to km 28/000)- Version October 2021
6) Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
7) Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) (Hindi Version)
Procurement of up-gradation works
(1) Volume-1 Bid Document (PDF Document)
(2) Volume-2 Financial Part (PDF Document)
(3) Volume-3(Part-I) Technical Requirements (PDF Document)
(4) Volume-3(Part-II) ESMP Requirements (PDF Document)
(5) Volume-4 Tender Drawings (Part-I) PDF Document)
(6) Volume-4 Tender Drawings (Part-II ) PDF Document)
(7) Volume-4 Tender Drawings (Part-III ) PDF Document)
(8) BoQ
(3) Volume-3 (Part-I) Technical Requirements (PDF Document)
(8) Volume-4 Tender Drawings (Part-iv ) PDF Document)
(9) Volume-4 Tender Drawings (Part-v ) PDF Document)
(10) Volume-4 Tender Drawings (Part-vi ) PDF Document)
(11) BoQ
(11) Volume-4 Tender Drawings (Part-vii ) PDF Document)
(12) BoQ
Land Acquisition of Registry of left out PAPs
Land Acquisition of registry of left out PAPs (Hindi Version)
Land Acquisition of registry of left out PAPs (English Version)
Contract Agreement of Civil Work
Contract Agreement of Package 1- Upgradation of Baddi – Sai – Ramshahar Road in Solan District from Km 11/600 to Km 26/400 total length of 14.800 km.
Contract Agreement of Package 2-Upgradation of Baddi – Sai – Ramshahar Road in Solan District from Km 26/400 to Km 44/733 total length of 18.330 km.
Contract Agreement of Package 3-Upgradation of Dadhol - Ladrour Road in Bilaspur District From Km 0/000 To Km 13/500 total length of 13.500 km.
Procurement of Consulting Services
Terms of Reference (ToR) for Procurement of Safety Assessment of major road network in Himachal Pradesh using iRAP methodology.
Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) for Procurement of Safety Assessment of major road network in Himachal Pradesh using iRAP methodology.
Terms of Reference (ToR) for Procurement of a web-based application for establishment of e-PMS software.
Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) for Procurement of a web-based application for establishment of e-PMS software.
Corrigendum-1 in respect of Procurement of Safety Assessment of Major Road Network using iRAP methodology in the State of Himachal Pradesh.
Upgradation of Mandi - Rewalsar-Kalkhar Road in Mandi District from Km.11/000 to Km. 27/854 (RFB Reference No. IN-HPRIDC-144274-CW-RFB)- Notification for opening of Financial Part of bids in respect thereof.
Corrigendum-II in respect of Procurement of Safety Assessment of Major Road Network using iRAP methodology in the State of Himachal Pradesh
Corrigendum -I in respect of Consultancy Services for Replacement/up gradation of Existing Web based Road Management System (RMS) application with RAMS along with data collection and engineering services” (RAMS) for HPRIDCL.
Corrigendum -II in respect of Consultancy Services for Replacement/up gradation of Existing Web based Road Management System (RMS) application with RAMS along with data collection and engineering services” (RAMS) for HPRIDCL.
Corrigendum -III in respect of Consultancy Services for Replacement/up gradation of Existing Web based Road Management System (RMS) application with RAMS along with data collection and engineering services” (RAMS) for HPRIDCL.
Corrigendum-II in respect of Consultancy Services for Procurement of Web based application for establishment of e-PMS software.
Corrigendum-I in respect of Consultancy Services for Procurement of Bioengineering Solutions Manual for the State of Himachal Pradesh under Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Project (HPSRTP).
Corrigendum-II in respect of Consultancy Services for Procurement of Bioengineering Solutions Manual for the State of Himachal Pradesh under Himachal Pradesh State Roads Transformation Project (HPSRTP).
Expression of Interest (EoI) for Consultancy Services for Review/update Study of Road Financing Mechanism Study for Himachal Pradesh.
Terms of Reference (ToR) for Consultancy Services for Review/update Study of Road Financing Mechanism Study for Himachal Pradesh..
Terms of Reference (ToR) for Consultancy Services for “Engaging a consultant to address the implementation capacity gaps including contract management and corporate governance norms.
Expression of Interest (EoI) for Consultancy Services for “Engaging a consultant to address the implementation capacity gaps including contract management and corporate governance norms.
Corrigendum –I in respect of Consultancy Services for Engaging a consultant to address the implementation capacity gaps including contract management and corporate governance norms.
Corrigendum –I in respect of Consultancy Services for Review/update Study of Road Financing Mechanism Study for Himachal Pradesh
Terms of Reference (ToR) for Selection of Consultant (NGO) for facilitation in implementation of Land Acquisition and Resettlement & Rehabilitation for expansion zone of Gaggal Airport in Distt. Kangra.
Expression of Interest (EoI) for Selection of Consultant (NGO) to facilitate in implementation of land acquisition and resettlement for expansion zone of Gaggal Airport in Distt Kanga.
Corrigendum-I in respect of Selection of Consultant (NGO) to facilitate in implementation of land acquisition and resettlement & Rehabilitation for expansion zone of Gaggal Airport in Distt Kanga.
Terms of Reference (ToR) for Consultancy Services for Design and Development of Early Warning and Response System for the State of Himachal Pradesh under World Bank Funded HPSRTP
Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) for Consultancy Services for Design and Development of Early Warning and Response System for the State of Himachal Pradesh under World Bank Funded HPSRTP
Corrigendum-I in respect of Consultancy Services for Design and Development of Early Warning and Response System for the State of Himachal Pradesh under World Bank Funded HPSRTP
Corrigendum-II in respect of Selection of Consultant (NGO) to facilitate in implementation of land acquisition and resettlement & Rehabilitation for expansion zone of Gaggal Airport in Distt Kanga.
Corrigendum –I (as a sequel to pre-proposal conference) in respect of Consultancy Services for Review/update Study of Road Financing Mechanism Study for Himachal Pradesh.
Corrigendum-1 in respect of Consultancy Services for Engaging a consultant to address the implementation capacity gaps including contract management and corporate governance norms.
Corrigendum-II in respect of Consultancy Services for Engaging a consultant to address the implementation capacity gaps including contract management and corporate governance norms.
Terms of Reference (ToR) for Consultancy Services to Prepare and Adopt a Strategic Master Plan for the Development of Smart Multimodal Transportation System - HP
Expression of Interest (REoI) for Consultancy Services to Prepare and Adopt a Strategic Master Plan for the Development of Smart Multimodal Transportation System - HP
Corrigendum-1 in respect of Consultancy Services for Design and Development of Early Warning and Response System for the State of Himachal Pradesh under World Bank Funded HPSRTP
Corrigendum -I in respect of Selection of Environmental Specialist in the Himachal Pradesh State Road Transformation Project (HPSRTP).
Corrigendum -I in respect of Consultancy Services to prepare and Adopt a Strategic Master Plan for the Development of Smart Multimodal Transportation System-HP.
Corrigendum -II in respect of Consultancy Services to prepare and Adopt a Strategic Master Plan for the Development of Smart Multimodal Transportation System-HP.
Terms of Reference for Hiring of Services of agency to provide Support Consultant to HPRIDCLin tax and other financial related matters.
Terms of Reference for Consultancy Services for" Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Consultant- (ESIA) for conducting an Environmental and Social Assessment of 221km core network and preparation of Environmental and Social impacts mitigation/management instrument.
Expression of Interest (REoI) for Consultancy Services for" Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Consultant- (ESIA) for conducting an Environmental and Social Assessment of 221km core network and preparation of Environmental and Social impacts mitigation/management instruments.
Contract Award Notices of Consulting Services
· Contract Award Notice for Construction Supervision Consultancy for up-gradation of State Core Road network (Approx. 90 Kms) under World Bank Funded Himachal Pradesh State Road Transformation Program (HPSRTP).
Contract Award Notice for Consultancy Services for Preparation of Environmental and Social Management Framework” (ESMF) for HPRIDCL.
Contract Award Notice for Consultancy Services for Safety Assessment of Major Road Network using iRAP methodology in the State of Himachal Pradesh
Contract Award Notice for Consultancy Services for Procurement of a Web based application for establishment of e-PMS software.
Contract Award Notice for Consultancy Services for Replacement/upgradation of existing Web based Road Management System (RMS) application with RAMS alongwith data collection and engineering services (RAMS) for HPRIDCL.
Request for Bids for Procurement of Field Enforcement Equipment to Support Annual Enforcement Program of HP Police in Shimla and Nurpur Police Districts.
Request for Bids for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Vehicle Actuated Speed Signs (VASS) to Support Annual Enforcement Program of HP Police in Shimla District.
Corrigendum –I in respect of Procurement of Field Enforcement Equipment to Support Annual Enforcement Program of HP Police in Shimla and Nurpur Police Districts.
Request for Bids for Procurement of Emergency Response Station Equipment to Support Post-Crash Care Interventions in Shimla &Nurpur Police Districts and Emergency Bags for First Responders for Rescue and Emergency Response in 7 districts.
Request for Bids for Procurement of Wrecker Vehicles to Support Rescue & Emergency Response Operations of HP Police in Shimla & Nurpur Police Districts.
Corrigendum-I in respect of Procurement of Emergency Response Station Equipment to Support Post-Crash Care Interventions in Shimla &Nurpur Police Districts and Emergency Bags for First Responders for Rescue and Emergency Response in 7 districts.
Corrigendum-I in respect of Procurement of Wrecker Vehicles to Support Rescue & Emergency Response Operations of HP Police in Shimla & Nurpur Police Districts.
Corrigendum-II in respect of Procurement of Wrecker Vehicles to Support Rescue & Emergency Response Operations of HP Police in Shimla & Nurpur Police Districts.
Corrigendum-III in respect of Procurement of Wrecker Vehicles to Support Rescue & Emergency Response Operations of HP Police in Shimla & Nurpur Police Districts.
Request for Bid (RFB) in respect of Procurement of Road Safety Enforcement Vehicles to Support Annual Enforcement Program of HP Police in Shimla & Nurpur Police Districts
Request for Quotations (RFQ) in respect of Procurement of Fluorescent Winter Jackets & LED mounted Torches to Support Annual Enforcement Program of HP Police in Shimla & Nurpur Police Districts.
Corrigendum-I in respect of Procurement of Road Safety Enforcement Vehicles to Support Annual Enforcement Program of HP Police in Shimla & Nurpur Police Districts.
Request for Quotations (RFQ) in respect of Procurement of Accessories and Fabrication of Patrol Motorcycles to Support Annual Enforcement Program of HP Police in Shimla & Nurpur Police District
Corrigendum-1 in respect of Procurement of Accessories and Patrol Motorcycles to Support Enforcement Program of HP Police in Shimla & Nurpur Policw Districts
Request for Bids (RFB) in respect of Procurement of medical emergency response station equipment to support post-crash care interventions in Shimla & Nurpur Police Districts and Emergency Bags for first responders for rescue and Emergency response in 7 districts.
Corrigendum-I in respect of Procurement of medical emergency response station equipment to support post-crash care interventions in Shimla & Nurpur Police Districts and Emergency Bags for first responders for rescue and Emergency response in 7 districts.
Procurement of Field Enforcement Equipment to Support Annual Enforcement Program of HP Police in Kangra and Mandi Districts District
Procurement of Multi utility Wrecker Vehicles to Support Rescue & Emergency Response Operations of HP Police in 3 Pilot districts Shimla, Mandi & Kangra (including Nurpur Police District)
Corrigendum-I in respect of Procurement of Multi utility Wrecker Vehicles to Support Rescue & Emergency Response Operations of HP Police in 3 Pilot districts Shimla, Mandi & Kangra (including Nurpur Police District
Corrigendum-I in respect of Procurement of Field Enforcement Equipment to Support Annual Enforcement Program of HP Police in Kangra and Mandi Districts District.
Corrigendum-II in respect of Procurement of Multi utility Wrecker Vehicles to Support Rescue & Emergency Response Operations of HP Police in 3 Pilot districts Shimla, Mandi & Kangra (including Nurpur Police District.
Request for Quotations of Procurement of Additional Equipment to Support Annual Enforcement program of HP Police in Kangra and Mandi Districts.
Request for Bids (RFB) in respect of Procurement of Supply, Installation and commissioning of Vehicle Actuated Speed Signs (VASS) to Support Annual Enforcement Program of HP Police in Kangra (including Nurpur Police district) and Mandi Pilot districts.
Publication of Request for Quotations Goods Notice for Procurement of Accessories and Fabrication of Patrol Motorcycles to Support Annual Enforcement Program of HP Police in Kangra & Mandi Police Districts.
Corrigendum-1 in respect of Procurement of Supply, Installation and commissioning of Vehicle Actuated Speed Signs (VASS) to Support Annual Enforcement Programme of HP Police in Kangra (including Nurpur Police district) and Mandi Pilot Districts.
Response to Pre-bid queries for Procurement of Supply, Installation and commissioning of Vehicle Actuated Speed Signs (VASS) to Support Annual Enforcement Programme of HP Police in Kangra (including Nurpur Police district) and Mandi Pilot Districts.
Request for Bids (RFB) in respect of Procurement of Road Safety Enforcement Vehicles (4 wheel drive-Diesel) to Support Annual Enforcement Program of HP Police in Shimla, Kangra & Mandi Districts.
Project Implementation Manual (PIM), HPSRTP
· Government approval to the Project Implementation Manual (PIM), HPSRTP.
· Project Implementation Manual (PIM), HPSRTP.
DPR for Tranche-1 and Draft Feasibility Report for 2000 Km under HPSRTP
· Consulting Services for “detailed feasibility of about 2,000 Km and detailed engineering design including social, environmental and road safety safeguards for upgradation works of 650 Km road length and Maintenance works of 1,350 Km road length of Core Road Network of Himachal Pradesh for the proposed H.P. State Roads Transformation Project in the State of Himachal Pradesh”.- Submission of Final DPRs with drawings for Tranche-1 Roads.
· Submission of Revised DFR (2000 Km) and Environmental & Social Screening Reports after incorporating the comments received from the ESIA Consultant.
Corrigendum -II in respect of Construction of Flyovers at Chakkar Bypass (from Shimla side towards Totu), MLA Crossing (Boileauganj) (Shimla side to Bilaspur/Mandi road), Vidhan Sabha chowk (from Cart Road to Vidhan Sabha) and widening of road with Retaining Wall at Victory Tunnel under SSCM
RFB Notice in respect of Construction of Flyovers at Chakkar Bypass (from Shimla side towards Totu), MLA Crossing (Boileauganj) (Shimla side to Bilaspur/Mandi road), Vidhan Sabha chowk (from Cart Road to Vidhan Sabha) and widening of road with Retaining Wall at Victory Tunnel under SSCM.
RFB Notice in respect of Construction of Balance Cantilever Bridge at Garkhal on Lumpsum Basis.
Smart City Work
RFB Notice in respect of Construction of viaduct at west portal side between RD 240.625 to RD 267.80 and at east portal side between RD 180.00 to RD 220.00 near Dhalli tunnel (under smart city project).
Corrigendum -1 in respect of Construction of viaduct at west portal side between RD 240.625 to RD 267.80 and at east portal side between RD 180.00 to RD 220.00 near Dhalli tunnel (under smart city project).
RFB Notice in respect of Construction of Flyover at Vidhan Sabha Junction and widening of Victory Tunnel junction (under Shimla Smart City Mission).
Contract Award Notice for Construction of Flyover at Vidhan Sabha Junction and widening of Victory Tunnel junction (under Shimla Smart City Mission)
Other State Works
Request for Proposals in respect of Procurement of Consultancy Services for "Project Management and Construction Supervision Consultant” (PMC) for construction of a tunnel from IGMC Junction to IPH Pump house near St. Bede’s college under EPC mode”
Corrigendum-I in respect of Procurement of Consultancy Services for "Project Management and Construction Supervision Consultant” (PMC) for construction of a tunnel from IGMC Junction to IPH Pump house near St. Bede’s college under EPC mode”
Corrigendum-II in respect of Procurement of Consultancy Services for "Project Management and Construction Supervision Consultant” (PMC) for construction of a tunnel from IGMC Junction to IPH Pump house near St. Bede’s college under EPC mode”
Corrigendum-III in respect of Procurement of Consultancy Services for "Project Management and Construction Supervision Consultant” (PMC) for construction of a tunnel from IGMC Junction to IPH Pump house near St. Bede’s college under EPC mode”
Response to Pre-bid queries of in respect of Procurement of Consultancy Services for "Project Management and Construction Supervision Consultant” (PMC) for construction of a tunnel from IGMC Junction to IPH Pump house near St. Bede’s college under EPC mode”
Request for Proposals in respect of Project Management and Construction Supervision Consultancy services (PMC) for review of detailed feasibility studies of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to IPH pump house near St. Bede’s college, and feasibility studies of two other suitable alternatives, finalization of most advantageous alignment of the Tunnel, and its detailed feasibility studies, preparation of bid documents, and technical schedules, supervision of the civil works i/c contract management through the client during the construction and Defect Liability Period etc.
Corrigendum-IV in respect of Procurement of Consultancy Services for "Project Management and Construction Supervision Consultant” (PMC) for construction of a tunnel from IGMC Junction to IPH Pump house near St. Bede’s college under EPC mode”
Notice Inviting Bid in respect of Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Balance Cantilever Bridge at Garkhal in Himachal Pradesh
Request for Proposals in respect of Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Balance Cantilever Bridge at Garkhal in Himachal Pradesh
Corrigendum-V in respect of Project Management and Construction Supervision Consultancy services (PMC) for review of detailed feasibility studies of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to IPH pump house near St. Bede’s college, and feasibility studies of two other suitable alternatives, finalization of most advantageous alignment of the Tunnel, and its detailed feasibility studies, preparation of bid documents, and technical schedules, supervision of the civil works i/c contract management through the client during the construction and Defect Liability Period etc.
Corrigendum -I in respect of Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Balance Cantilever Bridge at Garkhal in Himachal Pradesh.
Corrigendum-VI in respect of Project Management and Construction Supervision Consultancy services (PMC) for review of detailed feasibility studies of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to IPH pump house near St. Bede’s college, and feasibility studies of two other suitable alternatives, finalization of most advantageous alignment of the Tunnel, and its detailed feasibility studies, preparation of bid documents, and technical schedules, supervision of the civil works i/c contract management through the client during the construction and Defect Liability Period etc.
Corrigendum -II in respect of Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Balance Cantilever Bridge at Garkhal in Himachal Pradesh
Corrigendum-VII in respect of Project Management and Construction Supervision Consultancy services (PMC) for review of detailed feasibility studies of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to IPH pump house near St. Bede’s college, and feasibility studies of two other suitable alternatives, finalization of most advantageous alignment of the Tunnel, and its detailed feasibility studies, preparation of bid documents, and technical schedules, supervision of the civil works i/c contract management through the client during the construction and Defect Liability Period etc.
Corrigendum-VIII in respect of Project Management and Construction Supervision Consultancy services (PMC) for review of detailed feasibility studies of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to IPH pump house near St. Bede’s college, and feasibility studies of two other suitable alternatives, finalization of most advantageous alignment of the Tunnel, and its detailed feasibility studies, preparation of bid documents, and technical schedules, supervision of the civil works i/c contract management through the client during the construction and Defect Liability Period etc.
Request for Proposals in respect of Project Management services (PMC) for Preparation of DPR and Preconstruction activities of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to old Shimla area (Chota Shimla, secretariat, Lift to mall road etc..) for Traffic decongestion.
Corrigendum-1 in respect of Project Management Services (PMC) or preparation of DPR and preconstruction activities of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to old Shimla area (Chota Shimla, secretariat, Lift to mall road etc..) for Traffic decongestion.
Response to Pre-bid queries of consultancy services for Project Management Services (PMC) or preparation of DPR and preconstruction activities of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to old Shimla area (Chota Shimla, secretariat, Lift to mall road etc..) for Traffic decongestion.
Corrigendum-II in respect of Project Management Services (PMC) or preparation of DPR and preconstruction activities of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to old Shimla area (Chota Shimla, secretariat, Lift to mall road etc..) for Traffic decongestion.
Corrigendum-III in respect of Project Management Services (PMC) or preparation of DPR and preconstruction activities of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to old Shimla area (Chota Shimla, secretariat, Lift to mall road etc..) for Traffic decongestion.
Corrigendum -IV in respect of Consultancy services for preparation of DPR and preconstruction activities of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to old Shimla area (Chota Shimla, secretariat, Lift to mall road etc..) for Traffic decongestion.
Corrigendum -V in respect of Consultancy services for preparation of DPR and preconstruction activities of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to old Shimla area (Chota Shimla, secretariat, Lift to mall road etc..) for Traffic decongestion.
Corrigendum -VI in respect of Consultancy services for preparation of DPR and preconstruction activities of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to old Shimla area (Chota Shimla, secretariat, Lift to mall road etc..) for Traffic decongestion.
Corrigendum -VII in respect of Consultancy services for preparation of DPR and preconstruction activities of Tunnel from IGMC Junction to old Shimla area (Chota Shimla, secretariat, Lift to mall road etc..) for Traffic decongestion.