Tribal Development
Economics & Statistics Department

Economic Survey 2018-19


THE Indian economy has continued to consolidate the gains achieved in restoring macro-economic stability. This stability was marked by a major domestic policy development with the introduction of Goods Services Tax (GST) from 1st July 2017 and consequent change in the tax structure. Further, as the short term disruptions caused by major reforms such as the Goods and Services Tax and demonetization recede, the economy is on the rebound and is likely to achieve higher growth targets in the future. Indian growth story remained positive and registered a steady pace of economic growth during last three years. The economy has grown by 6.7 percent in 2017-18 and is expected to grow by 7.2 percent in 2018-19. The long term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.
The Indian growth story is thus firmly established with the fact that this growth is diversified in all sectors of the Indian economy. India has demonstrated that it can be as competitive as the rest of the world. The macroeconomic parameters i.e fiscal deficit, current account balance and inflation is under control despite the rise in the global crude oil prices. The Wholesale Price inflation was within the manageable limits during the year and Inflation in terms of Consumer Price Index in this period has increased what it was a year ago. The exports are picking up and the world views India as the most vibrant economy.
Given the prevalent overall macroeconomic scenario, the Indian economy seems to consolidate growth story and is relatively insulated from cyclical factors.
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at constant prices or real GDP i.e. Base year 2011-12, in the year 2017-18 is estimated at `130.11 lakh crore as against `121.96 lakh crore in 2016-17. At current prices Gross Domestic Product in the year 2017-18 is estimated at `167.73 lakh crore as against `152.54 lakh crore in the year 2016-17, shows an increase of 10.0 percent during the year. The Gross Value Added (GVA) at basic prices witnessed a growth of 6.5 percent during 2017-18 (Base 2011-12) against the growth rate of 7.1 percent during the previous year 2016-17. The growth rate in Gross Value Added during 2017-18 has been lower than that in 2016-17 due to the lower growth in agriculture, forestry and fishing (3.4%), mining and quarrying (2.9%), manufacturing (5.7%), financial, real estate and professional services(6.6%) and construction ( 5.7%).
The per capita income at current prices is estimated at `1,12,835 in 2017-18 as against `1,03,870 for the previous year recording an increase of 8.6 percent. The per capita income in real terms i.e. at 2011-12 prices, is estimated at `86,668 for 2017-18 as against `82,229 in 2016-17 registering an increase of 5.4 percent.
The growth rate for the fiscal year 2018-19 is expected around 7.2 percent as per the advanced estimates.
The inflation management is the key priority of the Government. The inflation rate, as measured by the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) on yearon-year basis, remained below 5 percent in the most part of the current financial year 2018-19 (April-Dec.). The inflation rate in terms of Whole Sale Price Index was 3.8 percent in the month of December, 2018 against 3.6 percent in the month of December, 2017. Inflation based on All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial workers was 4.9 percent in November, 2018 as against 4.0 percent in November, 2017.
The State of Himachal is becoming a vibrant economy of the country due to the steady efforts of the simple and hardworking people of the State and progressive policies of the Central and State Government. Today Himachal could become the most prosperous and fastest growing economy in the country. The economy of the State is expected to achieve a growth rate of 7.3 percent in the current financial year 2018-19.

The State Gross Domestic Product (GSDP) at current prices, is estimated at `1, 36,542 crore in 2017-18 as against ` 1,25,122 crore in 2016-17 showing an increase of 9.1 percent during the year. At constant (2011-12) prices in 2017-18 is estimated at `1,09,747 crore as against `1,03,038 crore in 2016-17 registering a growth of 6.5 percent during the year as against the growth rate of 7.0 percent during the previous year. The increase in total State Domestic Product is mainly attributed to 20.4 percent in Community & Personal Services sectors, 4.5 percent in Finance & Real Estate, 3.7 percent increase in Transport and Trade, 8.5 percent in Manufacturing sector, 1.1 percent in Construction and 2.8 percent increase in Electricity, Gas & Water Supply. Whereas the Primary Sector has shown a marginal decrease of 1.0 percent. Food-Grains production, which was 15.63 lakh MT during 201617 has decreased to 15.31 lakh MT during 2017-18 and is targeted at 16.69 lakh MT in 2018-19. The Fruit Production has decreased to 5.65 lakh MT in 2017-18 as against 6.12 lakh MT in 2016-17, showing a decrease of 7.68 percent in 2017-18. The fruit production during 2018-19 (up to December, 2018) production was 4.06 lakh MT.
The per capita income at current prices witnessed an increase of 7.8 percent as it increased to ` 1,60,711 in 2017-18 from ` 1,49,028 in 2016-17.
As per the advanced estimates and on the basis of economic conditions up to December, 2018, the likely growth rate for 2018-19 will be around 7.3 percent.

The economic growth in the State is predominantly governed by agriculture and its allied activities showed not much fluctuations during nineties as the growth rate remained more or less stable. The economy has shown a shift from agriculture sector to industries and services as the percentage contribution of agriculture and allied sectors in total State Domestic Product has declined from 57.9 percent in 1950-51 to 55.5 percent in 1967-68, 26.5 percent in 1990-91 and to 8.8 percent in 2017-18.
The share of industries and services sectors respectively has increased from 1.1 & 5.9 percent in 1950-51 to 5.6 and 12.4 percent in 1967-68, 9.4 & 19.8 percent in 1990-91 and to 29.2 and 43.3 percent in 2017-18. However, the contribution of other remaining sectors declined from 35.1 percent in 1950-51 to 27.5 percent in 2017-18.
The declining share of agriculture sector do not, however, affect the importance of this sector in the State economy as the state economic growth still is being determined by the trend in agriculture and horticulture production. It is the major contributor to the total domestic product and has overall impact on other sectors via input linkages, employment and trade etc. Due to lack of irrigation facilities our agricultural production to a large extent still depends on timely rainfall and weather conditions. High priority has been accorded to this sector by the Government.
The State has made significant progress in the development of horticulture. The topographical variations and altitudinal differences coupled with fertile, deep and well drained soils favor the cultivation of temperate to sub-tropical fruits. The region is also suitable for cultivation of ancillary horticultural produce like flowers, mushroom, honey and hops.
During the year 2018-19 up to December, 2018, 4.06 lakh tonnes of fruits were produced in the State and it is envisaged to bring 2,004 hectares of additional area under fruit plants against which 2,351 hectares of area has already been brought under plantation and 6.50 lakh fruit plants of different species were distributed up to December, 2018. Growing of off-season vegetables has also picked up in the state. During the year 2017-18, 16.92 lakh tonnes of vegetables were produced as against 16.54 lakh tonnes in 2016-17 recorded a growth of 2.3 percent. It is anticipated that the production of vegetables will be of the order of 16.50 lakh tonnes in 2018-19.
Himachal Pradesh continued to take ambitious steps to achieve its targets. In the area of climate change mitigation. The State action plans on climate change aim to create institutional capacities and implement sectoral activities to address climate change.
In view of the growing need of the State economy, the Government has embarked upon a programme to provide uninterrupted continuous access to power supply in the state. Several steps have been taken for increasing power generation, strengthening of transmission and distribution. As a source of energy, hydro power is economically viable, nonpolluting and is environmentally sustainable. In order to restructure the sector, the Power Policy of the State attempts to address all aspects like capacity addition energy security, access and availability, affordability, efficiency, environment and assured employment to people of Himachal. Though the private sector participation in terms of investments in this sector has been encouraging but the smaller projects has been reserved for investors from Himachal Pradesh only (up to 2 MW) and preference will be given for projects up to 5 MW.
Tourism is a major engine of economic growth, an important source of revenue earnings and a generator of employment of diverse kinds. The State Govt. has also developed appropriate infrastructure for its development which includes provision of public utility services, roads, communication network, airports, transport facilities, water supply and civic amenities etc. As a result of high profile media thrust, a significant rise has been noticed in the domestic as well as foreign tourist inflow during last few years is as below:- TABLE 1.

Information Technology has a great scope for employment generation and revenue earnings. The HIMSWAN provides various G2G, G2C, G2B, e-Procurement and eSamadhan etc. systems to bring efficiency and transparency in administration. 2095 Government offices across the State has been connected through HIMSWAN net work.
The annual plan for 2019-20 has been proposed at `7100.00 crore which will be 12.7 percent higher than the plan size of current year 2018-19.
Containment of prices is on the priority list of Government. Inflation in Himachal Pradesh based on Working Class Consumer Price Index number during 2018-19 increased by 2.3 percent in November, 2018 as against 4.9 percent at National level.
The priority of the government has always been for social welfare programmes. Concerted efforts have been made to improve the efficiency and quality of public services delivery. Some of the major achievements taken during the year are:-
1) The Government of Himachal Pradesh has implemented Good Governance Index.
2) ‘Shakti Button App’ and ‘Gudia helpline’ has been launched by Government of Himachal for the protection of women.
3) To deal strongly with the forest, mining and drug mafia, ‘Hoshiar Singh helpline’ 1090 has been started.
4) An online monitoring system “Him Pragti” has been started for the monitoring of the welfare schemes, employment generation and Jan-Manch.
5) Mobile app facility launched for anganwari centres.
6) “E–P.D.S.” H.P. Mobile App has been launched in the State to provide easily subsidised ration, monitor and ensure its quality to more than 70 lakh consumer of the State.
7) To make the tourists familiar with the ancient cultural heritage of the State, and to train the local youngsters as cultural guide with the objective to provide them self employment, a scheme named ‘Aaj Purani Rahon Se’ has been started.
8) The ‘Point of Sale’(POS) machines have been installed in all the fair price shops of the State.
9) New Women Police Stations have been opened in Solan, Chamba and Hamirpur districts.
10) A comprehensive campaign has been initiated against drug addiction and antidrug treatment has been started in the State.
11) Under the ‘Social Security Pension’ scheme the age limit for getting pension without any income limit reduced from 80 to 70 years.
l2) Social Security Pension has been increase to `750/- and under this scheme 76,025 new pension cases have been sanctioned and total eligible beneficiaries are now 4,90,022 persons. The pension of age 70 years and above and 70 percent specially abled eligible persons has been enhanced to `1,300 per month.
13) The maternity leave of women employees on contact basis has been increased from 135 days to 180 days.
14) The minimum wages of the workers increased to ` 225/-.
15) Every month the problems of the people are settled on the spot through “Janmanch” under the Chairmanship of ministers.
16) Under “Himachal Grihani Suvidha yogna” 32,134 new LPG connections have been provided in the State up to Nov, 2018.
17)Under “Ujwala Yogna” of the Union government, 85,421 LPG connections have been provided.
18) A decision has been taken to provide two sets of smart uniform, free of cost to more than 9 lakhs students of class 1st to 10+2.
19) Nursery and KG classes have been started in selected 3,391 schools of the State, in which 23,800 children have been enrolled, under this pre-primary programme.
20) In the State out of 137 Degree Colleges the free Wi-Fi facility has been provided in 114 colleges.
21) Him Care scheme has been introduced in the State for those families which are not covered under Aayushman Bharat Yojna or any other Health compensatory Scheme. Under this scheme any family member admitted as an indoor patient in hospital, will get free treatment up to ` 5 lakh.
22) To provide different medical test facilities to the citizens “Mukhya Mantri Nirog Yojna” has been started. Under this scheme 130 WELLNESS centres will be setup in the state.
23) 108 Bike Ambulance Service has been started in the State. Himachal is the first State to introduce this service in North India.
24) Tele-Medicines facilities has been started in the 25 Health Sub Centres of Shimla,Sirmaur and Chamba Districts and tribal area of Kilarh, through this facility 29,000 people have been benefitted.
25) Yoga facility has been started in selected 471 Ayurvedic Health Centres after witnessing its importance.
26) To promote organic farming in the State a new scheme “Prakritik Kheti Khush-haal Kissan” has been started in the State by allocating `25 crore in the State budget.
27) 10.31 lakh Soil health cards have been distributed to the farmers.
28) M-kisan mobile portal scheme has been launched in the State to provide latest technical information to the horticulturists of the State. 6.90 lakh farmers have been registered under this scheme.
29) Heli-Taxi service has been started for the tourists from Shimla to Chandigarh and Chandigarh to Shimla.
30) To encourage the youngsters towards entrepreneurship “Mukhya Mantri Swavlamban Yojana” has been started.
31) Under “Mukhya Mantri Start-Up Yojana” 27 Start-ups have been started in 8 Incubation Centres and 3 promising entrepreneurs have been awarded.
32) One Battalion of National Disaster Reaction Force has been sanctioned.
33) Dev Bhumi Darshan Yojna for the senior citizens of the age over 70 years to visit the religious places has been started.
34) State has received three prizes for excellent work done with respect to Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sarak Yojna.
35) State has received first prize for excellent work with respect to Pradhan Mantri Gramin Aawas Yojna.
36) State has received four prizes for extraordinary performance in the field of health.
37) The Per Capita Income has touched the level of `1,60,711 in 2017-18 witnessing a growth of 7.8 percent over 2016-17 and is estimated at `1,76,968 in 2018-19.


Gross State Domestic Product (G.S.D.P.) or State Income is the most important indicator for measuring the economic growth of a State. According to quick estimates, the total State Domestic Product for the year 2017-18 is `1,09,747 crore against `1,03,038 crore in 2016-17 thereby registering a growth of 6.5 percent at constant prices (Base Year:2011-12).
As per the quick estimates the value of Gross State Domestic Product of the State at current prices which was estimated at `1,25,122 crore for 2016-17 (Provisional estimates) increased to `1,36,542 crore during 2017-18, registering an increase of about 9.1 percent. This increase is attributed to the agriculture & allied activities sector besides other sectors of the economy. The food grains production decreased to 15.31 lakh MT in 2017-18 from 15.63 lakh MT in 2016-17. Whereas the production of apple decreased to 4.47 lakh MT in 2017-18 from 4.68 lakh MT in 2016-17.
The economy of Himachal Pradesh is predominantly dependent upon agriculture and in the absence of strong industrial base, any fluctuations in the agricultural or horticultural production, effects the economic growth of the State. During 2017-18 about 8.84 percent of State income has been contributed by agriculture sector alone.
The economy of the State also appears to be in resilient mode in terms of growth. As per advance Estimates, the growth rate in GSDP during 2018-19 is estimated at 7.3 percent as compared to the growth rate of 6.5 percent in 2017-18.
The table given below shows the growth of economy of Himachal Pradesh during the last three years:-
According to quick estimates the per capita income at current prices increased to ₹ 1,60,711 in 2017-18 from ₹ 1,49,028 in 2016-17 showing an increase of 7.8 percent. At constant (2011-2012) prices the per capita income during 2017-18 is estimated at ₹ 1,25,078 against ₹1,18,888 in 2016-17 witnessing an increase of 5.2 percent.
The sectoral analysis reveals that during 2017-18, the percentage contribution of Primary sector to total G.S.D.P. of the State is 13.73 percent, Secondary Sector 43.01 percent, Transport, Communications and Trade 11.66 per cent, Finance & Real Estate 14.87 per cent and Community and Personal Services 16.73 percent,
The structural composition of the State economy witnessed significant changes during the decade. The share of agriculture including horticulture and animal husbandry in G.S.D.P. had declined from 26.86 percent in 1990-91 to 8.84 percent in 2017-18, yet the agriculture sector continues to occupy a significant place in the State economy and any fluctuation in the production of food grains/ fruits affect the economy. The share of primary sectors which include agriculture, forestry, fishing and mining & quarrying has declined from 35.52 percent in 1990-91 to 13.73 percent during 2017-18.
The Secondary sector, which occupies the important place in the State economy has witnessed a major improvement since 1990-91. Its contribution increased from 26.50 per cent in 1990-91 to 43.01 percent in 2017-18, reflecting healthy signs of industrialisation and modernisation in the State. The share of the electricity, gas and water supply sector which is a component of secondary sector has also increased from 4.70 percent during 1990-91 to 7.08 percent during 2017-18. Tertiary sector which is comprises sectors like trade, transport, communications, banking, real estate & business services, community and personal services has also witnessed change in its share. Its share in G.S.D.P. for the year 2017-18 is 43.26 percent.
Following are the major constituents of the economy which attributed to 6.5 percent growth of State economy during 2017-18.
Primary Sector, which includes Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining and Quarrying, during 2017-18, witnessed negative growth of 1.0 percent due to decrease in agriculture and apple production in the State by 2.04 and 4.61 percent respectively, as compared to 2016-17.

The Secondary Sector, which comprises Manufacturing, Construction and Electricity, Gas & Water Supply registered a growth of 6.2 percent during 2017-18 as compared to the last year’s performance in these sectors the manufacturing sector has shown a decline in the growth in 2017-18.
This group of sectors shows a growth of 3.7 percent during 2017-18. The transport by other means component of this sector has shown a growth of 5.9 percent.
This sector comprises Banking and Insurance, Real Estate, Ownership of dwellings and Business Services. It witnessed a growth of 4.5 percent in 2017-18.
The growth in this sector during 2017-18 is estimated at 20.4 percent.
The overall contribution of local bodies in the GSDP for the year 2017-18 is 0.35 percent. Table below shows the growth of local bodies in the State.
As per the advance estimates based on the economic performance of State up-to December, 2018 the rate of economic growth of State during 2018-19 is likely to be 7.3 percent. The State has achieved growth rate of 6.5 percent in 2017-18 and 7.0 percent in 2016-17. The GSDP at current prices in the year 2018-19 is likely to be about ` 1,51,835 crore.
According to the advance estimates the Per Capita Income at current prices during 2018-19 has been estimated at `1,76,968 against `1,60,711 in 2017-18 showing an increase of 10.1 percent.
A brief analysis of the economic growth in Himachal Pradesh, however, reveals that the State has always tried to keep pace with the all-India growth rate as shown in Table-2.2 below:-
The State Government mobilizes financial resources through direct and indirect taxes, non-tax revenue, share of central taxes and grants-in-aid from Central Government to meet the expenditure on administration and developmental activities. According to the budget estimates for the year 2018-19 (BE) the total revenue receipts were estimated at ` 30,400 crore as against `28,024 crore in 2017-18(RE) showing an increase of 8.48 percent in 2018-19 over 2017-18.
The State’s own taxes were estimated at `8,248 crore in 2018-19 (BE) as against `7,864 crore in 2017-18 (RE) and `7,039 crore in 2016-17(A). The State’s own taxes were estimated 4.88 percent more in 2018-19 (BE) as against 2017-18 (RE).
The State’s non-tax revenue (comprising mainly of interest receipts, power receipts, road transport receipts and other administrative service etc.) was estimated at `1,981 crore in 2018-19(BE). The State’s non tax revenue was 6.52 percent of total revenue receipts in 2018-19.
The share of central taxes was estimated at `6,387 crore in 2018-19(BE).
The break-up of the State’s own taxes reveals that sales tax of `6,531 crore constitute a major portion i.e. 44.63 percent of total tax revenue in 2018-19. The corresponding percentages for the year 2017-18(RE) and 2016-17(A) were 51.89 and 48.44 percent respectively. The revenue receipts from State excise duties is estimated at `1,426 crore in 2018-19 (BE)
The percentage of revenue surplus to total GSDP for the year 2016-17 was 0.74 percent and in 2017-18 (RE) the percentage of revenue deficit to the total GSDP was 1.92 percent.


The State of Himachal Pradesh comprises of 12 districts. The Lead Bank responsibility has been allocated amongst three banks viz. PNB in 6 districts, namely Hamirpur, Kangra, Kinnaur, Kullu, Mandi and Una; UCO Bank in 4 districts namely Bilaspur, Shimla, Solan and Sirmour and State Bank of India in 2 districts namely Chamba and Lahaul-Spiti. The UCO Bank is the Convenor Bank of State Level Bankers Committee (SLBC). Up to September 2018, the State has a network of 2,139 and more than 80 percent branches are functioning in rural areas. Banks have opened 56 new bank branches during October 2017 to September 2018. At present 1,724 branches are located in Rural areas, 322 in Semi-urban areas and 93 are functioning at Shimla, the only Urban Centre in the State classified by RBI.
As per census 2011, the average population per branch in the State comes to 3,209 against National level of 11,000. Public Sector Banks (PSBs) in the State have total Branch Network of 1,190 branches up to September, 2018 thereby having more than 55 percent of total branch network of banking sector in the State. Punjab National Bank (PNB) has the largest network of 338 branches followed by State Bank of India (SBI) having 329 branches, UCO bank is having 174 branches. Private Sector Banks have branch network of 140 branches with largest presence by HDFC with 67 branches followed by ICICI with 31 branches amongst private sector banks.
There is a Regional Rural Bank (RRB) sponsored by PNB namely Himachal Pradesh Gramin Bank (HPGB) having total branch network of 264 as on September 2018. The Co-operative Sector Banks have total branch network of 545 and State apex Co-operative Bank i.e. Himachal Pradesh Co-operative Bank (HPSCB) have Branch network of 217 and Kangra Central Co-operative Bank (KCCB) is having 217 branches. In terms of district-wise spread of bank branches, Kangra district have highest number of 417 bank branches and Lahaul-Spiti has lowest number of 23 branches. The outreach of bank services has further increased by installation of 1,964 ATMs by various banks. Bank has installed 212 new ATMs in the State between October, 2017 to September, 2018.
Banks have deployed Business Correspondent Agents (known as “Bank Mitras”) in sub service areas to provide Banking services to the far-flung areas where Brick and Mortar Branches are not financially viable. At present total 1,577 Bank Mitras are deployed in the State by various banks for providing Basic banking services in villages. The peer banks (PSBs) in the State viz. PNB, SBI, UCO, Canara Bank have full-fledged controlling offices (i.e. Regional office/ Zonal office/ Circle office) in the State. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has its Regional office headed by Regional Director and NABARD has Regional office headed by Chief General Manager at Shimla.
The Himachal Pradesh State Cooperative Bank Ltd. is an Apex Bank of the State, in three tier short term credit structure with KCCB and JCCB as Central Banks in six districts. The first State Co-operative bank with all its branches on CBS Mode.The first state cooperative on the National financial switch through which the customers of the bank can get ATM facilities Nation wide and Providing Anywhere money transfer facilities through RTGS/ NEFT. The Bank has network of 218 branches and 23 Extension Counters(Fully CBS) as well as 99 own ATMs. Bank has applied to Reserve Bank of India for obtaining licenses for 9 new branches and upgradation of 11 Extension Counters into full fledged branches.The Bank is doing treasury business at Dodrakwar and Kamrau on Agency basis and aspiring for full fledged treasury business. Government of Himachal Pradesh has authorised the Bank to disburse salary and pension to the retired government employees all across the State. The Bank is issuing RuPay, KCC Cards, Debit Cards and also providing Moblie Banking, SMS Alerts and auto renewal of FDRs facilities to its valuable customers. Bank is actively participating in Government of India Social Security Scheme i.e. Direct Benefit Transfer(DBT) PMJJBY and PMSBY,PMJDY,Atal Pension Yojna, Mukhyamantri Swavlamban Yojna, Mukhya Mantri Ajivika Yojna, NRLM, PMEGP, PM Mudra Yojna. The Bank has enrolled 84,991 subscribers under Social Security Schemes of Govt. of India i.e. PMJJBY and PMSBY.
The role and responsibility of banks has well recognized as a partner for accelerating the socioeconomic growth wheel of the State. The flow of credit in all priority areas has been enhanced. As on September,2018 banks in the State has achieved four National Parameters, lending to Priority Sector, Agriculture Sector, Weaker Section and lending to women, out of six stipulated National Parameters by RBI. At present, banks have extended 61.60 percent of their total loans to the Priority Sector Activities viz. Agriculture, MSME, Education Loan, Housing Loan, Micro Credit etc.
Agriculture loans have proportion of 18.74 percent in total loans extended by Banks as of September, 2018 as against National Parameters of 18 percent set by RBI. Moreover Advances to Weaker Sections and Women have proportion of 17.20 percent and 6.98 percent in total lending by banks as against the National Parameters of 10 percent and 5 percent respectively. Credit Deposit Ratio (CDR) of banks in the State stood at 47.46 percent upto September, 2018. The position of National Parameters is given below in theTable-3.1
The Financial Inclusion denotes delivery of financial services and products at an affordable cost to the excluded sections of our society and low income groups. Government of India had launched a comprehensive Financial Inclusion Campaign- “Pradhan Mantri JanDhan Yojana” (PMJDY) through out the country including Himachal Pradesh to bring the excluded section of our society in formal banking system. This special campaign has completed more than four years and several initiatives are being taken-up to empower the weaker sections of society, including women small and marginal farmers and labourers both in rural and urban areas.
PRADHAN MANTRI JAN DHAN YOJANA (PMJDY): Banks in the State have covered all the households with at least one Basic Saving Deposit Account of each household. Banks have total 10.69 lakh Basic Saving Bank Deposit Accounts (BSBDA) under the scheme up to September, 2018. Out of total 10.69 lakh PMJDY accounts, banks have opened 9.45 lakh accounts in rural areas and 1.26 lakh accounts in urban areas. In the State, banks have issued RuPay Debit Cards to 8.41 lakh PMJDY account holders and thus covered more than 79 percent of PMJDY accounts. Banks have taken initiative to link the bank account with Aadhaar and Mobile Number and seeded 91 percent of PMJDY accounts up to September, 2018.
UNIVERSAL SOCIAL SECURITY INITIATIVES UNDER PMJDY SCHEME: In the 2nd phase of implementation of the scheme, Government of India has launched three Social Security Schemes as a comprehensive social security initiative targeted mainly at the poor and unprivileged. The present status of Social security scheme is mentioned as below:-
1) PRADHAN MANTRI SURAKSHA BIMA YOJANA- (PMSBY): This scheme is providing renewable one year accidental death cum special ability cover of `2.00 lakh (`1.00 lakh for partial permanent special ability) to all the saving bank account holders in the age group of 18 to 70 years for a premium of `12.00 per annum per subscriber and renewable from 1st June every year. Banks have 12.12 lakh subscribers under Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) up to September, 2018. The Insurance Companies have settled nearly 353 insurance claims under the PMSBY scheme upto 7th December, 2018.
2) PRADHAN MANTRI JEEVAN JYOTI BIMA YOJANA- (PMJJBY) :This scheme is providing a renewable one year life cover of `2.00 lakh to all the saving bank account holders in the age group of 18 to 50 years, covering death due to any reason for a premium of `330.00 per annum per subscriber and renewable from 1st June every year. Banks have 3.24 lakh subscribers under Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) upto September,2018. The Insurance Companies have settled nearly 850 insurance claims under the scheme upto 7th December 2018. 2. MICRO PENSION SCHEME: ATAL PENSION YOJANA (A.P.Y) 3.13 Atal Pension Yojana is focused on the unorganized sector and it provides subscribers a fixed minimum pension of `1,000, `2,000, `3,000, `4,000 or `5,000 per month starting at the age of 60 years, depending on the contribution option exercised on entering at the age between 18 and 40 years. The fixed minimum pension would be guaranteed by the government if regular contribution is made for 20 years. While the scheme is open to the Bank account holders in the prescribed age group, the Central Government would also co-contribute 50 percent of the total contribution or `1,000 per annum, whichever is lower for a period of 5 years for those subscribers which are not member of any statutory social security scheme and are not income tax payers. 3.14 The State Government has also provided to contribute in the Atal Pension Yojana. The cocontribution from State Government toward subscribers of APY will be made in eligible accounts subject to 50 percent of the total contribution by the subscriber or `2,000 whichever is lower. The State Government has made a budgetary allocation of `10.00 crore to cover the eligible workers / subscribers under the Atal Pension Yojana in Himachal Pradesh in 2017-18. The State Government is focusing on MGNREGA workers, Mid Day Meal workers, Agriculture and Horticulture labourers and Anganwari workers to adopt the Atal pension Yojana. Banks have focused on aggressive awareness campaign under the scheme through Camps, press media publicity etc. In the Atal Pension Yojana (APY), banks have enrolled more than 81,236 subscribers under the scheme up to September, 2018. The Department of Post is also participating in the APY Scheme and has mobilized total 2,055 subscribers up to September, 2018. 3. PRADHAN MANTRI MUDRA YOJANA (PMMY): 3.15 Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) rolled out in the country including Himachal Pradesh. The smaller of the micro enterprises mainly consist of non- farm enterprises in Manufacturing Trading and Services whose credit needs are below `10.00 lakh and all the loans given to these
MICRO PENSION SCHEME: ATAL PENSION YOJANA (A.P.Y) 3.13 Atal Pension Yojana is focused on the unorganized sector and it provides subscribers a fixed minimum pension of `1,000, `2,000, `3,000, `4,000 or `5,000 per month starting at the age of 60 years, depending on the contribution option exercised on entering at the age between 18 and 40 years. The fixed minimum pension would be guaranteed by the government if regular contribution is made for 20 years. While the scheme is open to the Bank account holders in the prescribed age group, the Central Government would also co-contribute 50 percent of the total contribution or `1,000 per annum, whichever is lower for a period of 5 years for those subscribers which are not member of any statutory social security scheme and are not income tax payers.
1) The State Government has also provided to contribute in the Atal Pension Yojana. The cocontribution from State Government toward subscribers of APY will be made in eligible accounts subject to 50 percent of the total contribution by the subscriber or `2,000 whichever is lower. The State Government has made a budgetary allocation of `10.00 crore to cover the eligible workers / subscribers under the Atal Pension Yojana in Himachal Pradesh in 2017-18. The State Government is focusing on MGNREGA workers, Mid Day Meal workers, Agriculture and Horticulture labourers and Anganwari workers to adopt the Atal pension Yojana. Banks have focused on aggressive awareness campaign under the scheme through Camps, press media publicity etc. In the Atal Pension Yojana (APY), banks have enrolled more than 81,236 subscribers under the scheme up to September, 2018. The Department of Post is also participating in the APY Scheme and has mobilized total 2,055 subscribers up to September, 2018.
1) Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) rolled out in the country including Himachal Pradesh. The smaller of the micro enterprises mainly consist of non- farm enterprises in Manufacturing Trading and Services whose credit needs are below `10.00 lakh and all the loans given to these segments for income generation will be known as MUDRA loans. All advances granted on or after 08.04.2015 falling under this category be classified as MUDRA loan under the scheme. Banks in Himachal Pradesh have sanctioned fresh loan to the tune of `556.84 crore to 31,966 new micro entrepreneurs under the Scheme in the current financial year 2018-19 up to period ended September,2018. Banks have cumulative position of loans disbursed under PMMY to the tune of `2,150.96 crore covering 1,14,294 entrepreneurs up to September,2018.
1) Stand up India scheme has been formally launched throughout the country. Stand up India scheme aims to encourage entrepreneurial culture among unserved and underserved segments of the society represented by SC, ST and women.
2) The Scheme facilitate loan from Banks between `10.00 lakh and `1.00 crore to at least one Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) borrower and at least one woman borrower per bank branch for setting up of a new enterprise in the field of construction, business, service sector. (also termed as green field enterprise). Banks have sanctioned `162.13 crore to 982 new enterprises set up by SC/ST and Women entrepreneurs under the scheme up to September, 2018.
1) Financial Literacy and Awareness campaign plays a significant role in reaching to the target groups. Banks are conducting financial Literacy campaign through the Financial literacy Centers (FLCs) and through its Bank Branches in Himachal Pradesh. There are total 22 Financial literacy Centers (FLCs) managed by Leads Banks i.e. PNB/ SBI/ UCO and Cooperative sector Banks viz. HP State Co-op Bank (HPSCB), Jogindra Central Co-op bank (JCCB) and Kangra Central Co-op Bank (KCCB). RBI has directed Rural Bank branches to conduct the FLC camps on regular basis at least once in a month with special focus on digital literacy and progress made by Banks and FLCs are being reviewed by RBI on regular basis.
The Aggregate Deposits of all banks operating in the State increased from `1,03,355 crore as on September, 2017 to `1,11,458 crore as on September,2018. The deposits of banks have grown at year over year growth of 7.84 percent. The Aggregate advances have also increased from `35,882 crore as on September, 2017 to `46,691 crore as on September, 2018 thereby having year over year growth of 30.12 percent. The total banking business have grown to `1,58,149 crore and registered year over year growth rate of 13.58 percent. 3.21 Public Sector Banks (PSBs) have the largest market share of 69 percent, RRB has market of 4 percent, Private Banks at 7 percent and Co-operative Sector Bank have market share of 20 percent. The comparative data is as under in the Table-3.2.
Banks prepared Annual Credit Plan for financial year 2018-19 for disbursement of fresh loan on the basis of potentials worked out for various priority sector activities by NABARD. The financial targets under Annual Credit Plan 2018-19 have been increased by 6.64 percent over the last plan outlay and fixed at `23,549 crore. Banks have disbursed a fresh loans to the tune of `10,502 crore upto September, 2018 and achieved 44.60 percent of Annual commitment. The Sector-wise target vis-a-vis achievement upto 30.09.2018 is as under in the Table 3.3.
National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM): The Ministry of Rural Development, launched flagship program of Government of India for promoting poverty reduction through building strong institutions of the poor, particularly women and enabling these institutions to access a range of financial services and livelihoods services. The scheme implemented in the State through HP State Rural Livelihood Mission (HPSRLM), Rural Development Department, Government of Himachal Pradesh. Banks have been allocated the annual target of `60.00 crore covering 5,400 beneficiaries under the Scheme in the State. Banks have sanctioned loan to the tune of `25.55 crore up to 7th December, 2018 under NRLM scheme.
National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM): The Government of India, Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA), restructured the existing Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) and launched the National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM). The Self Employment Programme (SEP) is one of the components (Component 4) of NULM which will focus on providing financial assistance through a provision of interest subsidy on loans to support establishment of individual and Group Enterprises and self-Help Groups (SHGs) of urban poor. NULM has been implemented in Himachal Pradesh by Urban Development Department Credit disbursement targets of `10.00 crore assigned under Self–Employment Programme (SEP) component of DAY NULM for financial year 2018-19 in Himachal Pradesh. Banks have disbursed loans to the tune of `2.67 crore under NULM as on October, 2018.
Pradhan Mantri Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP): Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) is a credit linked subsidy programme administered by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India. Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is the nodal agency at national level for implementation of the scheme. At state level the scheme is implemented through KVIC, KVIB and District Industries center. In financial year 2018-19, a target of financing 1,085 new units under the scheme allocated to Banks. The implementing agencies have targeted to provide margin money disbursement to the tune of `27.11 crore under the Scheme. Banks have sanctioned `22.65 crore as margin money to the entreprenures of 686 units till the September,2018.
Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS): The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare, Government of India is implementing the Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS) through NABARD for Dairy sector activities. The capital subsidy under the scheme is administered through NABARD. Banks have sanctioned 139 proposals involving amount of `4.21 crore up to September, 2018 under the DEDS.
Kisan Credit Cards: Banks are implementing Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) through their rural branches to provide adequate and timely credit support from the banking system under a single window to the farmers to meet the short-term credit requirements for cultivation of crops and other needs. Banks have disbursed fresh KCCs to 82,282 farmers amounting to `1,493 crore up to September, 2018. Banks have financed total 4,28,763 farmers under KCC scheme with amount of `6,268 crore up to September 2018.
Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs): Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs) an initiative of Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) to have dedicated infrastructure at district level to impart training and skill up gradation of rural youth geared towards entrepreneurship development. RSETIs are managed by lead banks with active co-operation from the MoRD and Rural development Department of Government of Himachal Pradesh. The Lead Banks i.e. UCO Bank, PNB and SBI have set up Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs) in 10 districts of the State (except in Kinnaur and Lahaul and Spiti districts). These RSETIs are conducting EDPs under various Government sponsored programmes for poverty alleviation and to entrepreneurs under PMEGP Schemes. RSETIs have set a target of organizing total 233 training programmes in the year 2018-19 and total 6,265 candidates will be trained in the current financial year.
Special drive for Aadhaar linkages with Bank account and verification of Aadhaar in all existing bank account.
In Himachal Pradesh, 156 Aadhaar Enrollment and Updation Centers are identified by various Banks to provide facility of Aadhaar enrolment and updation facility.
The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has strengthened its association with the developmental process substantially for Integrated Rural Development in the recent years by initiatives encompassing a wide range of activities viz. Development of Rural Infrastructure, Micro Credit, Rural Non-Farm Sector, Minor Irrigation and other agricultural sectors, besides strengthening the rural credit delivery system in the State. The active support from NABARD is generating tremendous social and economic benefits in the rural areas of the state. In addition to its own schemes, NABARD is also implementing centrally sponsored credit linked subsidy schemes of Government of India, like Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Schemes (DEDS), National Livestock Mission (NLM), Agri-clinics and Agribusiness centres, Agriculture Marketing Infrastructure(AMI) Scheme etc.
Government of India had created Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) within NABARD in the year 1995-96. Under this scheme, concessional loans are given by NABARD to State Government and State owned Corporations for the completion of on going projects as also to start new projects in certain selected sectors. This scheme has also been extended to Panchayati Raj Institutions, Self Help Groups and Non-Government Organizations for development of various location specific infrastructures having a direct bearing on society and the rural economy.
The development of infrastructure in rural areas through Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF), since its inception in 1995-96, has emerged as NABARD's major intervention in partnership with the State Governments. The fund has continued with the yearly allocations in the successive Union Budgets. Under this scheme, loans are given by NABARD to State Governments and State owned Corporations for completion of on going projects as also to execute new projects in selected sectors. RIDF initially focused on execution of incomplete projects mainly under irrigation sector, however, financing over the years have become broad based covering 37 eligible activities classified into Agriculture and related sectors, social sector and rural connectivity.
From an initial allocation of `15.00 crore under RIDF-I from the year 1995-96, the allocation to the State has now reached the level of `544.21 crore under RIDF-XXIV (2018-19). RIDF has played an important role in development of diversified sectors like irrigation, roads and bridges, flood protection, drinking water supply in addition to primary education, veterinary services, watershed development, IT infrastructure etc. In recent years, innovative project for development of poly-houses and micro irrigation systems have been supported, a trend setter for development of agri-business and sustainable farming on commercial lines.
Financial assistance of `7,342 crore has been sanctioned under RIDF for implementation of 5,603 projects as on December, 2018 to the state including rural roads/bridges, irrigation, rural drinking water, and education, animal husbandry etc. During the current financial year 2018-19, an amount of `544.00 crore has been sanctioned under RIDF–XXIV upto December, 2018. An amount of `363.00 crore has been disbursed up to 19.12.2018 to the State Government raising the cumulative disbursement to `5,059 crore.
After the implementation/ completion of the sanctioned projects, drinking water will be made available to more than 46.06 lakh persons(Ultimate Population) 8,708 km. road will become motorable, 3,335 mtrs. span bridges will be constructed and 1,33,112 hectares land will be benefited through irrigation projects.
In addition, about 27,317 hectare land will be protected from flood damages through protection measures, 6,219 hectare land will be covered under watershed projects. An area equivalent to 231 hectare of farm lands will be brought under poly-houses with micro irrigation systems on farmer fields. In addition, 2,921 rooms in Primary Schools, 64 Science Laboratories in Secondary Schools, 25 I.T. centres and 397 Veterinary Hospitals/ Artificial Insemination Centres have already been constructed.
NABARD earlier in 2011-12 started a line of credit for State owned institutions/ corporations with sustained income streams, both onbudget and off-budget, for creating rural infrastructure outside the ambit of RIDF borrowing. This opened new avenues for creating rural infrastructure in non traditional areas. In order to further widen the scope of financing rural infrastructure, financing through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode is a major thrust area under NIDA. Infrastructure projects largely benefitting the rural areas and covered in a harmonized list of projects as approved by the Government of India/ Reserve Bank of India and activities covered under RIDF and Rurban mission are also eligible for funding under the PPP. As on December, 2018, a loan amount of `101.00 crore have been sanctioned to HPPTCL for funding the establishment of substations and associated transmission lines.
Food Processing Fund (FPF): NABARD has established a food processing Fund with a corpus of `2,000 crore for the year 2014-15 for providing financial assistance for establishing the designated food parks and also for setting up of individual food/ agro processing units in the designated Food Parks with the purpose to provide impetus to development of food processing sector on cluster basis in the country to reduce wastage of agricultural produce and to create employment opportunities, especially in rural areas. Cremica Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd. Singha, Una is being established with a financial assistance of `32.94 crore under the fund of which `29.65 crore has been disbursed as on December, 2018.
Refinance Support: NABARD extended total financial support amounting to `1,904 crore during 2017-18 and a total of `734.45 crore during 2018-19 as on December, 2018 to the banks operating in the State by extending refinance disbursement for diverse activities viz. Rural housing, small road transport operators, land development, minor irrigation, dairy development, self help group, farm mechanization, poultry, plantation and horticulture, sheep/ goat/ piggery rearing, packing and grading house activity and other sectors to the tune of `226.45 crore during 2018-19 as on December, 2018. NABARD also supplemented the efforts of Coperative Banks and RRBs, for crop loan disbursement in the State by sanctioning Short Term ST (SAO) credit limit of `930.00 crore against which the banks have drawn refinance assistance of `885.00 crore on March, 2018. During 2018-19 credit limit of `720.00 crore was sanctioned and against it a total disbursement of `508.26 crore has been made as on December, 2018.
Micro Credit: The Self Help Group (SHG) movement has spread across the state and is now on a firm base. The movement has been upscaled with support in the human resources and financial products. In Himachal Pradesh the cumulative number of credit linked Self Help Groups were stood at 49,353 covering 7.12 lakh rural households against 13.12 lakh total rural households in the state with a total loan outstanding of `99.30 crore as on March,2018. Women Self Help Groups programme is being implemented by NABARD, through local NGOs, in two districts viz. Mandi, Sirmaur with grant support of `29.55 crore and target of formation and credit linkage of 1,500 and 1,455 Women SHGs respectively. As on December,2018, cumulative 2,934 Women Self Help Groups have been saving linked and 2,714 Women SHGs have been credit linked.
The announcement in Union Budget 2014-15, financing of Joint Farming Groups “Bhoomi Heen Kissan” (landless farmers) has further given credence to effort of NABARD in innovating and reaching out to the landless farmers through Joint Liability Groups mode of financing. As on March, 2018 nearly 3,338 Joint Liability Groups have been provided by banks in the State. For propagating “Self Help Groups Bank Linkage Programme” and “Joint Liability Group” scheme NABARD is partnering with about 50 Self Help Promoting Institutions/ Joint Liability Promoting Institutions in the State. During the year 2017-18, NABARD has sanctioned `10.00 lakh to Himachal Pradesh Gramin Bank for promotion and credit linkage of 500 JLGs over a period of 3 years. Further, NABARD facilitates short duration skill development training for SHG members, having availed credit facility from banks. During 2017-18, 33 number of Micro Entrepreneurship Development Programme (MEDPs) have been sanctioned to various SHPI partners, which resulted into 910 SHG members got training for undertaking livelihood activity either individually or in group mode. Further one Livelihood Enterprise Development Programme (LEDP) have been sanctioned during the year 2018-19 upto December, 2018 for training and entrepreneurship development of 150 SHG members.
A total number of 3,183 Farmers Clubs have been promoted in the state upto December 2018 covering 39,136 farmers from 6,041 villages. A Federation of Farmers Clubs formed in Sirmaur district and another in Bilaspur district is working for the welfare of farmers.
a) Watershed Development: NABARD, HP, Regional Office has sanctioned 13 watershed projects and two springshed projects till December, 2018. So far, an amount of `7.90 crore have been disbursed under the projects against the sanctioned amount of `12.21 crore. During the year 2017-18, an amount of `1.49 crore was released. All the projects combined, cover an area of about 15,933 hectares and 7,230 households from 136 villages. These projects would result not only in raising the water availability but prove to be an important mechanism for environment protection besides increasing productivity and income of the farmers and conserving the diminishing pastures, thus facilitating animal husbandry also.
b) Tribal Development through the Tribal Development Fund (TDF): NABARD, Regional Office, Shimla has sanctioned 5 tribal development projects till December, 2018 with an amount of `8.74 crore including grant assistance of `8.17 crore and loan assistance of `56.30 lakh covering 1,725 families.. These projects aims at setting up of Wadis (small orchards) as well as dairy units in selected villages covering about 1,149 acres of area for plantation of Mango, Kinnow, Lemon, Apple, Walnut, Pear, Wild Apricot. The projects are expected to provide tribals with an opportunity to raise their income level through the wadi and dairy initiatives.
c) Support through the Farm Sector Promotion Fund (FSPF): Under FSPF, 23 projects and 17 seminars/ workshops/ fairs/ Apple exhibiton have been funded. So far with a grant assistance of `1.93 crore. So far up to December, 2018 a grant assistance of `1.47 crore has been released for the purpose. These projects pertain to validation and promotion of fixed bee hives for rearing indigenous honey bee (Apis cerena), Promotion and Replication of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method for sustainable livehood, Project for Agricultural Development with focus on System of Wheat intensification, Conservation of Chilgoza pines, cultivation of medicinal and aromatic and spice crops, promotion and production of exotic vegetables for sustainable farming and Farmers training and demonstration on production and protection technology of temperate fruits in far flung areas. Through the projects and s eminars/ workshops/ fairs about 30,000 farmers have been benefitted.
d) Promotion of Farmer Producer Organisation (FPOs): Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, has allocated a budget of `200 crore for formation of 2,000 Farmer Producer Organisations in the country. In the State of Himachal Pradesh, NABARD has sanctioned a grant of `4.80 crore to 17 NGOs for formation / promotion of 53 FPOs in Shimla, Mandi, Kinnaur, Sirmaur, Chamba, Hamirpur, Bilaspur, Kullu and Solan districts.These FPOs will undertake production, primary processing and marketing of vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants and flowers on aggregation basis. Upto December, 2018, an amount of `3.41 crore has been released. Additionally, under low cost approach model, NABARD has sanctioned 23 new FPOs with a grant support of `45.36 lakh.
Rural Non-Farm Sector: NABARD has identified Rural Non-Farm Sector as one of the thrust areas of development. It is providing refinance support to Commercial Banks/ RRBs and Cooperative Banks for development of Rural Non-Farm sector in the State. NABARD is also supporting Swarojgar Credit Card (SCC) Scheme by way of refinance, for the benefit of rural artisans and other small entrepreneurs, by keeping provision of timely and adequate credit for working capital or block capital or both to them. In addition to providing refinance for production and marketing of Rural Non-Farm products, NABARD is providing financial assistance for promotion of skill/ entrepreneurship development amongst the Rural Youth, Training by Master Craftsman, Rural Development and Self Employment Training Institutes. RUDSETI type of institutes engaged in training rural youth in various activities having potential for employment and income generation. Skill Development Initiatives envisage to develop, upgrade or diversify the existing skills of the people in rural areas looking for wage employment or livelihood opportunities both in group mode or individually. The cumulative number of SDPs sanctioned in the State, till March,2018, was 233 involving grant assistance
Ground Level Credit Flow: The credit flow at the ground level during 2017-18 for Priority Sector aggregated `13,278 crore representing an increase of 2.17 percent over 2016-17. The target for 2018-19 has been fixed at `22,389 crore for various banks based on Potential Linked Credit Plans prepared by NABARD. September, 2018, the achievement against this was `7,962 crore. NABARD has been preparing the district level Potential Linked Credit Plans (PLPs) on an annual basis for all districts of the State which reflect in a realistic way the ground level potentials, as also the credit and non-credit linkages needed for achieving the targets envisaged. The PLPs are prepared based on detailed discussions/ interaction with various stakeholders viz. State Govt, District Administration, Banks, NGOs, farmers and other related agencies. Broad sector wise PLP projections for 2019-20 has been assessed at `23,631 crore for Himachal Pradesh.
Financial Inclusion is the process of ensuring access to appropriate financial products and services needed by all sections of the society in general and vulnerable groups such as weaker sections and low income groups in particular at an affordable cost in fair and transparent manner by mainstream institutional players. Government of India constituted two funds viz. Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF) to provide impetus to financial inclusion initiates in the country. The following interventions FIF have been made by NABARD in Himachal Pradesh to scale up Financial Inclusion drive.
The objective of FIF is to support “developmental and promotional activities” with a view to securing greater financial inclusion, particularly among weaker sections, low-income groups and in backward regions/ hither to unbanked areas. NABARD continued to manage FIF for meeting the cost of developmental and promotional interventions. NABARD has sanctioned a support of `6.49 crore in financial year 2018-19 to Banks and NGOs for spreading Financial Literacy and strengthening Banking Infrastructure of the State. The cumulative support granted till date under FIF is as under:
i) Central KYC (CKYC): During the last year NABARD has provided sanction of `15.60 lakh for operationalisation of Central KYC Records Registry in HPGB & Cooperative servers for updation of KYC details.
ii) Going Digital Programme: NABARD with the motto of spreading Financial Awareness has sanctioned 6,420 financial literacy Awareness Programme to commercial banks, Co-operative Bank and RRB with a cumulative sanction of `3.21 crore.
iii) Addressing Connectivity issues of the State: To address the connectivity issues of the State, setting up of solar powered V-SAT/ Non-solar powered V-SATs on CAPEX or OPEX model was taken up. In this connection, NABARD has sanctioned `5.36 crore for covering 247 sub Service Areas of SBI, PNB, UCO and HPGB Banks.
iv) Financial Awareness through Audio Jingles: NABARD has granted a cumulative sanction of `32.40 lakh to All India Radio, BIG FM Radio Mirchi and Himachal Harijan Kalyan Sanstha for spreading Financial Awareness through broadcasting of audio jingles in Himachal Pradesh.
v) Bank Sakhi Model: NABARD has sanctioned a project of 50 Bank sakhis to HPGB, Mandi involving an amount `14.50 lakh wherein SHG Leaders/ Members will work as BC agents in the villages thereby thrusting the financial inclusion drive in the state.
vi) Promotion of Cashless Transaction:
a) NABARD has sanctioned `1.20 crore to HPGB for deploying 2,000 PoS machines in 1,000 villages of Himachal Pradesh.
b) NABARD has given support of `30.00 lakh for capital expenditure i.e. for purchasing training equipment and maintenance thereof to all 10 RSETIs in Himachal Pradesh.
c) NABARD will also ensure coverage of 1.24 lakh Kissan Credit Card holders in Himachal Pradesh through Rupay Kisan credit thereby enabling the farmers to move towards the cashless front of the economy.
d) NABARD has also given support of `65.75 lakh to HPGB for setting up of 263 Micro ATMs in its branches to promote digital banking and is also sanctioning Mobile Demo Vans to Co-operative Banks and RRB for spreading awareness about digital banking in the State.
Financial Assistance to Producers Organisation (PODF): In order to support and finance Producers Organisations, NABARD has set up the “Producers Organisations Development Fund”. The objective of the fund is to support registered producers organization viz., Producers Company, Producers Cooperatives, registered Farmer Federations, Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies, Industrial Cooperative Societies, other registered federations, PACS, etc. set up by producers to meet the needs of the producers (farmers, artisans, handloom weavers, etc.) by providing timely credit (mix of loan and limited grant), capacity building of producers, strengthening of Producers' Organisations. As on December,2018 a total financial assistance of `4.50 crore has been sanctioned by NABARD.
Financial assistance to PACS for taking up Multi Service Activities: In order to enable PACS to provide more services to their members and generate income for themselves, an initiative has been taken to develop PACS as Multi service Centres for enabling the PACS to provide ancillary services to their members and for creating additional business avenues and diversify its activities. As on December, 2018 a total financial assistance of `4.89 crore has been sanctioned by NABARD.
Financial Assistance to Federations: In order to strengthen Marketing Federations/ Cooperatives in the marketing and other agriculture activities a separate line of credit, viz. Credit Facilities to Federations has been made available for the Marketing Federations/ Cooperatives to promote the marketing of agriculture produce and other agriculture activities. Marketing Federations/ Cooperatives having PACS and other producers’ organisations, as members / shareholders are eligible to avail financial assistance under this scheme. Financial assistance will be available in the form of short term loan for crop procurement under Minimum Support Price Scheme (MSP) and supply of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, plant protection, etc to the farmers and in the form of long term loan for post harvest handling including sorting and grading, primary processing, marketing etc. Such Federations/ Cooperatives should also be supported for providing agro advisory services and market information through e-agriculture marketing.
Financial Assistance to Cooperative Banks: NABARD has been traditionally providing refinance support to District Co-operative Banks through State Cooperative Banks. NABARD has designed a Short Term Multi purpose Credit Product for financing the CCBs directly for meeting working capital and farm asset maintenance needs of the individual borrowers and affiliated Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies (PACS). A cash credit limit of `100 crore was sanctioned to Kangra CCB for the year 2018-19.
Government Sponsored Schemes: With a view to provide sustainable employment opportunities to members of SHGs and rural folks to increase their income level and also to increase milk production in the state by better cattle and milk management, through DEDS scheme of Government of India. During 2018-19 up to December, 2018 `1.94 crore subsidy has been disbursed to 200 beneficiaries.
In addition to this, three more Government sponsored Schemes viz., “Agriclinic and Agribusiness centres Scheme”, “National Livestock Mission – Entrepreneurial Development & Employment Guarantee” and “New Agriculture Marketing Infrastructure Scheme”, a sub-scheme of ISAM are operational in the state under which subsidy is routed through NABARD.
NABARD Consultancy Services (NABCONS) is a wholly owned subsidiary promoted by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and is engaged in providing consultancy in all spheres of agriculture, rural development and allied areas. Nabcons leverages on the core competence of the NABARD in the areas of agricultural and rural development, especially multi disciplinary projects, banking, institutional development, infrastructure, training, etc. The broad areas of specific competence in which the consultancy assignments are taken up by NABARD Consultancy Services are feasibility studies, project formulation, appraisal, financing arrangement, project management and monitoring, concurrent and impact evaluation, restructuring of agri-business units, vision documentation, development administration and reforms, institution development and turnaround of rural financial institutions, performance rating of rural agencies, bank supervision, policy and action research studies, seminars on rural development themes, micro finance related training, exposure visits and capacity building, training of trainers and building up training institutions, non-farm enterprise promotion.
In the State of Himachal Pradesh, NABCONS has completed the following major assignments with a quality benchmark and high level of client satisfaction:
i) Third party inspection of Border Area Development Programmes in Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti districts.
ii) Third party evaluation of interventions under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY)
iii) Evaluation of the poly house scheme under Pt. Deen Dayal Kisan Bagwan Samridhi Yojna.
iv) Preparation of DPRs, survey and investigations of Japan International Co-operative Agency projects in Mandi and Kangra districts.
v) Management Consultancy for CA/ CS stores and Mandi Automation for Himachal Pradesh Marketing Board.
vi) Preparation of State Irrigation Plan (SIP) District Irrigation Plan (DIP) under Prime Minister Krishi Sinchai Yojna (PMKYS) for 12 districts in the State.
vii) Evaluation of special central Assistance to Scheduled Caste Sub Plan Schemes in the State.
viii) Feasibility Study for setting up of 12 Controlled Atmosphere (CA) stores/ cold Stores in the State.
ix) Design, Development, Implementation and Maintenance of Mandi Management Information System in APMCs.
x) Appraisal of projects for Kangra Central Co-operative Bank Ltd.
NABARD provides assistance to Cooperative Credit Structure (CCS) for capacity building and creation of infrastructure as well as for introduction and better use of Information technology. NABARD created an exclusive and dedicated fund viz. Cooperative Development Fund (CDF) for this purpose. Assistance from the fund is provided to State Cooperative bank run training institute (ACSTI Shimla), District Central Cooperative banks and Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACS). A total amount of `34.23 lakh was sanctioned during 2017-18 for development of cooperatives in the state.
Financial Assistance:
i) NABARD has been extending financial support to different cooperative training institutions (CTIs) under SOFTCOB out of CDF to facilitate the effective training delivery and support their training capacities. During the year 2017-18, NABARD extended financial support of `30.23 lakh to Agriculture Cooperative Staff Training Institute (ACSTI) established by Himachal Pradesh State Cooperative Bank (HPStCB) for capacity building of staff of cooperative credit institutions. Assistance helped in the capacity building of personnel through training programmes. During 2018-19 as on December,2018, financial support of `15.07 lakh was given to ACSTI under SOFTCOB.
ii) An amount of `4.00 lakh was provided as grant to 05 Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies (PACS) for infrastructure development viz. Almirah, Safe for cash, Computer and other furniture items. The support provided by NABARD helped the PACS in improvement of their image and ensuring better service to their members.
NABARD’s initiatives for Climate Change in Himachal Pradesh: NABARD has been designated National Implementing Entity (NIE) for Adaptation Fund (AF), Green Climate Fund (GCF) set up under United Nation’s Framework convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and for ‘National Adaptatiion Fund for climate change (NAFCC) set up by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change.
i) NABARD in its efforts to meet the future challenges of climate change has facilitated the preparation, development and sanction of a project on ‘Sustained Livelihoods of Agriculture Dependent Communities in Drought Prone District of Himachal Pradesh through Climate Smart Solutions’ in Sirmaur District from the Executing Entity (EE) i.e. Department of Environment, Science and Technology, Government, of Himachal Pradesh. The MoEF and CC has sanctioned `20.00 crore for the project. An amount of `3.30 crore has since been released by NABARD as on December,2018.


The Department of Excise and Taxation is a major revenue earning department of the Government of Himachal Pradesh. During the year 2017-18 revenue collected under VAT was `2,525.87 crore, which is `41.18 percent of total revenue collected i.e. `6,133.56 crore. During the year 2017-18 an amount of`1,833.15 crore was realized under the head 0006SGST, which was 29.88 percent of total revenue collection, an amount of `1,311.25 crore was realized under the head 0039-State Excise which was 21.37 percent of total revenue and remaining 7.56 percent collection was under the HP Passenger and Goods Tax Act, HP Luxury Tax Act, HP Certain Goods Carried by Road Tax Act and HP Entertainment Tax Act.
The Government has fixed a target of `145.27 crore in respect of Head of Account 0042-PGT and `351.19 crore in respect of OTD-0045 for the financial year 2018-19. The revenue target for the FY 2018-19 under the Major Head -0039 State Excise has been fixed at `1,425.76 crore which is `74.27 crore more than the previous financial Year 2017-18.The department is making all out efforts to achieve the target fixed for this financial year.
The tax collection /revenue receipts under HP Passengers and Goods Act 1955/ Major Head -0042 PGT (PGT & AGT) has been at `69.00 crore and HP Taxation (on certain Goods carried by Roads) Act, 1999/Major Head 0045 OTD (Entertainment Tax & Luxury Tax & CGCR has been at `185.17 crore.
The Department has provided different facilities and the targets fixed for these facilities have been described below:-
1) Registration threshold has been increased to `10 lakh to 20 lakh under GST Act Vide ordinance No.1 of 2018 dated 05-11-2018 under HPGST Act,2017.
2) A scheme providing for self assessment of cases under VAT and CST has been introduced to reduce huge pendency under VAT Act, 2005 and CST Act, 1956.
3) The additional Goods Tax (AGT) under the HP Passengers and Goods Taxation Act,1955 has been fixed as per criteria given below:-
i) “All types of yarn (excluding woollen yarn) has been reduced. to `2.25 per 10 kg or part thereof from `3.00 and Iron and steel has been reduced to `3.75 per quintal or part thereof to `5.00 per kg or part and AGT on Plastic goods has been fixed to 56 paise per kg or part there of from 75 paise.
(ii) The certain goods carried by road (under H.P. C.G.C.R. Act, 1999) on apple, fruits and vegetables has been withdrawn.
Targets for Financial Year 2018-19:
i) Targets of `145.27 crore has fixed in respect of PGT including AGT.
ii) Targets of `351.19 crore has been fixed in respect of OTD (Entertainment Tax, Luxury Tax, Toll Tax CGCR).
Targets for Information Technology:
i) Issuance of online Excise permit
ii) Issuance of online Excise Pass.
iii) The IT branch of Excise Department proposes the development of Mobile App for the payment of taxes in order to facilitate the stake holders i.e Transporters/dealers etc. under Allied Taxes i.e. Additional Goods Tax (AGT),Certain Goods Carried by Roads (CGCR),Passengers & Goods Tax (PGT) administered by the Department.
The Licenses of L-1D, L-13D, L-1S, L-13S, L-1W and L-13W has been cancelled by the the Government. for the year 2018-19.
Online facility for issuance of online provisional license, license and passes of sub-vend.
The State has implemented its own Excise Act, 2011 from 18.08.2012, under which a specific provision for confiscation of vehicles being used for smuggling of liquor has been stipulated.
The affixing of Holograms on each and every bottle of IMFS and country liquor has been made compulsory to ensure providing of qualitative liquor to the consumers.


Containment of Inflation is in the priority list of Government. Inflation hurts the common man most as their income is not indexed to prices. Inflationary tendencies are measured by Wholesale Price Index (WPI). The Wholesale Price Index at National level during the month of November,2017 was 116.4 which increased to 121.8(P) in the month of November, 2018 showing an inflation rate of (+)4.64 percent. The month-wise average Wholesale Price Index Numbers for the year 2018-19 depicting inflation rate is given in the Table 5.1 below:-
The price situation in Himachal Pradesh remained under constant watch. The Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department of the State has been keeping constant vigil on the price situation and maintained the mechanism of supplying the essential consumer commodities to the public through a network of 4,918 fair price shops. In order to monitor food insecurity and vulnerability issues the Department of Food and Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs is also implementing Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Mapping System (FIVIMS) through G.I.S. As a result of various measures by the State Government the prices of essential commodities remained under control. Consumer Price Index (CPI) IW (Base 2001=100) of Himachal Pradesh increased at slightly lower rate as compared to the National level. The C.P.I. for industrial workers in Himachal Pradesh increased by only 2.31 percent in November, 2018 against 4.86 percent at National level. Further, in order to check hoarding, profiteering and other malpractices in the sale and distribution of essential commodities of mass consumption, the State Government is vigorously enforcing various Orders/ Acts. A system of regular weekly monitoring of prices of essential commodities continued during the year by the department of Economics and Statistics so that effective measures can be taken in time to check undue price rise.


One of the main constituents of the Govt. strategy for poverty alleviation is Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) which ensures availability of essential commodities like Wheat, Wheat Atta, Rice, Levy sugar etc. through a network of 4,918 fair price shops. The total families for distribution of essential items have been divided in two categories viz.
1) National Food Security Act (NFSA) (Eligible Household)
i) Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY)
ii) Priority Households
2) Other than NFSA (APL)

In the State, the Targeted Public Distribution System, having total ration cards 18,32,389 covering cards population 74,16,913. These card holders are provided with essential commodities through 4,918 fair price shops which constitute 3,221 Cooperative Societies, 13 Panchayat, 69 HPSCSC, 1,608 Individual and 7 Mahila Mandals.
Distribution of essential commodities during the year 2018-19 November,2018. Presently, following food items are being distributed under TPDS and H.P.State Subsidised Schemes which is as under:-
Petrol and Petroleum Products: At present, there are 26 wholesale Kerosene oil dealers, 415 Petrol Pumps and 166 Gas Agencies working in the Pradesh.
H imachal Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation (HPSCSC): The H.P. State Civil Supplies Corporation as a “CENTRAL PROCUREMENT AGENCY” for all controlled and non-controlled essential commodities in the State is procuring and distributing food-grains and other essential commodities to the entire satisfaction of the Government under the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) and National Food Security Act (NFSA). During the current financial year 2018-19, up to December,2018 the Corporation procured and distributed various commodities under TPDS to the tune of `978.20 crore as compared to `911.25 crore during the corresponding period of last year.
Presently, the Corporation is also providing other essential items like cooking gas, Diesel/ Petrol/ Kerosene Oil and lifesaving drugs/ medicines at reasonable rates to the consumers of the State through its 117 Wholesale Godowns, 76 Retail Shops/ APNA STORE, 54 Gas Agencies, 4 Petrol Pumps and 36 Medicine Shops.
In addition to this, the procurement and distribution, of non-controlled commodities (like sugar, pulses, rice, atta, detergents powder & soap, tea leaves, exercise note books, cement, CGI Sheets, medicines, items under Supplementary Nutritional Programme, MNREGA- cement and petroleum products etc.) through wholesale godowns and retail shops of the Corporation which certainly has played an important role in stabilising prices of these commodities prevailing in the open market.
During the current financial Year, 2018-19, up to December, 2018 the Corporation procured and distributed various commodities under the scheme to the tune of `473.42 crore as compared to `370.48 crore during corresponding period of last year.
The corporation is arranging the supplies of rice and other supplementary items under the Mid-dayMeal Scheme to Primary and Upper Primary Schools as per the allocation made by the concerned Deputy Commissioner. During the current financial year 2018-19 up to December, 2018 the Corporation arranged the distribution of 16,439 MT rice as compared to 11,087 MT during the corresponding period of last year under this scheme.
The Corporation is also arranging the supplies of identified Specially Subsidized items (pulses of various kinds, Edible Oil (Mustard/ Refined) and I. Salt) under the State Sponsored Schemes as per the decisions of the purchase committee constituted by the Government. During the current financial year 2018-19, upto December, 2018 the Corporation has distributed these commodities under the said scheme to the tune of `377.00 crore as compared to `292.00 crore during corresponding period of last year to the Ration Card holders of the pradesh as per the scale fixed by the State Government.
During the year 2018-19 for the implementation of this scheme, a budget provision of `220.00 crore has been made as State subsidy. During the year 2018-19 the corporation is likely to achieve a total turnover of over `1,520 crore as compared to `1,500 crore during the year 2017-18.
Himachal Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd. is managing the procurement and supplies of Ayurvedic medicines to Government hospitals, Cement to Government Department/ Board/ Corporations and other Government institutions and GI/ DI/ CI Pipes to I and PH Department of Government of Himachal Pradesh. During the current financial year, 201819 the tentative position of Government supply remain as under:-
MNREGA Cement Supplies: During the financial year 2018-19 upto December, 2018 the Corporation managed the procurement and distribution of 30,65,920 bags cement amounting to `69.86 crore to various Panchayats for developmental works of the Panchayats in the whole of the State.
The Corporation is committed to provide all essential commodities, Petroleum products including kerosene oil and LPG in tribal and inaccessible areas, where private traders do not venture to undertake these operations due to economic nonviability of the trade. During the current financial year, 2018-19 the supplies of essential items and Petroleum products to tribal and snow bound area were arranged as per the tribal action plan of the Government.
The corporation is earning profit since its inception i.e 1980. During the year 2017-18 a net profit of `1.28 crore was earned and a sum of `35.15 lakh was proposed to be paid as dividend to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Under the task and responsibilities assigned by the Government of India to States for implementation of National Food Security Act 2013, the Himachal Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation is playing major role in implementing the scheme through timely procurement, storage and supply of allocated food grains through its 117 wholesale centres to Fair Price Shops for further distribution among the beneficiaries of the State.
During the financial year 2018-19 up to December,2018, 61,484 MT rice and 38,766 MT wheat at the rate of `3.00 and `2.00 per kg per month respectively have been distributed to the identified beneficiaries. In addition to above, in the absence of separate Warehouse Corporation of the State Government, the Himachal Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation is managing storage capacity itself, through 22,470 MT owned and 34,840 MT hired godowns in the State.
In view of successful implementation of the NFSA, 2013 additional Storage Capacity is being created and efforts are being made for constructing of godowns at various places ranging from 500 MT to 1,000 MT capacity for which identification/ transfer of Government land in the name of the Department/ Corporation is in progress. State Government has provided funds which is still receivable, for creating additional food grains storage capacity during 2018-19.
During the current financial year, 2018-19, as per initiative taken by the Corporation, the Steel Authority of India Ltd. has entrusted SAIL Yard at Bhattakuffar for the supply of quality steel to various Government Departments/ Boards/ Corporations, upto December, 2018 a total quantity of 907.27 MT steel had been supplied.


Agriculture is the main occupation of the people of Himachal Pradesh and has an important place in the economy of the State. Himachal Pradesh is the only State in the country whose 89.96 percent population (Census 2011) lives in rural areas. Therefore dependency on Agriculture/ Horticulture is ominent as it provides direct employment to about 62 percent of total workers of the State.
Agriculture happens to be the premier source of State Income (GSDP). About 9 per cent of the total GSDP comes from agriculture and its allied sectors. Out of the total geographical area of State 55.67 lakh hectare the area of operational holdings is about 9.55 lakh hectares and is operated by 9.61 lakh farmers. The average holding size is about 1.00 hectare.
Distribution of land holdings according to 2010-11 Agricultural Census shows that 87.95 percent of the total holdings are of Small and Marginal farmers. About 11.71 percent of holdings are owned by Semi Medium and Medium farmers and only 0.34 percent by large farmers. The distribution of land holdings in Himachal Pradesh has been depicted in Table-7.1
About 80 percent of the total cultivated area in the State is rainfed. Rice, Wheat and Maize are important cereal crops of the State. Groundnut, Soyabeen and Sunflower in Kharif and Rapeseed / Mustard and Toria in the Rabi season are important oilseed crops. Urd, Bean, Moong, Rajmash in Kharif season and Gram Lentil in Rabi are the important pulse crops of the State.
Agro-climatically the State can be divided into four zones viz.:-
1) Sub Tropical, sub-mountain and low hills.
2) Sub Temperate, Sub humid mid hills.
3) Wet Temperate high hills.
4) Dry Temperate high hills and cold deserts. The Agro-climatic conditions in the State are congenial for the production of cash crops like seed potato, off-season vegetables and ginger.
The State Government is laying emphasis on production of offseason vegetables, potato, ginger, pulses and oilseeds besides increasing production of cereal crops, through timely and adequate supply of inputs, demonstration and effective dissemination of improved farm technology, replacement of old variety seed, promoting integrated pest management, bringing more area under efficient use of water resources and implementation of Wasteland Development Projects.
There are four distinct seasons with respect to rainfall. Almost half of the rainfall is received during the Monsoon season and remaining precipitation is distributed among other seasons. The State received an average rainfall of 1,251 mms. Kangra district gets the highest rainfall followed by Chamba, Sirmaur and Mandi.
The performance of agriculture is closely related to the performance of monsoon. During the monsoon season of 2018 (June- September) in Himachal Pradesh the rainfall received was Normal in Sirmaur and Solan, Deficent in Chamba, Kinnaur and Lahaul Spiti. For Himachal as a whole, the total rainfall during the entire monsoon season was 11 percent above the annual normal rainfall. The Table 7.2 shows southwest monsoon performance in various districts.
The economy of Himachal Pradesh is largely depend on agriculture which still occupies a significant place in the State economy as 9.4 percent of total State Domestic Product in 2016-17 was generated by agriculture and allied sectors and any fluctuations in the production of foodgrains affect the economy significantly. During the Twelfth Five Year Plan, 2012-17 emphasis has been laid on production of off-season vegetables, potato, pulses and oilseeds besides cereal crops through timely and adequate supply of inputs, bringing more area under irrigation, approach of watershed development, demonstration and effective dissemination of improved farm technology etc.
The year 2017-18 agriculturally remained an average year and the foodgrains production was anticipated as per 3rd estimates around `15.31 lakh MT against `15.63 lakh MT achieved during 2016-17. The production of Potato was ` 1.99 lakh MT in 2017-18 as against ` 1.96 lakh MT in 2016-17. The production of vegetables during the year 2017-18 was ` 16.92 lakh MT as against `16.54 lakh MT in 2016-17.
The food grain production target for 2018-19 are to be around ` 16.69 lakh MT. The Kharif production mainly depends upon the behaviour of south west monsoon, as about 80 percent of the total cultivated area is rainfed. The sowing of Kharif crops starts from the end of April and goes up to the mid of June. Maize and Paddy are the the principal food-grain crops growing during Kharif season. Other minor crops are Ragi, Millets and pulses. During this season about 20 percent of area is sown in the month of April-May whereas remaining area is sown in the month of June and July which is a peak Kharif sowing period. Due to normal rain in the most part of the State, the sowing could be done in time and overall crop condition was normal.
However during Monsoon season 2017 there was heavy rain fall in some pockets of the State and standing Kharif crops were affected to some extent and the production of `7.77 lakh M.T. has been anticipated against the production target of `8.94 lakh M.T. for the Kharif 2017 season. During Rabi 2017-18 from October to December, 2017 season the rain received were deficient by (-) 49 percent in the post Monsoon season rainfall for the period October to December,2017 but the rains were received in the month of January, 2018 due to which late variety seeds were sown thus minimizing the possibility of loss due to draught.
As such against the Rabi 2017-18 the total production of `7.51 lakh M.T. has been anticipated. The crop wise production of foodgrains and commercial crops are shown in Table 7.4
There is limited scope of increasing production through expansion of cultivable land. Like whole country, Himachal too has almost reached a plateau in so far as cultivable land is concerned. Hence, the emphasis has to be on increasing productivity levels besides diversification towards high value crops. Due to an increasing shift towards commercial crops, the area under food-grains production is gradually declining as the area which in 1997-98 was 853.88 thousand hectares is likely to be declined to 752.88 thousand hectares in 2016-17 decrease in production thus reflects loss in productivity as is evident from the Table 7.5

High Yielding Varieties Programme (H.Y.V.P.): In order to increase the production of foodgrains, emphasis has been laid on distribution of seeds of high yielding varieties to the farmers. Area brought under high yielding varieties of principal crops viz. Maize, Paddy and Wheat during the last five years and proposed for 2018-19 is given in table 7.6.
There are 20 Seed Multiplication Farms from where foundation seed is distributed to registered farmers. In addition, there are 3 Vegetable Development Stations, 12 Potato Development Stations and 1 Ginger Development Station in the State.
In order to increase the production of crops, adoption of plant protection measures is of paramount importance. During each season, campaigns are organized to fight the menace of crop disease, insects and pest etc. The Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes, IRDP families’ farmers of Backward Areas and small and marginal farmers are provided plant protection chemicals and equipments at 50 percent cost. It is the approach of the Department to reduce consumption of Plant Protection Chemicals by gradually switching to Biological control of pests/diseases. The subsidies are being met from the Non Plan. Achievements and Targets proposed in distribution of chemicals are shown in Table 7.7

Soil Testing Programme: In order to maintain the fertility of the soil during each crop season, soil samples are collected from the farmers’ fields and analysed in the soil testing laboratories. Soil testing laboratories have been established in all the districts (except Lahaul and Spiti). These laboratories have been strengthened with latest equipments. At present 11 soil testing labs have been strengthened 9 mobile labs and 47 mini labs have also been setup by the department. The Government of India has launched a new scheme based on which the sample of soil shall be drawn on GPS basis. About 50 thousand soil samples are analysed in a year. Outlay proposed is to meet expenditure on these labs for testing of soil samples. Soil testing service has also being included under H.P. Govt. Public Service Act, 2011 in which the soil health cards are being made available to the Farmers through online service within prescribed time limit.
Prakritik Kheti Khushal Kisan Yogna under Zero Budget Natural farming: The State Government has launched new scheme “Prakritik Kheti Khushal Kisan Yogna” in the state. The Government intends to encourage “Zero Budget Natural Farming”, so as to bring down the cost of cultivation. The use of chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides will be discouraged. The budget provided for pesticides/ insecticides to the department of Agriculture and Horticulture will be used for providing bio-pesticides and bio- insecticides. A budget provision of `25.00 crore has been kept for 2018-19.
Bio-Gas Development programme: Keeping in view the depleting sources of conventional fuel i.e. firewood, biogas plants have assumed great importance in the low and mid hills in the State. Till March, 2017 since nception, 44,815 Bio-gas plants have been installed in the State. During 2017-18, 37 number of Biogas plants were installed in the state. This programme has been transferred to the department of Rural Development, Himachal Pradesh for implementation for the year 2018-19.
Fertilizer Consumption and Subsidy: Fertilizer is a critical input, which helps in increasing the production to a great extent. The level of fertilizer consumption in 1985-86 was 23,664 M.T. which is now increased to 57,560 M.T. in 2017-18. In order to promote balanced use of chemical fertilizers, a subsidy of `1,000 per MT on complex fertilizers have been allowed, use of water soluble fertilizers is promoted in a big way for which subsidy has been allowed to an extent of 25 percent of cost. The subsidy is being provided under the Plan schemes. About 51,500 M.T. of fertilizers in terms of nutrients are proposed to be distributed during 2018-19.
Traditionally, noninstitutional sources of finance have been the major source of finance for the rural households due to various socioeconomic conditions. Some of them have been lending at exorbitant rate of interest and since the poor own few assets, it is unviable for the financial institutions to secure their lending with collateral. However, the Government has taken measures to ensure timely and adequate supply of institutional credit to the rural households at reasonable rate of interest. In view of the propensity of the farmers to borrow money, most of whom are marginal and small farmers, credit flow for purchase of input is being made available by the banks.
Institutional credit is being extensively disbursed but there is scope to increase the same particularly in respect of the crops for which insurance cover is available. Providing better access to institutional credit for small and marginal farmers and other weaker sections to enable them to adopt modern technology and improved agricultural practices has been one of the major objectives of the Government. The banking sector prepares crop specific credit plans and the credit flow is monitored urgently in the meetings of the State level Bankers Committee.
The State Government has introduced this scheme from Rabi, 1999-2000 season. Now Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY) has been launched in the state from Kharif, 2016 season as per the administrative approval and operational guidelines issued by the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. In this insurance scheme, Maize and Paddy crops have been covered during Kharif season. The different stages of risk leading to crop loss due to preventing sowing, post harvest losses, localized calamities and losses to standing crops (from sowing to harvest) have been covered under this new scheme. The scheme is compulsory to loanee farmers availing Seasonal Agricultural Operational (SAO) crop loans for the insurable crops from the Banks and Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies (PACs) and optional for the Non loanee farmers.
Under PMFBY claims beyond 350 percent of premium collected or percentage of claims to sum insured exceeds 35 percent whichever is higher at the National level, of all the companies combined, shall be paid by Center and State equally. Under Pradhan Mantrai Fasal Bima yogna, total No. of 2,14,141 farmers have been covered in Kharif 2017 and Rabi, 2017-18 seasons under PMFBY. A budget provision of `7.00 crore has been made for the year 201819 which is utilized for the payment of State share of premium subsidy.
The Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture has launched another Crop Insurance Scheme from Kharif, 2016 season called “Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme. (R-WBCIS) The scheme intends to provide insurance protection to the cultivators against Natural Calamities which are deemed to adversely affect the Kharif crops during its cultivation period.
Seed Certification Programme: Agro-climatic conditions in the State are quite conducive for seed production. In order to maintain the quality of the seeds and also ensure higher prices of seeds to the growers, Seed certification programme has been given due emphasis. Himachal Pradesh State Seed Certification Agency registered growers in different parts of the State for seed production and certification of their produce.
Agriculture Marketing: For the regulation of agricultural produce in the State, Himachal Pradesh Agricultural/ Horticulture Produce Marketing Act, 2005 has been enforced. Under the Act, Himachal Pradesh Marketing Board has been established at the State level. The whole of H.P. has been divided into ten notified market areas. Its main objective is to safeguard the interest of the farming community. The regulated markets established in different parts of the state are providing useful services to the farmers. A modernized market complex at Solan is functional for marketing of agricultural produce, besides construction of market yards in different area. At present 10 market committees are functioning and 58 markets have been made functional. Market information is being disseminated through different media i.e. AIR Doordarshan, Print Media and through Net to farmers. The work of development of marketing infrastructure is done out of the funds of APMCs. Information on daily market rates is also disseminated through AIR/ Doordarshan. Market rates of 39 commodities are also disseminated through The APMC act has been repeated as per the model act and provision has been made for private markets, single point market fee, contract farming etc.
Under this scheme, new farm implements/ machines are popularized among the farmers. Testing of new machines is also done under this programme. The department proposes to popularize small power tillers and implements suited to hilly conditions.
Soil and Water Conservation: Due to topographical factors the soil is subject to splash, sheet and Gully erosion resulting into degradation of the soil. Besides this there is biotic pressure on the land. To curb this menace particularly on the Agriculture lands, the Department is implementing two soil and water conservation schemes under state sector. The schemes are:-
i) Soil Conservation Works.
ii) Water conservation and development. Water conservation and minor irrigation programme has been accorded priority in order to boost agriculture production. The Department has prepared a plan to harvest rain water by constructing tanks, Ponds, check-dams and storage structures. Besides this, low lifting water devices and efficient irrigation system through sprinklers are also being popularized. In these projects, major thrust would be on soil and water conservation and creation of employment opportunities at farm level. Dr.Y.S.Parmar Kisan Swarozgar Yojna 7.22 In order to achieve faster and more inclusive growth in agriculture sector, Government of Himachal Pradesh has started “Dr.Y.S.Parmar Kisan Swarozgar Yojna.”(Poly houseand micro irrigation inside polyhouse).
Project components include creation of need based infrastructure and are expected to fulfil the objectives of high productivity, quality, safeguard against adverse weather, efficient input use etc. Project components include construction of location specific models of poly houses with micro irrigation facility. For this, 85 percent project assistance shall be provided to the farmers. Also for creation of water sources individually and collectively by a group of farmers, (low/ medium lift, pumping machinery) 50 percent subsidy shall be provided.

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY): Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yogna –RAFTAAR was initiated in 2007 as an umbrella scheme for ensuring holistic development of agriculture and allied sector. The scheme was implemented as an Additional Central Assistance (100%) from GOI. The funding pattern has been altered in the ratio of 90:10 for North Eastern/Himalayan States from 2015-16 onward. Now RKVY has been revamped as RKVY-RAFTAAR Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied sector Rejuvenation for the remaining period of the Fourteenth Finance Commission. The main objectives of the scheme are as under:
1) To strengthen the farmers efforts through creation of required pre and post-harvest agriinfrastructure that increases access to quality inputs, storage, market facilities etc.and enables farmers to make informed choices.
2) To provides flexibility and autonomy to states in the process of planning and executing Agriculture and allied sector schemes.
3) To promote value chain addition linked production models that will help farmers increase their income as well as encourage production/productivity.
4) To mitigate risk of farmers with focus on additional income generation activities-like integrated farming, mushroom cultivation, bee keeping, aromatic plant cultivation, floriculture etc.
5) To attend National priorities through several sub schemes
6) To empower youth through skill development, innovation and agri-enterpreneurship based agri business models that attract them to agriculture.
The Government of India has allocated `23.09 crore in favour of Himachal Pradesh under Normal RKVY for the year 2018-19 as Centeral Share (90%) and with matching State Share `2.57 crore in total allocation for the year 2018-19 was `25.66 crore.
National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET): National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET) has been launched to make the extension system farmer-driven and farmer arrangement of technology dissemination. NMAET has been divided into Four Sub-Mission.
1) Sub Mission on Agriculture Extension (SAME).
2) Sub Mission on Seed and Planting Material (SMSP).
3) Sub Mission on Agriculture Machanization (SMAM).
4) Sub Mission on Plant Protection and Plant Quarantine (SMPP). The new component will be in the ratio 90:10 Centre and State share. Under the scheme a budget Provision of `30.00 crore has been made for the year 2018-19.
National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA): Sustainable agriculture productivity depends upon quality and availability of Natural resources like soil and water. Agricultural growth can be sustained by promoting conservation and sustainable use of these scarce natural resources through appropriate location specific measures. Thus, conservation of natural resources in conjunction with development of rain fed agriculture holds the key to meet burgeoning demand for food grain in the state. Towards this end, National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) has been formulated for enhancing agricultural productivity especially in rain fed areas. Main deliverable under this mission are:
1) Developing rain fed agriculture.
2) Natural resources management.
3) Enhancing water use efficiency.
4) Improving soil health.
5) Promoting conservation agriculture. It is a centrally sponsored scheme and the component will be in the ratio of 90:10 center and state share respectively. Under the scheme a budget Provision of `22.00 crore has been made for the year 2018-19.
National Food Security Mission (NFSM): The National Food Security Mission (NFSM) aimed at to enhance the production of Rice, Wheat and Pulses. NFSM has been launched in the State from Rabi 2012 with two major components viz.NFSM-Rice and NFSM-Wheat. Under NFSM-Rice is in operation in three districts of state and whereas NFSM-Wheat in nine district with 100 percent assistance from Central Government. The aim of Mission is to increase production of Rice and Wheat through area expansion and productivity enhancement restoring soil fertility and productivity, creativity employment opportunities and enhancing level of farm economy in targeted districts. An expenditure of `16.50 crore has been made for the year 2018-19.
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana: In an attempt to improve the Agricultural productivity, the government of India has started a new scheme, viz. Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY). Microirrigation projects (“Har Khet Ko Pani”) and end-to-end irrigation solutions will be the key focus of this scheme. “The major objective of the PMKSY is to achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level, expand cultivable area under assured irrigation, improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage of water, enhance adoption of precision-irrigation and other water-saving technologies”. Under this scheme a budget provision of `22.00 crore has been proposed for the year 2018-19 under state plan.
Efficient Irrigation through MicroIrrigation Scheme: State Government is committed to promote Agriculture in the State by increasing the productivity of crops. For efficient system of irrigation the Government has launched a scheme named named ‘Efficient Irrigation through Micro-Irrigation Scheme Systems’ with an outlay of `154.00 crore over a period of 4 years starting from 2015-16 to 2018-19. Through this project 8,500 hectare area will be brought under Drip/ Sprinkler Irrigation System benefitting 14,000 farmers. The subsidy @ 80 percent for the installation of Sprinkler and drip irrigation system would be provided to the farmers. A budget provision of `15.00 crore has been made for this component during 2018-19.
Uttam Chara Utpadan Yojna: With a view to increase fodder production in the state, the state Government has launched a scheme; ‘Uttam Chaara Utpadan Yojana’for fodder development by bringing an area of 25,000 hectare under fodder production. Quality seed of fodder grasses, cuttings, and seedings of improved fodder varieties will be supplied on subsidized rates to the farmers. Subsidy on Chaff Cutters is available to the SC/ ST and BPL farmers. A provision of `8.00 crore has been proposed for 2018-19.
Mukhya Mantri Khet Sanrakshan yojna: Monkey and wild life menance causes huge loss to crops annually. Present practice of crop protection by manual guarding does not ensure 100 percent crop. Therefore, Government of Himachal Pradesh has introduced a scheme “Mukhya Mantri khet Sanrakhshan Yojna”. Under this scheme, a subsidy of 80 percent will be provided. The fence will be energized with the help of solar power. Current in the fence around the farms will be sufficient to keep away the stray animals, wild animals and monkeys from the farms. Under this scheme a budget provision of `30.00 crore has been made for the year 2018-19 and about 1,800 hectares cultivated land shall be fenced and protected from wild/ stary animals and monkeys menace under this scheme.
MUKHYA MANTRI KISAAN EVAM KHETIHAR MAZDOOR JEEVAN SURAKSHA YOJNA: With a view to provide Insurance cover to the Farmers and Agricultural Labourers in the event of sustaining injury or death due to operation of farm machinery, the State Government has launched a Scheme called; ‘Mukhyamantri Kisaan evam Khetihar Mazdoor Jeevan Surakhsha in 2015-16. In case of the death and permanent special ability, compensation of `1.50 lakh and in case of partial special abilities `50,000 will be provided to the affected farmers. A budget provision of `40.00 lakh has been kept for the year 2018-19.
LIFT IRRIGATION AND BOREWELL SCHEME: In most parts of the State, water has to be lifted for irrigation purpose. As an incentive to the farmers, Government has decided to grant 50 per cent subsidy for construction of Lift Irrigation Schemes and installation of Bore-Wells by individual or group of farmers for irrigation purposes. Under this scheme, financial assistance is available for construction of Low & Medium lift irrigation systems, Shallow wells, Shallow Bore Wells, Water Storage tanks of different capacities, Pumping machinery and Water Conveyance Pipes to individual farmers or a group of farmers. A budget provision of `10.00 crore has been kept for the year 2018-19.
SAUR SINCHAYEE YOJNA: Solar energy is a renewable energy, alternate source of energy and has a huge potential, which can cater to most of the critical needs of farm operations. It is not only cheap, but also eco-friendly. Solar energy is a an uninterrupted source and all the energy stored in the Earth’s reserves like coal, oil and natural gas is equal to the energy in just 20 days of sunshine. State Government has introduced a new scheme viz,“SAUR SINCHAYEE YOJNA” with a view to provide assured irrigation to crops, enhance the production & productivity where electricity accessibility in remote areas is costly in comparison to Solar PV pumps. Under this scheme, 90 percent assistance will be provided to small / marginal farmers for the installation of solar pumping machinery on individual basis. 80 percent assistance will be provided to medium / big farmers for the installation of solar pumping machinery on individual basis. 100 percent assistance will be provided if minimum Five farmers opted for installation of solar pumping machinery on community basis. Under this scheme, 5,850 agriculture solar pumping sets will be made available to the farmers. The total outlay for this scheme is `200 crore for next Five years. A budget provision to the tune of `30.00 crore has been kept for the year 2018-19
JAL SE KRISHI KO BAL YOJNA: With a view to provide water for irrigation, Government has launched a new scheme “JAL SE KRISHI KO BAL YOJNA”. Under this scheme check dams and ponds will be constructed. Farmers can use this water for irrigation purpose after construction of small lifting schemes or Flow Irrigation schemes on individual basis. The total outlay for this scheme is `250.00 crore for next Five years. A budget provision of `40.00 crore has been kept for this. Under this scheme, 100 percent expenditure would be borne by the Government for implementation of community based small water saving scheme.
The rich diversity of agroclimatic conditions, topographical variations and altitudinal differences coupled with fertile, deep and well drained soils favour the cultivation of temperate to sub-tropical fruits in Himachal. The region is also suitable for cultivation of ancillary horticultural produce like flowers, mushroom, honey and hops.
This particular suitability of Himachal has resulted in shifting of land use pattern from agriculture to fruit crops in the past few decades. The area under fruits, which was 792 hectares in 1950-51 with total production of 1,200 tonne increased to 2,30,852 hectares during 2017-18. The total fruit production in 2017-18 was 5.65 lakh tonne, while during 2018-19 upto December, 2018 has been reported as 4.06 lakh tone. During 2018-19, against the target of 2,004 hectares of additional area under fruit plants 2,351 hectares of area has actually been brought under the plantations and in the process 6.50 lakh different fruit plants distributed upto December, 2018 during the year 2018-19.
Apple is so far the most important fruit crop of Himachal Pradesh, which constitutes about 49 percent of the total area under fruit crops and about 79 percent of the total fruit production. Area under apple has increased from 400 hectares in 1950-51 to 3,025 hectares in 1960-61 and 1,12,634 hectares in 2017-18.
The area under temperate fruits other than apple has increased from 900 hectares in 1960-61 to 28,369 hectares in 2017-18. Nuts and dry fruits exhibit area increase from 231 hectares in 1960-61 to 10,301 hectares in 201718, Citrus and other sub tropical fruits have increased from 1,225 hectares and 623 hectares in 1960-61 to 24,649 hectares and 54,899 hectares in 2017-18 respectively.
This pace of development is further jeopardized due to the erratic apple production, owing to weather vagaries and market fluctuations. The advent of WTO, GATT and liberalisation of economy is further imposing many challenges on the dominance of apple in fruit industry of Himachal Pradesh. The fluctuations in the production of apple during last few years have attracted the attention of the Government. It is necessary to explore and harness the vast horticulture potential of the hill State through diversified horticulture production in varied agro-ecological zones.
Horticulture Development scheme is the major programme aiming at the creation and maintenance of infrastructural facilities in the rural areas for ensuring equitable access to the resources and inputs required for the promotion of all fruit crops. Under this scheme, the programmes like development of fruit production, area expansion programme, demonstration of new technologies and improved package of practices on the orchards of fruit growers, development of Walnut/ Hazelnut / Pistachio nut, mango / litchi, strawberry and olive are being implemented.
During the year 2018-19 for promotion of mechanized farming 1,173 Nos. of Power Sprayers, 1,808 Nos. of Power Tiller (<8BHP) and 231 Nos. of Power Triller (>8BHP) are being distributed on Subsidy among the orchardist under Horticulure Development Scheme.
The fruit producers should get better price of their produce therefore Marketing Intervention Scheme is being implemented in the State. Under this scheme during the year 2018-19 the procurement price of Apple remained same to last year to `7.50 per Kg and `20 per Kg has been fixed for Lahaul Spiti District as special case, keeping in view the heavy losses occurred due to heavy snow fall during the last week of November, 2018.
The procurement price of Mango fruit is `6.00 per kg of Seedling Mango upto 250 MT, `7.00 per Kg of Grafted Mango upto 200 MT and `6.00 per Kg of Unripe Achari Mango upto 50 M.T. This year 2018-19, 27,193 MT C-grade Apple fruit valued to `28.00 crore and 1.48 MT Grafted Mango valued to `10,360 lakh have been procured under this Scheme. Proposal for implementation of Market Intervention Scheme 2018 for Citrus B & C grade has been submitted to the Government for approval.
In warmer area of the State mango has emerged as an important fruit crop. Litchi is also gaining importance in certain regions. Mango and litchi are fetching better market prices. In the midhill zone, the agroclimatic conditions are highly suitable for the successful cultivation of new fruits like kiwi, olive, pomegranate, pecan and strawberry. The production of fruits for the last three years and current year upto December, 2018 is given in table 7.9.

To bring diversification in horticulture industry a total area of 441.00 hectares has been brought under flower Cultivation upto December,2018. To promote flower cultivation two Tissue Culture Laboratories have been established under Model Flower Cultivation Centres at Mahogbagh (Chail, District Solan) and Palampur District Kangra. Four Farmers Cooperative Societies are functioning for the production and marketing of flowers in district Shimla, Kangra, Lahaul and Spiti and Chamba. Ancillary horticultural activities like mushroom and Bee keeping are also being promoted.
During 2018-19 upto December, 2018, 361.47 MT of pasteurized compost for mushroom was prepared and distributed from the department units located at Chambaghat, Bajoura and Palampur. A total of 3,631.50 MT of mushroom was produced in the State upto December, 2018. Under the Bee keeping programme, 309.79 MT of honey has been produced upto December, 2018 in the State.
The weather based Crop Insurance Scheme was initially launched in Himachal Pradesh in 6 Blocks for apple crop and in 4 Blocks for Mango crop during Rabi 2009-10. In view of the popularity of this scheme, the coverage under this scheme has been extended during the consecutive years. At present this scheme is being implemented in 36 Blocks for Apple, 41 Blocks for Mango, 15 Blocks for Citrus, 13 Blocks for Plum and 5 Blocks for Peach crops.
In addition to this, to protect apple fruit crop from hailstorm 19 Blocks have been covered under Addon cover scheme. From the year 2017-18 name of the scheme has changed to Restructed Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (R-WBCIS) and sum insured has been revised and bidding system has been introduced. During Rabi season 2017-18, 1,61,449 farmers have been covered under Restructed Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme for apple, peach, plum, mango and citrus fruit crops who have insured their 95,88,892 trees for which the State Government has borne 25 percent premium subsidy of `19.05 crore.
For the implementation of centrally sponsored scheme RKVY-RAFTAAR during the year 2018-19 funds amounting to `350.00 lakh have been received from Govt. of India and has been allocated to the field functionaries and the work is under progress. Funds has been provided under ‘Infrastructure & Asset’ Stream amounting to `42.10 lakh for ‘Horticulture Development through Farm Mechanization’, `49.50 lakh for ‘Organic Farming through Vermi Compost units’ `80.00 lakh for ‘Establishment of Mushroom units’ `135.10 lakh for ‘Creation of Water sources’, `9.00 lakh for ‘Strengthening of Bio control Lab Rajhana’ and `34.30 lakh for Development of Model Demonstration Unit on Zero Budget Natural farming system for its refinement, adoption and expansion in Himachal Pradesh under ‘Flexi Funds’ Stream. A total numbers of 16,208 farmers have been benefitted from the year 2007-08 to till December, 2018.
A newly launched scheme Mukhya Mantri Green House Renovation Scheme for replacement of five year poly film of 5 years old poly houses provided funds amounting to `1.00 crore in the year 2018-19 and are being under process of implementation and funds of `10.00 crore have been allocated to the field functionaries under Installation of Anti-Hail nets to protect the fruit crops from hail storms.
For providing employment to the skilled and unskilled unemployed youth and promoting Commercial Floriculture Farming in the state, funds have been allocated under ‘Himachal Pushp Kranti Yojna’ amounting to `10.00 crore during the year 2018-19.
Similarly, to produce quality fruit crops and increasing production, to increase honey production and other bee products, to provide employment opportunity to the unemployed rural/urban youths as a source of their livelihood, funds have been allocated under ‘Mukhya Mantri Madhu Vikas Yojna’ amounting to `10.00 crore during the year 2018-19.
Centrally sponsored scheme-Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) is being implemented in the State by Department of Horticulture under which assistance is provided as back ended subsidy @ 50 percent to farmers for carrying out various horticultural activities like cultivation of fruits, flowers, vegetables, spices and establishment of new gardens, Mushroom Production, Green House cultivation of High value flowers and vegetables, Anti Hail Nets, Horticulture Mechanization, Post Harvest Management etc.
For the implementation of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme MIDH during the year 2018-19 funds amounting to `30.55 crore have been approved out of which `15.27 crore have been received from Govt. of India as first installment and a total number of 2,44,314 farmers have been benefited from the year 2003-04 to December, 2018 under this Mission.
To promote protected cultivation in horticulture the state government has enhanced subsidy under Poly Houses from 50% to 85% and 62,000 Sq. Mt. area is targeted to be brought under Green Houses during year 2018-19. To protect fruit crops especially apple from hailstorms, the state government has enhanced subsidy on Anti hail nets from 50% to 80%. It has been targeted to bring 5 lakh Sq.Mt. area under Anti Hail Nets during the year 2018-19.
H.P.M.C. a State public undertaking was established in the Pradesh with the objective of marketing fresh fruits and vegetables, processing the unmarketable surplus and marketing the processed products. Since its inception, HPMC has been playing pivotal role in the life of fruit growers of the state by providing them remunerative returns of their produce.
During the year 2018-19 up to December, 2018 HPMC has registered overall turnover of `42.63 crore against the target of `80.02 crore fixed for the financial year 2018-19. Under Market Intervention scheme, during the year 2018-19 the Govt, of H.P. continued a policy of market intervention scheme (MIS) of Mango, Apple and Citrus fruit in the state with the support price as under:-
Also, under Market Intervention Scheme (MIS-2018) for apple the HPMC has procured about 15,400 MT. The Corporation processed 7,594.31 MT Apple of “C” grade and extracted 569.25 MT Apple Juice Concentrate during the financial year 2018-19. The corporation is mainly supplying its products to its bulk buyers, Railway, Northern Command Head quarter Udhampur, various religious institutions, M/S Parley and other reputed Institutions, retail outlets and kiosks in the country.
The Corporation has sold 260.31 MT of Apples juice concentrated for `4.35 crore and other process products for `9.39 crore to these institutions. HPMC also continued supplying fruits and vegetables to ITDC Hotels and institutions in Metro cities Delhi, Mumbai and Chandigarh. As on December, 2018 HPMC has supplied fruits and vegetables worth `2.75 crore lakh to these institutions. HPMC has sold material worth `3.57crore to the growers in the State.
The Corporation has generated revenue of ` 5.12 crore through its Cold Stores in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Parwanoo and five Controlled Atmosphere stores of producing area of Himachal Pradesh. The corporation has generated income of `5.75 crore from trucks, rent, commission earned and sale of other material such as Packaged Drinking Water, Mineral Water, farm inputs, tax paid items of other company etc. till the end of December, 2018 and also the Corporation has sold PP food worth of `13.75 crore in the domestic market up to December, 2018.
The Corporation has been able to got sanctioned total grant in aid `39.50 crore to HPMC for up gradation of Technology from APEDA Government of India. These have been got for the following projects:-
i) Up- gradation of packing houses of Jarol Tikker (Kotgarh), Gumma (Kotkhai), Oddi (Kumarsain), Patlikuhl (Kullu) and Reckong Peo with 100 percent financial assistance of `7.97 crore.
ii) The HPMC has commissioning of two CA Stores at Gumma and Jarol-Tikkar in District Shimla with grant in aid of `10.09 crore.
iii) Setting up of one modern vegetable pack house and cold room at Nadaun District Hamirpur and setting up of Pack house and cold room for packing grading of fruits, vegetables, flowers and culinary herb at Ghumarwin in District Bilaspur with 100 percent grant in aid of `7.89 crore.
iv) Replacement of Tetra Pack filling machine TBA-9 in to TBA-19 under 100 percent grant in aid of `3.55 crore to installed at fruit processing plant Parwanoo District Solan to improved the efficiency in production.
v) Grant in aid to the tune of `10.00 crore for the up gradation of AJC Plant at Parwanoo has been sanctioned. In addition to above, last year HPMC has converted 3 cold storages into CA stores with a capacity of 700 MT each at Rohru, Oddi and Patlikuhl with financial support from the Himachal Pradesh Government through NABARD loaning and further leased out to the parties and has started return on investment.
vi) HPMC is looking forward to upgrade the remaining existing infrastructure of pack house, cold store, CA store and Fruit Processing Plant etc. Also to set up same viable green field project in the catchment area with modern technology to facilitate the farmers under PPP mode so that good and efficient marketing results comes out to increase the revenue for the corporation. Also considering other Non-Performing Assets (NPA) and loss going unit to privatize for operational purposes like CS Delhi, Chennai and Parwanoo.


Rearing of livestock is an integral component of rural economy. In Himachal Pradesh there is a dynamic relationship between common property resources (CPRs) such as forests, water and grazing land, livestock and crops. Livestock depend to a certain extent on fodder and grass grown on CPRs as well as on crops and residues. At the same time the animals return fodder, grass and crop residues to the CPRs and fields in the form of manure and provide much needed draught power.
Livestock thus is an important integral to the sustainability of economy of Himachal Pradesh. The contribution of major livestock products during the year 2017-18 was 13.92 lakh tonne of milk, 1,484 tonne of wool, 98.14 million eggs and 4,492 tonnes of meat which will likely to be of the order of 14.71 lakh tonne of milk, 1,503 tonnes of wool, 100 million eggs and 4,500 tonne of meat during 2018-19. Milk Production and Per Capita availability shown in Table- 8.1

Animal Husbandry plays an important role to boost the rural economy and as such for livestock development programme attention is paid in the state by way of:
i) Animal Health and Disease control.
ii) Cattle Development.
iii) Sheep Breeding and Development of Wool.
iv) Poultry Development.
v) Feed and Fodder Development.
vi) Veterinary Education.
vii) Livestock Census.
Under Animal Health and Disease Control, 1 State level Veterinary Hospital, 1 Zonal Hospital, 9 Polyclinics, 60 Sub-Divisional Veterinary Hospitals, 348 Veterinary Hospitals, 30 Central Veterinary Dispensaries and 1,766 Veterinary Dispensaries are in the State as on December,2018. Besides this 6 Veterinary Check posts are also operating to provide immediate veterinary aid to the livestock. Under Mukhyamantri Arogya Pashudhan Yojna 1,251 veterinary dispensaries have been opened up to December, 2018.
For improving the quality of sheep and wool, Government Sheep Breeding Farms at Jeori (Shimla), Sarol (Chamba), Tal (Hamirpur), and Karachham (Kinnaur) are supplying improved sheep to the breeders of the State. One Ram centre at Nagwain in District Mandi is also functioning where improved Rams are reared and supplied to breeders for cross breeding. The flock strength of these farms are 1,615 during the year 2017-18 and 178 Rams were distributed to the breeders. In view of the increasing demand for pure Hoggets and the established popularity of the Soviet Marino and American Rambouillet in the Pradesh, the State has switched over to pure breeding at the existing Government farms in the State. 9 Sheep and wool Extension Centres continue functioning. During the year 2018-19, the wool production is likely to be of the order of 1,504 Tonne. Angora rabbit farms are functioning at Kandwari (Kangra) and Nagwain (Mandi) for distribution of rabbits to the breeders.
Dairy production is an integral part of the Animal Husbandry and forms part of the earning of small and marginal farmers in Himachal Pradesh. The recent trend towards the development of a market oriented economy emphasized the importance of milk production, especially in areas falling in the vicinity of urban consumption centres. This has motivated farmers to replace local nondescript breeds of cows with crossbreed cows. Upgradation of indigenous cattle is being carried out by cross breeding with Jersey and Holsten. In buffalo upgradation with Murral bull is being popularized. Artificial insemination with the latest technology of Deep Frozen Semen is being practiced. During 2017-18, 9.58 lakh semen straws for cows and 3.56 lakh semen straws for buffaloes were produced by sperm station. During 2018-19, 11.50 lakh semen straws for cows and 3.50 lakh semen straws for buffaloes are likely to be produced. During 2017-18, 6.45 lakh litre Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) gas was produced and 9.00 lakh litre is likely to be produced in 2018-19.
During 2017-18, artificial Insemination facility is being provided through 3,112 institutions to 7.75 lakh cows and 2.48 lakh buffaloes and 9.20 lakh cows and 3.37 lakh buffaloes are likely to be inseminated during the year 2018-19. Cross breed cows are preferred because of factors such as longer lactation period, shorter dry period and higher yields. During 2017-18 the “Uttam Pashu Puraskar Yojna” will be implemented with the provision of `20.00 lakh and funds to the tune of `30.00 lakh have been provided for the organisation of “Animal Mandis at Districts and Block level.
During 2018-19 under the Backyard Poultry Scheme 4.10 lakh dual purpose coloured strains chicks are likely to be distributed and 750 persons are targeted to impart training in poultry farming 2.50 lakh chicks were distributed among the 6,700 beneficiaries under this Scheme in subsidy till December, 2018. A part from above a new project” Establishment of 5,000 Broiler Farm” has been launched in the State with the budget provision of `2.79 crore to target 50 beneficiaries with 60 percent subsidies on capital and recurring cost during 2018-19.
One horse breeding farm at Lari in Lahaul and Spiti district has been established with the objective to preserve Spiti breed of horses. During the year 2018-19 up to December, 2018 55 horses have kept in this farm. One Yak breeding farm has been also established in the premises of horse breeding Lari. During the year 2018-19 up to December, 2018 the strength of yaks was 74 in this farm. Under feed and fodder development scheme, 15.35 lakh fodder roots, 69,000 fodder plants to be distributed during 2017-18.
Doodh Ganga Scheme has been launched in collaboration with NABARD in the State since 25th September, 2009. The Components of the scheme include:
1) Establishment of small dairy units (units size comprise of 2-10 milch animals) Bank Loan of `7.00 lakh for purchase of 10 animals.
2) Bank Loan to the tune of `20.00 lakh for purchase of milking machine/ bulk milk cooling units,
3) Purchase of dairy processing equipments for manufacture of indigenous milk products, Bank Loan to the tune of `13.20 lakh.
4) Establishment of dairy products transportation facilities and cold chain bank loan of `26.50 lakh.
5) Cold storage facilities of milk products bank loan of `33.00 lakh.
6) Dairy, marketing outlet/ Dairy parlour Bank Loan of `1.00 lakh.
Pattern of Assistance
i) Bank ended capital subsidy @ 25 percent of the project cost for general category and 33.33 percent for farmers of SC/ ST category.
ii) Entrepreneur contribution (Margin - Money) for the loans beyond `3.00 lakh will be 10 percent of the project cost.
National Project on Bovine Breeding: `23.87 crore National Project on Bovine breeding has been sanctioned by Government of India on 100 percent Central Assistance pattern second installment of `5.00 crore were released and the same is being utilized as per approved project component. This project aims at strengthening of following activities of Animal Husbandry Department.
1) Strengthening of Liquid Nitrogen Storage, transport and distribution.
2) Strengthening of Sperm Stations, Semen Banks and A.I. Centres.
3) Acquisition of high pedigree bulls or Sperm Stations and for Natural Service in remote areas.
4) Strengthening of training facilities.
5) Development and conservation of Indigenous Breed.
6) Purchase of indigenous breeds DFS from “A” accredited Sperm Station.
To develop poultry sector in Himachal Pradesh, department is running following poultry development schemes especially in rural areas of the State. Under Backyard Poultry Project, 3 week old chicks of coloured Strain variety i.e. Chabro are supplied to the farmers of the State and one unit consists of 50-100 chicks. These chicks are produced at the two hatcheries i.e. Nahan and Sundernagar.
Rashtriya Gokul Mission under this project `207.36 lakh (`186.62 lakh center share & `20.74 lakh State share) has been received and amount utilized as per approved project. For data uploading on INAPH 3,470 Tablets, 3,650 Tag Applicator, 9,60,567 Tag & 7.78 lakh Animal Health Cards have been procured and `1.95 crore has been released by Government of India for conservation and propagation of Sahiwal and Red Sindhi breeds through Embryo Transfer Technology (E.T.T) at Palampur Rashtriya Gokul Mission is being implemented with the objective of:-
1) Development and conservation of indigenous breed.
2) Breed improvement programme for indigenous cattle breeds to improve their genetic makeup and increase the stock.
3) Enhancement of milk production and productivity.
4) Up-gradation of nondescript cattle using elite indigenous breeds like, Sahiwal and Red Sindhi.
5) Distribution of disease free high genetic merit bulls for natural service.
6) Funding of RGM under 100 percent grant-in- aid schemes.
National Livestock Mission (NLM) is a centrally sponsored scheme launched w.e.f. year 2014-15. Department of Animal Husbandry is the Nodal Department for implementation of proposals under NLM. The mission is designed to cover all the activities required to ensure quantitative and qualitative improvement in livestock production systems and capacity building of all stakeholders. Activities related to development of Small Ruminants i.e. Sheep and Goat, Fodder Development, Risk Management and Poultry Development are included in the scheme.
State share is different for different components under this scheme. The Mission is formulated with the objective of sustainable development of livestock sector, focusing on improving availability of quality feed and fodder. Pattern of Assistance Assistance to State for Control of Animal Diseases: Due to large scale interstate migration from adjoining states and lack of nutrition grasses and fodder due to hilly topography most of animals are prone to various livestock diseases. Central Government has provided assistance to State Government for control of contagious diseases under ASCAD which is on the pattern of 90 percent Central share and 10 percent State share.Diseases for which free vaccination is being provided to livestock owners are FMD, HSBQ, Enterotoxaemia, PPR, Raniket Disease, Marek’s disease and Rabies under this project.
The local sheep is being crossed with good quality Rams of Rambouillet and Russian meriono so that the quality as well as quantity of wool production can be increased. Hence it is being proposed these Rams to the sheep breeders at 60 percent subsidy. A target of providing 1,041 Rams has been fixed for the year 2018-19.
BPL Krishak Bakri Palan Yojna: under this scheme it has been proposed to distribute units of 11 Goats (10 female+1 male), 5 Goats (4 female + 1 male) and 3 Goats (2 female + 1 male) of Beetls Sirohi/ Jamnapari/ white Himalayan breeds respectively on 60 percent subsidy to landless, BPL category farmers to increase their income.
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY): Projects under RKVY will be presented for strengthening of infrastructure, Veterinary Service, Extension activates, Poultry Development of small Ruminants, improvement of nutritional status of livestock, Health Status of livestock and other activities related to the livestock owner of the State.
Integrated Sample survey for estimation of production of major livestock product: This survey is carried out in the State as per the guideline of Indian Agricultural Statistical Research Institute (AHS Division) New Delhi. It provides a reliable database relating to livestock population.
The central Government provides grant-in-aid to the States on 50:50 basis for the implementation of the scheme .The Integrated Sample survey is being conducted since 1977-78 regularly every year with the aim :-
1) To estimate season wise & annual milk, egg & wool production.
2) To work out average population & yield estimates.
3) To estimate dung production.
4) To work out average feed & fodder consumption.
5) To study trend of population, yield & production.
Livestock Census: Livestock census is being conducted quinquennilly by the Government of India. So far, 19 such Census have been conducted. In this sequence, 20th livestock census is being conducted from 1st October 2018. Under this programme, the employees of the department are collecting data by going to the doorstep of the livestock owner. Livestock Census is significant for the development of Animal Husbandry in State. New policies related to animal development are prepared based on the exact number of livestock and poultry by Himachal Pradesh. Pattern of funding is 100 percent from Government of India.
Like the other States, Himachal Pradesh, for the first time, the data of animal is being collected online on the Tablet Computer. For the execution of this work 29 scrutiny officers, around 350 supervisors and 3,200 enumerators have been appointed across the country.
H.P. Milkfed is implementing dairy development activities in the State. The H.P. Milkfed has 977 milk producers Co-operative Societies. The total membership of these societies is 42,650 out of which 205 woman dairy co-operatives are also functioning. The surplus milk from the milk producers is collected by village dairy co-operative societies, processed and marketed by H.P. Milkfed. At present the Milkfed is running 22 milk chilling centres having a total capacity of 91,500 litres milk per day and 11 milk processing plants having a total capacity of 1,00,000 litres milk per day.
One milk powder plant of 5 metric tonne per day at Duttnagar in Shimla District and one cattle feed plant of 16 metric tonne per day capacity at Bhor in District Hamirpur has been established and functioning. The average milk procurement is about 63,500 litres per day from the villages through village dairy co-operatives.
The H.P. Milkfed is marketing approximately 27,397 litres of milk per day which includes milk supply to various prestigious dairies in bulk and supply to army units in Dagshai, Shimla, Palampur and Dharamshala (Yol) areas. The milk collected to milk chilling centres is transported to milk processing plants where it is processed, packed (Him brand) and marketed in sachets as well as in loose containers.
H.P. Milkfed provides technical know-how, awareness activities in field of Dairy by organizing seminars, camps in rural areas. Besides this other inputs like cattle feed and clean milk production activities are provided to the farmers at their door steps. Himachal Pradesh Government has increased milk procurement rates by `1.00 per litre w.e.f. 01.04.2018 thus giving direct financial benefits to 42,650 families associated with the Milk Federation.
Developmental efforts: In order to utilize surplus milk and increase its revenue and to bring down its losses H.P. Milkfed has initiated the following developmental activities:-
1) Processing Plants of capacity 5,000 litres per day are being set up at Recong Peo, district Kinnaur, Nalagarh, district Solan Mohal at Kullu District and Jangal Beri, district Hamirpur Chamba, Rohru, Nahan,Una ,and Processing Plants of capacity 20,000 litres per day are being set up in Mandi and Kangra district.
Himachal Pradesh Milkfed is manufacturing Panjiri at ‘Panjiri Manufacturing Plant’ Chakkar (Mandi) to cater the need of the Welfare Department under ICDS project, 39,331 quintal of ‘Nutrimix has been supplied During 2017-18. Himachal Pradesh Milkfed has also supplied 4,798 quintals of Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP) and 11,551 quintals of Bakery Biscuit to Women and Child Welfare Department.
1) The H.P. Milk Federation organize training programme to milk producers at village level for educating them to produce good quality of milk.
2) H.P. Milkfed has also diversified its activities by manufacturing 390 quintals of sweets during Deepawali festival.
3) H.P. Milkfed is providing refreshment kit to Blood donors at IGMC Shimla. Achievement of H.P. Milkfed are shown in Table 8.2
The H.P. Milk Federation not only provides a remunerative market to the milk producers living in remote and far-flung areas but also makes available milk and milk products to the consumers in urban areas at a competitive prices. In order to ensure that milk is instantaneously chilled at village level, H.P. Milkfed has installed 105 Bulk Milk Coolers at village level in various parts of the State.
To bring transparency and automation in the testing of milk at village level, H.P. Milkfed has installed 268 Automatic Milk Collection Units in different Village Dairy Co-operative societies.
The main objective of the Federation is to promote the growth and development of wool industry in the State of Himachal Pradesh and to free wool growers from exploitation by the middleman/traders. In pursuance to the above objective, the Federation is actively involved in procurement of sheep and angora wool, sheep shearing at pasture level, sheep wool scouring and marketing of wool. Sheep shearing is done with the imported automatic machines.
During the year 2018-19 up to December, 2018 the sheep wool procurement was 64,174 Kg. and the value of the same was `36.06 lakh. The Federation is also implementing a few Centrally Sponsored Schemes for the benefit and upliftment of sheep and angora breeders in the State. During current financial year the benefits of these schemes is likely to perculate to approximately 15,000 breeders. The Federation is also providing remunerative prices to the wool growers for their produce by selling the wool in the established markets.
Himachal Pradesh is one of the States amongst a few in the union of India which has been gifted by mother nature with rivers emanating from glaciers which traverse through hilly terrains and finally enrich the semiplain area of the state with their oxygen rich water. Its linearly flowing rivers Beas, Satluj and Ravi receive many streams during their downward journey and harbour the precious cold water fish fauna such as Schizothorax, Golden Mahseer and exotic Trouts.
Cold water resources of the state have shown their potential with the successful completion of ambitious Indo-Norwegian Trout farming Project and tremendous interest shown by the hill populace for the adoption of evolved technology. The commercially important fish species in Gobind Sagar and Pong Dam reservoirs, Chamera and Ranjeet Sagar Dam have become a tool for the upliftment of local population. About 5,012 fishermen in the State depend directly on reservoir fisheries for their livelihood. During 2018-19 up to December,2018 cumulative fish production was 8,331 metric tonne valued at `106.44 crore.
The reservoir of Himachal Pradesh has the distinction of highest per hectare fish production in Govind Sagar and highest sale price value of fish catch in Pong Dam in the country. During current year upto December, 2018, 7.12 tonne trout has been sold from the state farms and earning revenue to the tune of `102.30lakh. Last few years sale of fish is shown in Table 8.3

The Department of Fisheries has constructed carp as well as trout seed production farms in the State to cater the requirement of reservoirs rural ponds and commercial farms in public as well as private sector. During 2018-19 up to December, 2018 total 13.93 lakh fingerlings of the size 70mm and above of common carp ,4.15 lakh of the same size IMC and 8.34 lakh of Rainbow Trout have been produced in the State.
The approximate value of total seed production produced during the year 2018-19 up to December,2018 is `51.43 lakh. Despite hilly terrain of the State aquaculture is being given due importance. Under “Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojna” (RKVY) an outlay of `100.60 lakh has been approved by Government with the breakup as shown in Table 8.4

The Department of Fisheries has initiated many welfare schemes for the upliftment of fishermen. Fishermen now are covered under insurance scheme where `2.00 lakh is given (in case of death/ permanent disability) or `1.00 lakh (in case of partial disability) and `10,000 towards hospital expenses and even losses to their gear and crafts are being born by the State Government to the extent of 50 percent under “Risk Fund Scheme”. A contributory saving scheme has been initiated by the State Government under this scheme Fisherman, State and Centre is contribute equally .
This fund is provided to the fisherman during close season. During the year 2018-19 an amount of `80.73 lakh `26.91 lakh contributed by the fisherman plus `53.82 lakh as financial assistance from the State and Centre Government will be provided to 2,691 fisherman under Saving–cumRelief Fund Scheme.
Department of Fisheries is earnestly contributing in the strengthening of rural economy and generation of employment opportunities to the unemployed youth and various schemes in this direction have been initiated. A total number of 517 self employment opportunities were generated by the department under various schemes. Under Blue Revolution department has envisaged construction of 1,000 hectare new ponds and 1,000 trout units in the State by 2022.
Central Sector Scheme of Blue Revolution is being shared in 90:10 between Central and State Government. Under this scheme during 2018-19
1) Construction of 20 hectare. New ponds/tanks in shape of rearing ponds, proposed with the cost of `79.90 lakh including 1st year inputs in H.P.
2) Establishment of 2 Carp Feed Mill in private Sector with financial assistance of `8.00 lakh. In Bilaspur and Kangra District for the production of high quality of fish in the State.
3) Establishment of 2 Trout Feed Mill in Private Sector. With financial assistance of `8.00 lakh in Kullu and Shimla District.
4) Establishment of one Trout hatchery with financial assistance of `10.00 lakh.
5) Establishment of 100 Trout farming units financial assistance of 228.60 lakh is being provided for construction including1st year inputs in the state.
6) Establishment of 2 solar power support for aquaculture in Government sector.
7) Establishment of Recirulatory Aquaculture system in Government sector. An outlay of `7.77 crore has been proposed under CCS on Blue Revolution Integrated Development and Management of fisheries during 2018-19.
Though aquaculture is considered an engine of fisheries growth but its success in the State till date, is hardly gratifying. To enhance fish production in the state as per sustainable development goals. There are 366 trout growers having 762 raceways/units of approximately 2.63 hectare area in Himachal Pradesh.
Achievements of the department during the financial year 2018-19 up to December, 2018 and proposed targets for 2019-20 are shown in Table 8.5


Forests in Himachal Pradesh cover an area of 37,947 Sq. Km. and account for 68.16 percent of total geographical area of the state. However, presently 26.4 percent is Forest cover of the total geographical area of the State. The main objective of Himachal Pradesh Forest Policy is the proper utilization of forests, conservation and extension. The aim of the Forest Department is to enhance the forest cover in the State to 30 percent of its geographical area by 2030 to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The plan programme taken up by the Forest Department aims at fulfilling these policy commitments. Some of the important plan programme activities.
Forest plantation is being carried out under various State plan schemes such as Improvement of tree cover, and soil conservation, CAMPA as well as Centrally Sponsored Scheme National Afforestation Programme. Pasture and Grazing lands of the state are being managed under state scheme Development of Pasture and Grazing lands. Van Mahotsava at State, Circle and Division levels is also celebrated for educating the masses and creating awareness amongst all stakeholders regarding forestry and environmental concerns under New Forestry Scheme (Sanjhi Van Yojana). Another scheme namely “Smriti Van Yojana” is also being implemented with the vision to create awareness amongst the people about tree planting.
The scheme envisages tree plantation by people in specially designated areas on the occasion of their birthday, marriage anniversary or on death anniversary of their parents/ relatives/ elders. A part from the above, during the current financial year the department has organized 3 days Plantation Campaign throughout the State w.e.f. 12th to 14th July, 2018 involving local communities like Mahila Mandals, Yuvak Mandals, Local people and public representatives in which 86,251 people participated and 17,63,899 plants were planted.
For the year 2018-19, plantation target of 9,500 hectares Including CAMPA and Centrally Sponsored Schemes has been fixed with a cost of `41.00 crore out of which 6,605.10 hectares target and expenditure of `28.23 crore has been achieved upto November, 2018.
Forests in the State are subject to increasing biotic pressure due to increase in human populations, changing animal husbandry practices, and developmental activities. Forests are exposed to perils of fire, illicit felling, encroachments and other forest offences. Forest Protection is being strengthened by equipping check posts at sensitive places with CCTVs to ensure electronic surveillance to curb forest offences.
Fire fighting equipment and improved techniques are also being introduced and made available to all the forest divisions where fire is a major destructive element. Communication network for effective management and protection of forest wealth is very important. Keeping these factors in view, Intensification of Forest Management Scheme implemented with Central Assistance. During the year 2018-19 an outlay of `3.69 crore has been approved as central share (90%) under Forest Fire Prevention and Management Scheme but the Central Government has revalidate only the unspent balance of 2017-18 amounting to `1.74 crore under this scheme till November, 2018. To carry out the activities approved under State Sector and an outlay of `1.44 crore has been approved under state plan.
The expenditure upto November, 2018 under Central Sector is nil due to late receipt of approval from the Govt. of India and under State Sector is `35.33 lakh.
Nagar Van Udyan Yojana - “Ek Kadam Hariyali Ki Or”-A Programme for Climate Smart Green Cities: The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change has introduced a new scheme namely Nagar Van Udyan Yojana - “Ek Kadam Hariyali Ki Or” - a Programme for Climate Smart Green Cities. The vision of this scheme is to create at least one City Forest in each city having Municipal Corporation for providing wholesome, healthy living environment and contributing to growth of Smart, Clean, Green, Sustainable and Healthy Cities. Under this scheme 80 percent funds are to be provided by the National CAMPA Advisory Council (NCAC) and 20 percent by the State Government.
The National CAMPA Advisory Council (NCAC) has provided `160 lakh during the year 2017-18 and 2018-19 in two equal installments of `80.00 lakh each and state Govt. has also provided `20.00 lakh towards its share during the year 2017-18 and provision of balance `20.00 lakh has been approved during the year 2018-19. Till December, 2018 no expenditure has been incurred from the state share.
In order to sensitize the local communities, students and general public about the importance of Forests and their role in environmental conservation and for sustainable harvest handling and value addition to wild harvested Non-Timber Minor Forest Produce and enhancing economic returns the following three new schemes have been launched w.e.f.2018-19:-
i) Samudayik Van Samvardhan Yojna: The main objective of this scheme is to ensure participation of local communities in conservation & Development of Forests through Plantation, Improving quality of forest and increasing the forest cover.The scheme will be implemented through existing JFMCs/VFDSs. A budget provision of `2.00 crore has been kept under this scheme during 2018-19 and 20 sites have been selected and micro plan of each selected site is being prepared.
ii) Vidyarthi Van Mittar Yojna: This scheme has been started for the students to sensitize them about the importance of Forests and their role in environmental conservation, to inculcate in students a sense of attachment towards nature conservation, protection of forests and increase forest cover. A budget provision of `1.00 crore has been kept under this scheme during 2018-19 and 158 hectare area has been selected for raising plantation through 223 schools.
iii) Van Samridhi Jan Samridhi Yojna:This scheme has been started to strengthen the NTFP resource base in the state through active community participation. Empowerment of local communities in collection, conservation and marketing of NTFPs to augment the incomes of rural population. The scheme will be implemented initially in 7 most biodiversity rich districts namely, Chamba, Kullu, Mandi ,Shimla, Sirmour, Kinnaur and Lahaul & Spiti and subsequently in the remaining districts of the State. A budget provision of `1.00 crore has been kept under this scheme during 2018-19.
1) Himachal Pradesh Forest Ecosystems Climate Proofing Project (K.F.W assisted): Himachal Pradesh Forest Eco- systems Climate Proofing Project with the assistance of Germany (KfW) Project is being implemented in Chamba and Kangra districts of the State for the period of 7 years w.e.f. 2015-16. The cost of the project is `308.45 crore. The Funding pattern of the project is 85.10 percent loan and 14.90 percent State share. The main objective of this project is the rehabilitation, protection and sustainable use of the selected forest eco systems in Himachal Pradesh to increase and secure the resilience of forest eco s ystems against climate change and ensure flow of forest based products and other services, which benefit the forest dependent communities.
In the long run this will contribute in strengthening the adaptation capacity of forest eco systems to climate change, protection of biodiversity, stabilization of catchment areas, conservation of natural resource base and at the same time result in better livelihoods for the people of Himachal Pradesh An outlay of `25.00 crore has been approved for the current financial year 2018-19 and expenditure upto November, 2018 is `9.81 crore.
2) Himachal Pradesh Forest Eco systems Management and Livelihood Improvement Project: A new Project namely “Himachal Pradesh Forest Eco systems Management and Livelihood Improvement Project” for 8 years (2018-19 to 2025-26) amounting to `800.00 crore has been started with the assistance of Japan International Cooperation Agency (J.I.C.A.).The Funding pattern of the project is 80 percent loan and 20 percent State share. The project will be implemented in Bilaspur, Kullu, Mandi, Shimla, Kinnaur, Lahaul-Spiti districts and tribal areas of Pangi and Bharmour Subdivisions of Chamba districts with Project headquarter at Kullu (Shamshi), district Kullu and Regional office at Rampur, district Shimla.
The objectives of the project are to conserve the forest and mountain eco system and improve livelihood of the forest and pasture dependent communities by increasing forest cover, density and productive potential using scientific and modern fores t management practices; enhancing biodiversity and forest ecosystem conservation and to reduce pressure/ stress on forest resources by providing the village communities with alternative livelihood opportunity. During the financial year 2018-19, the Government has provided `15.00 crore under this project and expenditure of `1.43 crore has been incurred upto November, 2018.
3) World Bank Aided Integrated Development Project for Source Sustainability and Climate Resilient Rain-fed Agriculture: The World Bank has also agreed to support this project at a cost of `650.00 crore titled ‘Integrated Project for Source Sustainability and Climate Resilient Rain-fed Agriculture’. The funding pattern of the project is 80 percent loan and 20 percent is State share. The project period is 7 years. The project would be implemented in 900 Gram Panchayats in Shiwalik and Mid Hills agro-climatic zones spread across various watershed in the State.
The key objectives of this project include comprehensive treatment of around 2 lakh hectares non-arable and 20,000 hectares arable lands; and enhancement of water productivity/ efficiency Milk production and livelihood improvement in the project area. An outlay of `35.00 crore has been approved under this project during the current financial year 2018-19 out of which expenditure of `7.97 crore has been incurred up to November, 2018.
4) Environment Forestry and Wildlife: Himachal Pradesh is home to a very impressive, diverse and unique fauna– many of which are rare. The scheme aims at protection, improvement of environment and wildlife, development of wildlife sanctuaries/ national parks and improvement of wildlife habitat so as to provide protection to various species of birds and animals facing extinction.
To protect, develop and scientifically mange the wildlife and to improve its habitat an outlay of `17.59 crore has been approved for the current financial year 2018-19 out of which expenditure of `2.72 crore has been incurred upto November, 2018.
State Knowledge Cell on Climate Change: A State Knowledge Cell on Climate Change has been set up in the Department of Environment, Science and Technology, Himachal Pradesh with the assistance of Department of Environment, Science and Technology, Government of India under National Mission for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystems. (NMSHE) Total budget sanctioned for setting up and functioning of the Knowledge cell is `2.73 crore out of which only `1.00 crore has been released and utilized, Second installment of `31.00 lakh has also been released & proposed to be utilized by March, 2019.
Climate Change vulnerability assessment is being undertaken for Beas River Basin covering four districts viz. Kullu, Mandi, Hamirpur and Kangra covering more than 1200 Panchayats. Report of 3 districts have been prepared and the report of Kangra District will be completed by March, 2019.
Implementation of Project sanctioned under NAFCC: A programme titled "Sustainable Livelihoods of Agriculture -Dependent Rural Communities" (S.L.A.D.R.C.) is being implemented in district Sirmaur, HIMACHAL PRADESH under National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India with the total financial outlay of `20.00 crore. This project is being implemented through National Implementing Agency NABARD in collaboration with Agriculture, Horticulture and IPH Departments.
For this project `3.31 crore has been released and being utilized to carry out pre-defined activities. `6.40 crore as second installment have been released and utilized The State govt. is implementing capacity building programme on ‘Climate Change Adaptation-in Rural Areas of India (CCARAI) under bilateral funding and cooperation with German Agency (GIZ) with the total financial outlay of `44.84 lakh.
Introduction of State level Environment Leadership Awards: Himachal Pradesh Environment Leadership Awards has been started by the State Government to be conferred through Department of Environment, Science and Technology every year to various categories of institutions/ individuals of the State, who excel in promotion of environmental conservation and sustainable development by demonstrating successful initiatives. The award is to be given in the form of a citation along with cash prize of `50,000 as 1st Prize and `25,000 as 2nd Prize. Total sanctioned budget of `15.00 lakh was utilized for organization of State level Environment Leadership Awards 2018-19.
Creation of Model Eco Villages- an Environmentally Sound Sustainable Community Development Programme in Himachal Pradesh.: Model Eco Village Scheme has been notified by the State Government to be implemented through the Department of Environment, Science and Technology. Through this initiative, the State Government intends to sketch the different components of environmental sustainability, which will go into such a designing and illustration as implemented examples. Environmentally sustainable and ecologically oriented eco villages shall be focused towards the perspective of developing low impact lifestyles as to reduce the “ecological footprint” by as much as 50 percent of the base assessment from launch of the scheme. It will be based on the values of "care of the earth and of people".
It will be ensured that how community is best integrated in nature by setting up a framework of various components- features with quantitative and qualitative social, economic and environmental benefits of implementing these features that can be used to help determine to what extent they are being incorporated in development plans.
The benefits of implementing sustainable communities will be significant in both the short and long term. Under this scheme `50.00 lakh to be utilized over a period of 5 years by the identified village for adoption of Model Eco Village Scheme. There are 11 villages identified in all over the State where this scheme is being implemented. An amount of `20.00 lakh has been earmarked for this scheme during 2018-19.
Preparation and notification of Environment Policy for the State of Himachal Pradesh.: The State Government has decided to prepare State Environment Policy in order to bring synergy among various stakeholder departments and bring environmental coordination into mainstreaming of decision making in the State. This document will facilitate the process of determining priority actions in a sustainable manner with sound environmental governance in the State and total budget sanctioned for the purpose is `20.00 lakh for the year 2018-19.
Setting up bio-methanation plant at Kufri, Shimla:The department is setting up 2.5 MTPD bio-methanation plant using horse dung/biodegradable waste from hotels and residential areas to generate biogas/bio CNG on turnkey and end to end basis (Waste collection till disposal) at Kufri, Shimla. The total budgetary provision for this plant is `1.40 crore against which `30.00 lakh have been earmarked for the year 2018-19.
Setting up Demonstration micro Municipal Solid waste Management and facilities: Setting up of demonstration Micro Municipal Solid Waste management facilities through expert agencies at 10 different locations in the state as pilot Project on PPP mode.
Other Initiatives to protect the environment:
1) Use of Thermocol cutlery has been fully banned in the state.
2) “Horn not Ok” campaign has been launched in two towns Shimla and Manali.
3) In order to facilitate the common public to file complaints w.r.t noise pollution in the state ,a mobile app “Shor Nahi” has been developed.
Research and development Projects in Applied Biotechnology: As per the state Biotechnology policy, the government is poised to make Himachal Pradesh into a prosperous Himalayan BioBusiness hub through the promotion of Biotechnology in the areas of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Health and Bio-resource utilisation for the development of state.
Project proposals under Applied Biotechnology: One day workshop on “Biotechnology” Vision and Way Forward H.P. were organized, in which scientists and students from various R&D Institutions of the State has been participated and gave their views on promotion of Biotechnology in the State. The total expenditure incurred was `1.75 lakh.
Food Biotechnology: Development of novel neutraceuticals fortified with rare fermenting micro organisms isolated from Himachal Pradesh and their commercial promotion `4.08 lakh has been released.
Agriculture Biotechnology :
1) Development of diseases resistant somaclonal variants in apple using in vitro selection technique.
2) Biotechnology interventions for developing resistance in tomato against Fusarium Wilt a prevalent disease in Himachal Pradesh. `10.80 lakh has been released.
Under this scheme nine proposals are received from various R&D Institutions under thematic area of Applied Biotechnology, out of which 6 proposals are selected for the presentation before Project Approval Committee. Anticipated amount to be released before March, 2019 for the above said projects is about `20.00 lakh.


Water management is an important issue. Provision of safe drinking water has been the priority of the State Government. All the census villages in the State have been provided with drinking water facilities by March, 1994. As per the latest updated/validated survey of drinking water supply schemes in Himachal Pradesh, all 45,367 habitations have been covered with safe drinking water facility by March, 2008. With the coming in force of National Rural Drinking Water Supply guidelines w.e.f. 01.04.2009 and subsequent realignment/ mapping of habitations, there are 53,205 habitations in the State, out of which 19,473 habitations (7,632 habitation with population coverage >0 and 100 and 11,841 habitations with 0 population coverage) are identified having inadequate drinking water. The criteria of coverage of habitations have been changed to population based coverage to ensure water security at household level. As per request of various states, govt. of India had directed the states for data correction of survey. Status of habitations as on 01.04.2018 was finalized as under:-
During the year 2018-19, against the target of covering 500 habitations in which 50 habitations under State sector and 450 habitations under Central sector with an outlay of `24.97 crore and `72.64 crore respectively, 289 habitations in which 260 habitations under Central sector and 29 habitations under State sector have been covered up to November, 2018. An expenditure of `33.54 crore, under Central sector and `9.46 crore under State sector have been incurred upto November , 2018.
Hand Pump Programme: The Government has an ongoing programme of providing hand pumps with focus on regions facing scarcity of water during summer season. Total 37,265 hand pumps have been installed up to March, 2018. During the year 2018-19, 1,519 hand pumps have been installed upto November, 2018.
Under drinking water scheme, the work of operation and maintenance of 52 towns of the State is looked after by the IPH Department. Augmentation work of 37 towns Water Supply Schemes have been completed upto March, 2016. Water Supply to Dharamshala, Kangra, Hamirpur, Sarkaghat, Nagrota Bagwan, Kullu, Mandi, Rampur, and Manali is in progress through UIDSSMT. Augmentation work of Water Supply Scheme of Nahan and Banjaar town is in progress through State sector.
The augmentation of water supply scheme for remaining 5 towns i.e. Karsog, Nerchowk, Jawali, Baijnath-Paprola and Tahliwal is yet to be taken in hand. During the year 2018-19 a budget provision of `71.81 crore has been kept for augmentation of water supply schemes, against which an expenditure of `20.42 crore has been incurred upto November, 2018.
To increase the crop production the importance of irrigation is well established. Adequate and timely supply of irrigation water to crops is the pre-requisite in the agriculture production process, particularly in areas where the rainfall is scanty and irregular. The supply of land is fixed, i.e. inelastic, therefore, the accelerated growth in production is possible through multiple cropping and realization of higher crop yield per unit area, which in turn depends upon irrigation. Creation of irrigation potential and its optimum utilization continues to receive a high priority in Government Planning.
Out of the total geographical area of 55.67 lakh hectare of Himachal Pradeh, only 5.83 lakh hectare is the net area sown. It is estimated that ultimate irrigation potential of the State is approximately 3.35 lakh hectare, out of this 0.50 lakh hectare can be brought out under irrigation through major and medium irrigation projects and balance 2.85 lakh hectare of area can be provided irrigation through minor irrigation schemes. 2.73 lakh hectare land has been brought out under the irrigation facility upto November, 2018.
Major and Medium Irrigation: The only major irrigation project in the State is Shahnehar Project in Kangra District. The project has been completed and irrigation facility to 15,287 hectare land is being provided. The Command Area Development work is in progress and out of 15,287 hectare, 9,933.50 hectare land has been brought under Command Area Development activities upto November, 2018. Under Medium Irrigation Projects, Changer area Bilaspur 2,350 hectare, Sidhatha Kangra, 3,150 hectare and Balh Valley Left Bank 2,780 hectare has been completed. The work of CAD Sidhatha is in progress and 2,635.10 hectare land has been brought under CAD activities upto November, 2018.
At present work of Medium Irrigation Project Phinna Singh (CCA 4,025 hectare) and the Nadaun area in District Hamirpur (CCA 2,980 hectare) is in progress.There is a target of 1000 hectare area for the year 2018-19 under major and medium irrigation against which 300 hectare achievement reported upto November, 2018 and an amount of `25.67 crore has been incurred out of due provision of `127.00 crore.
Minor Irrigation: During the year 2018-19, there was a budget provision of `250.36 crore in the State sector to provide irrigation facilities to an area of 3,000 hectare against which upto November , 2018 an area of 1,880.18 hectare has been covered with an expenditure of `58.31 crore.
During the year 201819, a provision of `130.00 crore has been provided by the Government of Himachal Pradesh which includes `32.00 crore for HIMCAD activities in completed minor irrigation schemes to bridge the gap of potential created and utilized and rest of amount is for major/medium irrigation and minor irrigation schemes ongoing in the State including Central share. There is a physical target of 3000 hectare CCA for providing CAD activities, out of which 983.60 hectare has been achieved up to November, 2018 with an expenditure of `11.18 crore.
CAD to major irrigation Shahnehar and medium irrigation Sidhatha projects were included for funding under Command Area Development Water Management programme of Government of India. The Government of India has launched the ISBIG scheme for providing CAD activities in the completed/ongoing irrigation projects during 2016-17 and accordingly the 6 projects (Shahnehar major irrigation project, Sidhatha Changer, Nadaun Area, Ballah valley left bank medium irrigation projects, and 23 minor irrigation schemes) of CADWM have been considered in principle under this programme and DPRs of these 6 projects have been submitted to Govt. of India for inclusion under the scheme.
During the year 2018-19 a sum of `62.01 crore has been provided to protect 2,050 hectare of land. An amount of `1.99 crore upto November, 2018 has been spent to protect an area of 65.00 hectare. The work for channelization of Swan PhaseIV and Chounch Khad is in progress.


Himachal Pradesh has made significant achievements in the field of industrialization in the past few years. Recently many initiatives have been taken by Government to facilitate investment in the State.
As on December,2018, there were 49,058 units working in the State. Out of these 140 Industrial Units are Large and 522 are Medium Scale Units.
The budget amounting to ` 27.00 crore has been allocated for the year 2018-19 for infrastructure development of various Industrial Areas/ Estates. Out of allocated fund `19.53 crore have been booked for construction of various development works in Industrial Area/ Industrial Estates as on 09.01.2019. The balance budget of `7.47 crore will be spent before March,2019.
State of the Art Industrial Area under MIIUS: The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (DIPP), Government of India has accorded final approval for setting up of two State of Art Industrial Area at Pandoga District Una and Kandrori, District Kangra under Modified Industrial Infrastructure Upgradation Scheme (MIIUS). The detail of funding pattern of these projects is shown in the Table 11.1
The grant shall be utilized for the purpose of up gradation of infrastructure facilities at these industrial areas, under physical infrastructure (Roads and Storm Water Drainage, Streets Lights, augmentation of 132KV Power SubStation etc.), technical infrastructure (Common Facility Centre etc.), and Social infrastructure (Working Women Hostel, Bus Stops, Rain Shelter and Common Health Centre etc.) and for miscellaneous/ administrative grant. During the financial year 2018-19 an amount of `46.05 crore has been allocated under creation of State of Art Industrial Areas and Integrated Infrastructure Upgradation scheme out of which no expenditure has been booked.
Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP): Under this scheme as on December,2018 against the target of 434 cases, 1,292 cases have been sponsored to various banks, out of which 500 cases involving Margin Money subsidy `12.86 crore, have been sanctioned. In 353 cases, an amount of `8.18 crore of Margin Money (subsidy) has been disbursed.
Sericulture is one of the important agro-based rural cottage industries of the pradesh that is providing gainful employment to about 10,245 rural families for supplementing their income by producing silk cocoons. 14 silk yarn reeling units have been set up in private sector i.e. district Kangra and Bilaspur five each, in Hamirpur, Mandi, Una and Sirmaur one each with the assistance of Government. Upto December, 2018, 204.34 MT Silk Cocoons were produced that was converted into raw silk of 27.48 MT providing an income of about `6.12 crore by sale of silk products in the State.
Under Tribal Sub Plan, a sanction case of `1.07 crore and under SCSP a sanction case of `1.00 crore has been sent to the State Government for sanction of 54 training centers by H.P. State Handloom and Handicraft Development Corporation.
Minerals constitute a fundamental component of State’s economic base. Good quality limestone, which is one of the ingredients in the manufacture of cement, is available in plenty in the State. Six Cement Plants M/s ACC Ltd. at Barmana, District Bilaspur (two units), M/s Ambuja Cements Ltd. at Kashlog District Solan (two units), M/s Ultratech Cement (earliar J.P. Himachal Cement) at Baga Bhalag (one unit) and M/s CCI at Rajban District Sirmaur (one unit) are already in operation.
The establishment of other cement plants are under process in parts of District Mandi, Shimla and Chamba.
In addition to above, the Government has also granted prospecting licences to the various companies in order to carry out the detailed study for proving the deposits, quantity and quality of Limestone and other associate minerals. Other commercially exploitable minerals in the State are Shale, Barytes, Silica Sand, Rock Salt, Quartzite, Building material like sand stone, sand, bajri and building stone.
Apart from carrying out development and regulation of Mines and Minerals, the Geological Wing, Department of Industries is also conducting Geo-technical investigations of bridge sites, buildings and geo-environmental etc.
During the year 2016-17 `176.22 crore of royalty from minerals have been received. In the financial year 2017-18, `405.00 crore revenue have been received which includes `194.00 crore paid by M/s Ultratech Cements Ltd. as an upfront payment. In the financial year 2018-19 upto December, 2018 `132.01 crore have been received.
i) New Leases granted: During 2015-16, 30 numbers of mining leases under major mineral have been granted/ renewed and during 2016-17 extension in 30 numbers of mining leases of major minerals in terms of provisions of Section 8A (5) and 8A (6) of Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015, has been made for a period of 50 years from the date of grant. Further during 2015-16, 68 numbers of mining leases under minor minerals have been granted and during 2016-17, 92 numbers of mining leases have been granted. During current financial year 2018-19 upto December, 2018, 85 number of minor minerals mining leases have been granted.
ii) Geo Technical Investigations: During 2016-17, 20 numbers of Geo-Technical reports pertaining to foundation testing of bridge sites, geological evaluations of road alignments, landslides etc. were sent to user agencies for further action. During the current financial year 2017-18, 8 number of geo-technical report have been sent to the user agencies.


As per 2011 Census, 30.05 percent of the total population of the Pradesh is classified as main workers, 21.80 percent marginal workers and the rest 48.15 percent as non-workers out of the total workers (main+marginal) 57.93 percent are cultivators and 4.92 percent agricultural labourers, 1.65 percent are engaged in household industry and 35.50 percent in other activities. The employment assistance/ information service to job seekers in the Pradesh is rendered through the 3 Regional Employment Exchanges, 9 District Employment Exchanges, 2 University Employment Information and Guidance Bureaus, 62 SubEmployment Exchanges, 1 Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, 1 Central Employment Cell, Vocational Guidance and Employment Counseling to the youth as well as in the matter of collection of Employment Market Information Centre are working in the State. All 74 Employment Exchanges have been computerized and 71 Employment Exchanges are online. Efforts are on to bring remaining 3 Employment Exchanges Online.
Himachal Pradesh Government has constituted a Minimum Wages Advisory Board under the Minimum Wages Act-1948 for the purpose of advising the State Government in the matter of fixing and revising the minimum rates of wages for the workers. The State Government has enhanced the minimum wages for unskilled category of workers from `210 to `225 per day or ` 6,300 to `6,750 per month w.e.f. 01.04.2018, working in all existing 19 scheduled employment under the provision of Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
Employment Market Information Programme: At the district level, the employment data is being collected under the Employment Market Information Programme since 1960. The total employment in the State as on 30.06.2017 in Public Sector was 2,76,539 and in Private sector was 1,66,743 where number of establishments in public sector are 4,235 and in private sector are 1,731.
Vocational Guidance: There are total four vocational Guidance centers under Labour and Employment Department out of which one vocational guidance centre at the Directorate and other three are located at Regional Employment Office viz Mandi, Shimla and Dharamshala. Besides this, there are two University Employment Information and Guidance Bureau at Palampur and Shimla. These Vocational Guidance Centers impart vocational guidance to desirous unemployed youths. Vocational guidance camps are also organized in many educational Institutions of the State. 145 camps were organized in the different parts of the State during the Financial Year up to December,2018.
With a view to provide technical and highly skilled manpower to all the industrial units, institutions and establishments, the Central Employment Cell which has been set up in the Directorate of Labour and Employment of the State remained engaged in rendering its services during the year 2018-19. Under this scheme, assistance is provided to the employment seekers on the one hand in finding suitable jobs in private sector according to their qualifications and on the other hand to recruit suitable workers without wastage of money, material and time.
The Central Employment Cell organizes Campus Interview for Private Sector Employers for their requirement of unskilled labour. During the Financial Year 2018-19 up to December, 2018 Central Employment Cell has organized 151 Campus Interviews wherein 2,549 candidates have been placed. The Central Employment Cell also organizes Job Fairs in the State.
During the Financial Year 2018-19 up to December,2018 Six Job Fairs have been organized by the department where in 1,974 candidates were placed in employment in different Industries in the State.
Special Employment Exchange for Special Abled.: The special employment exchange for the placement of physically disabled persons (visually disabled, hearing disabled and locomotor disabled) was set up in the Directorate of Labour and Employment during the year,1976. This special employment exchange renders assistance to the special abled candidates in the field of vocational guidance and also provides employment assistance in Public and Private Sector.
The special abled persons who constitute the weaker section of society have been provided number of facilities/ concession which include free of cost medical examination of the disabled persons through the Medical Boards constituted at the State and District level, relaxation of age by 5 years, exemption for qualifying typing test for those who suffer from disability in the upper limbs extremities, 4 percent reservation for appointment in Class-III and Class-IV posts and reservation of 5 percent seats in girls Industrial Training Institute and Tailoring Centres.
During the Financial Year 2018-19 upto December, 2018 total 1,208 special abled persons were brought on the Live Register of the Special Employment Exchange bringing the total number to 17,547 and 70 physically disabled persons were placed in employment.
Under the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976 the District Vigilance Committees and Sub Division Vigilance Committees have been constituted to monitor and ensure the implementation of Bonded Labour System. A State Level Standing Committee on the report of Expert Group on Bonded Labour System and other related Acts in the State has been constituted.
The State Government has established two Labour Courts-cum-Industrial Tribunals, one with headquarter at Shimla with its jurisdiction of District Shimla, Kinnaur, Solan and Sirmaur and the other at Dharamshala with its jurisdiction of District Kangra, Chamba, Una, Hamirpur, Bilaspur, Mandi, Kullu and Lahaul-Spiti. The Presiding Officers of Labour Courts-cumIndustrial Tribunals are the rank of District and Session Judges have been appointed for each Labour Courts- cum-Industrial Tribunals.
Employees Insurance and Provident Fund Scheme: The Employees State Insurance is applicable in the areas of Solan, Parwanoo, Barotiwala, Nalagarh, Baddi in Solan District, Mehatpur, Bathri and Gagret in Una District, Poanta Sahib and Kala Amb in Sirmaur District, Golthai in Bliaspur District, Mandi, Ratti, Ner Chowk, Bhangrotu, Chakkar and Gutkar in Mandi District and Industrial Area Shoghi and Municipal area of Shimla in District Shimla. About 9,733 establishments with an estimated 3,14,720 insured persons are covered under ESI Scheme in Himachal Pradesh upto March, 2018. Under employees provident fund scheme about 15, 80,258 workers have been brought in 18,443 establishments up to December, 2018.
Industrial Relations: The problem of Industrial Relations has gained considerable importance on account of expansion of industrial activities in the Pradesh. Conciliation machinery has been functioning in the Pradesh and has proved as an important agency for the settlement of industrial disputes and maintaining industrial peace and harmony. Function of Conciliation Officer has been entrusted to the Joint Labour Commissioner, Deputy Labour Commissioner, Labour Officers and Labour Inspectors in the field within their respective jurisdiction. Higher authorities from Directorate level intervene in the cases/disputes where the conciliation fails to bring about any amicable settlement at lower level.
Building and Other Construction Workers (RE and CS) ACT-1996 and Cess Act- 1996: Under this Act various provisions have been made to implement welfare schemes such as providing maternity/paternity benefits, Disability pension, Retirement pension, Family pension, Medical Assistance, Financial Assistance for marriage of self and up to two children ,Skill Development Allowance, providing bicycles and washing machines to women workers, providing induction heater or solar cooker and solar lamp to beneficiaries.About 2016 establishments are registered with the Department of Labour & Employment and 1,58,878 beneficiaries are registered with the Himachal Pradesh Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board up to November, 2018. The benefits amounting of `96.42 crore under the various welfare schemes have been provided to the eligible beneficiaries and an amount of `462.43 crore approximately has been deposited with H.P. Building & Other construction Welfare Board, Shimla upto December, 2018.
During this Financial Year 2018-19 a budgetary provision of `100 crore has been made under Skill Development Allowance Scheme. Under this scheme there is provision of Skill Development Allowance to the eligible un-employed youth of the State for their Skill Up gradation and increasing their employability. This Allowance is payable @ `1,000 per month and for 50 percent or more permanent physically challenged @ `1,500 per month for duration of skill Development Training, subject to maximum period of two years.
During this Financial Year 2018-19, budgetary provision of `40.00 crore has been made under Unemployment Allowance Scheme. Under this scheme there is provision of allowance to the eligible unemployed himachali youth to enable them to sustain themselves for a certain period of `1,000 per month and for 50 percent or more permanent physically challenged `1,500 per month for a maximum period of 2 years.
During this financial year upto December, 2018 in all 1,37,662 applicants were registered and 1,953 placement were done in Government sector against notified vacancies 2,871 and 4,788 placed in private sector against notified vacancies 4,000. The consolidated number on Live Registers of all employment exchanges as on December, 2018 are 8, 49,981. The District-wise registration and placements done by the employment exchanges with effect from April to December, 2018 is given in Table 12.1 below:-


Himachal being a hilly State has natural strength in harnessing of hydro electric power. Hydro power development is the key engine to the economic growth of the State of Himachal Pradesh, as it makes a direct and significant contribution to economy in terms of revenue generation, employment opportunities and enhancing the quality of life. The Hydro Power Sector in Himachal Pradesh strongly emphasizes the economic dimensions by way of environmentally and socially sustainable Hydropower Development in the State in line with the objective of Government of Himachal Pradesh to promote inclusive green growth and sustainable development of the State through climate change related with transformative actions across the key engines of economic growth of the State.
The State of Himachal Pradesh has an estimated Hydro Potential of 27,436 MW out of which 24,000 MW has been assessed as harnessable while the Government of Himachal Pradesh has decided to forgo balance potential in lieu of safe guarding the environment and to maintain ecological as well as protect various social concerns. Out of the total harness able potential of about 24,000 MW, a potential to the tune of 20,912 MW already stands allotted under various sectors. The State has been accelerating the pace of Hydropower development through the active involvement of both the public and private sectors. A potential of about 10,547.17 MW has already been harnessed so far under various sectors.
Policy Amendments : In order to overcome recession in Hydro Sector and to encourage investment in Hydro Power Development in the State, following amendments in the Hydro Power Policy were carried out:-
1) Deferment of 12% Free Power Share for critical period of 1st time band i.e for initial 12 years and the deferred quantum shall be recovered in next 28 years in uniform percentage rate for allotted projects excluding already commissioned projects.
2) The Free Power Royalty will be charged @ 12% uniformly for the entire agreement period for the projects to be allotted.
3) Mandatory purchase of power by DISCOM for projects having capacity upto 25 MW
4) The tariff determination will be from the date of achieving CoD instead of date of signing of IA.
5) Exemption in Open Access Charges for projects having capacity upto 25 MW.
6) Re-defining of Milestones for stalled projects where 100% equity transfer is involved.
Allotment of Hydro Projects: Two Hydroelectric Projects to the tune of 1229 MW i.e. Dugar HEP (449 MW) located in Chamba District on river Chenab and Jangi-ThopanPowari HEP (780 MW) located in District Kinnaur on river Satluj have been allotted to National Hydro Electric Power Corporation (NHPC) and Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVNL) on 7-08-2018 and 24-11-2018 respectively.
Techno Concurrence of Hydro Electrical Projects: The Directorate of Energy, being mandated to grant Techno Concurrence to the Projects involving Project cost not exceeding `1,000 crore, has accorded the Technical Concurrence to 14 No. of projects after carrying out detailed examination of the Detailed Project Reports submitted by various Private, State & Central Sector developing agencies implementing Hydro Power Projects in the State, during current Financial Year 2018-19 till November 2018.
Revenue on account of sale of Royalty Power: The Govt. of Himachal Pradesh has earned a revenue to the tune of `906.00 crore till November 2018 and it is anticipated that by the end of Financial Year 2018-19 a total revenue of `980.00 crore will be realized on account of sale of free & equity power.
Implementation of Energy Accounting Software: The Energy Accounting software has been implemented in the Directorate of Energy which will help in distribution of LADF fund to the project affected families and reduce the manual and voluminous work of sale of power.
Commissioning of Solar Projects and Hydro projects in the State: A capacity addition of 10 MW has been achieved from solar projects during current Financial Year 2018-19 till November, 2018, out of commissioning of 3 Solar Projects viz Jahu (4 MW), Bhogpur Simbalwala (1 MW), Nand Solar project (5 MW) in the state. Further, 24 MW of Hydro Electric Project likely to be added within the balance period of this Financial Year 2018-19 i.e. upto March 2019 from Kut HEP (24 MW)
Centrally Sponsored Schemes and Departmental Schemes:
i) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojna (DDUGJY): The Ministry of Power, Government of India launched Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojna (DDUGJY) on 3rd December, 2014 for the electrification of rural households, separation of agriculture and non-agriculture feeders, strengthening and augmentation of Sub-Transmission and Distribution (ST & D) infrastructure in rural areas, including metering at distribution transformers, feeders and consumers end. The core objective is to ensure reliable and quality power supply in rural areas.
Status of the Scheme: HPSEBL formulated twelve schemes for all districts of Himachal Pradesh covering 35 numbers unelectrified villages, Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna and 3,288 BPL households. 6 No. Districts namely Bilaspur, Shimla, Solan, Mandi, Kullu & Kangra are being executed on Turnkey basis and 5 Nos. Districts namely Hamirpur, Kinnaur, Sirmour, Una & Chamba are being executed on Partial Turnkey / departmental basis. The works in Lahaul & Spiti District are being executed on self execution basis. The works are presently under execution at various stages in these Districts.
ii) PRADHAN MANTRI SAHAJ BIJLI HAR GHAR YOJNA (SAUBHAGYA): Ministry of Power, Govt. of India launched Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojna (SAUBHAGYA) on 11th October, 2017 to ensure last mile connectivity and electricity connection to all remaining households in the country. In Himachal Pradesh, Saubhagya scheme was also implemented to ensure last mile connectivity and electricity connection to all the remaining un-electrified households. Out of 12,891 unelectrified households, 8,319 were electrified under Saubhagaya scheme and rest 4,572 was electrified under GSC Schemes. Under Saubhagya scheme Govt. of India has released `82.46 lakh as Adhoc advance and this amount has been further allotted to HPSEBL operation division for payment to Saubhagya beneficiaries.
iii) Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS): Government of India (GOI) has launched Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) on 3rd December 2014 for urban towns as per Census 2011. The main objective of the scheme is:
a) Strengthening of subtransmission and distribution networks in the urban areas;
b) Metering of distribution transformers/ feeders/ consumers in the urban areas;
c) IT enablement of distribution sector and strengthening of distribution network, as per Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approval dated 21.06.2013 for completion of the targets laid down under R-APDRP for 12th and 13th plans by carrying forward the approval outlay for R-APDRP to IPDS.
Status of the Scheme: In Himachal Pradesh, total twelve (12) projects under IPDS scheme have been approved by the Centre Level Monitoring Committee. The overall approved cost of these twelve projects is `110.60 crore. In addition to the scheme cost, Committee also approved grant @ 0.5 percent of project cost as Project Management Agency (PMA) cost. Further, M/s PFC has issued sanction letter on 21.03.2016 with funding provisions of `93.94 crore (i.e. 85 percent of the project cost) as Government of India Grant and `55.00 lakh as PMA component. As per the guidelines of IPDS scheme, 10 percent of the project cost (i.e `11.06 crore) as Counterpart Loan has been tied up with M/s REC Ltd. on 17.10.2016, and remaining 5 percent (i.e. `5.60 crore) shall be contributed by HPSEBL through its own sources. In respect of Nahan Circle the works are being executed on Turnkey basis and in respect of other 11 Circles the works are being executed on Partial Turnkey/ Departmental basis. The works are presently under execution at various stages in these Circles.
Completion Target: As per the guidelines, the scheme has to be completed in 30 months (i.e. 6 months for tendering 24 months for implementation) from the date of sanction letter. As per guidelines, IT enablement under IPDS is basically extending the IT services being hosted at Central Data Center under R-APDRP Part-A project to new urban towns having population of 5,000 and above as per census 2011 along with minimum hardware and software requirement. Accordingly, as per guidelines; in Himachal Pradesh 40 towns have been selected. IT enablement in these towns will enable improvement in consumer satisfaction and power supply reliability and ultimately reduction of AT&C losses with the help of accurate measurement and proper energy accounting and auditing. This is also required in view of the proposed monitoring of all 11 KV feeders in the country through National Power Portal (NPP). Hence, it is prudent to implement IT based system in small towns also across the entire State to derive maximum benefits with increment investment. Further, there was a provision to engage the services of Project Management Agency (PMA) by the State Power Utilities from the reputed agencies to carry out the monitoring and coordination of bidding process, As-is Study of the system, Project Planning and Implementation, Quality Monitoring, Management Information System (MIS) and Web Portal updation, which also includes functions such as AT&C analysis, preparation and submission of various reports and coordination with Nodal Agencies i.e. M/s Power Finance Corporation (PFC) Ltd. Accordingly, Ministry of Power, Government of India has considered the proposal submitted by HPSEB Ltd. and approved and amount of `27.36 crore for 40 towns in Himachal Pradesh with the details are as under:-
i) Approved DPR cost for 40 towns including Data Center (DC), Disaster Recovery (DR) and Customer Care Center (CCC) up gradation is `27.36 crore.
ii) Government of India grant of `23.26 crore (85 percent of sanctioned project cost).
iii) Government of India grant for Project Management Agency `14.00 lakh (0.5 percent of sanctioned project cost).
iv) Total Grant is `23.40 crore.
Present Status:
a) Project Management Agency has been appointed.
b) Award for system meters (i.e. Feeder, Boundary, DTR and HT Consumer meters) and combined CT-PT Units (11 kV/110 V) have been placed.
c) Request for Proposal (RFP) to appoint the IT Implementing Agency (ITIA) for IPDS IT Phase-II was floated and PreBid Conference was conducted on 30th and 31st October, 2017. The due date for submission and opening date of the RFP was 11th January, 2018. No bid/ response was received on due date, accordingly, the same was extended upto 15th February, 2018. Ultimately, due to nil response, the said tender was cancelled. A fresh NIT comprising the upgradation/ procurement of hardware and software for IPDS IT Phase-II and procurement of hardware for IPDS ERP, floated on 28th July, 2018 and prebid meeting was conducted on 21st August, 2018.
Numerous queries were received from various prospective bidders during prebid meeting and afterwards as well, to which response stands conveyed to prospective bidders in consultation with PMA. Due to nil response against the floated RFP, now Corrigendum No. 7 has been issued vide which bid submission date is scheduled on 15.01.2019 and award of work is expected to be placed during February, 2019.
Computerized Billing and Energy Accounting Package (IT Package): Computerized Billing and Accounting Package (IT Package) was implemented under the ‘Accelerated Power Development and Reform Program’ launched by Ministry of Power. Under this project, the activities of the operation sub-division are computerized through functionalities such as Pre-Billing Activities, Billing Activities, and Post Billing Activities, Store Management at Sub-Division Level, Customer Relationship Management, Electrical Network Management, and Energy Accounting/ Auditing and Management Information System (MIS). The award was placed on M/S HCL Info systems Noida for an amount of `30.58 crore. The project has been implemented in 132 Sub Divisions of 27 Divisions and 12 Circles covering more than 12 lakh consumers.
SAP based computerized billing in 61 Electrical Sub Divisions: In view of the issues in the existing computerized billing implemented in various Electrical Sub Divisions, it has been decided by the HPSEBL management to go for a standard platform for billing. As various modules of SAP are being implemented in HPSEBL under ERP project, therefore computerized billing in left out 61 Electrical Sub Divisions on SAP platform was approved to avoid handling of multiple platforms. The work of SAP based computerized billing implementation in 61 Electrical Sub Divisions was awarded to M/s TCS Limited on 24.07.2015 for amounting to `16.47 crore.
The implementation of SAP based computerized billing in 61 Sub Divisions consists of many key features like New Connection, Disconnection, Metering, AMR, Billing, Spot Billing, Collection, and MIS. The provision of AMR has also been made in SAP based computerized billing for consumers having connected load greater than 100 KW in 61 Electrical Sub-Divisions. The project consists of supply, installation, commissioning of the Meter Data Acquisition System (MDAS), along with providing and fixing Modems to the identified consumer meters.
Present Status: Initially, SAP based computerized billing was implemented in four Electrical Subdivisions under Electrical Division, Arki during January-2016. Issues faced during initial phase of SAP billing implementation was resolved by M/s TCS. Thereafter, further rollover of SAP billing started in May, 2016. M/s TCS completed SAP billing implementation in 59 Electrical Subdivisions in March-2017. SAP billing could not be implemented in two Electrical Subdivisions (i.e. Lapiana & Rey) due to unavailability of connectivity from network service providers.
Further, award has been placed on M/s TCS to rollover SAP-ISU billing in 132 Electrical Subdivisions in phased manner. Rollover from HCLI customized billing solution to SAP based application started in January, 2018 and as of December 2018 migration has been successfully carried out for 124 electrical subdivisions. Rollover in remaining eight subdivisions is in progress and will be completed by the end of January 2019. Further, it is proposed to implement SAP billing solution in balance manually billed 47 electrical subdivisions by June, 2019, subject to the availability of connectivity for which different NSP agencies have been contacted to intimate feasibility.
Implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project in HPSEB Ltd.:
Project Status: So far, following Locations have been made Live on SAP ERP Application:
i) All departments at Head office (Vidyut Bhawan, Shimla).
ii) Complete South Zone (Operation wing)- 1 Chief Office, 5 circle offices, 21 Division offices, 89 Sub divisions.
iii) Complete Central Zone (Operation wing) – 1 Chief Office, 4 Circle Offices, 16 Division Offices, 80 Sub divisions.
iv) Complete Electrical System Maintenance wing – 1 Chief Office, 2 Circle Offices, 1 SE Design Office, 12 Division Offices, 10 Divisional Stores, 68 Sub Divisions.
v) Under Human Capital Management Module of SAP ERP, salary & other payments of 8,450+ number of employees, Pension of 4,700+ pensioners, & GPF of around 13,300+ employees is currently being processed through SAP ERP System every month.
vi) All Pension Pay Orders (PPOs) are being generated from SAP ERP System.
vii) Billing for power sale/purchase from all IPPs (Total 90+ IPPs) is done through ISU Module of SAP ERP System.
viii) Interstate Power Sale-Purchase for Rampur, SJVNL, NHPC, UPCL, HPPC, PPCL, BASPA-II, SECI, NAPP, RAPP, PGCIL, UJVNL, KHARA, NTPC & 25MW above is done through SAP ERP project.
ix) Rollout of ERP System in North Zone (Operation wing) and Generation Wing is planned during calendar year 2019.
Implementation of Smart Grid Pilot Project at Kala Amb, H.P.: HPSEB Ltd. is implementing Smart Grid Pilot Project at Kala Amb. The work has been awarded to the consortium of M/s Alstom T&D India Ltd. (now M/s GE T&D India Ltd.) and M/s Genus Power Infrastructures Ltd. during February, 2015 for amounting to `24.99 crore and now revised to `25.50 crore. Government of India is funding `9.72 crore for this project. M/S PGCIL has been appointed as Adviser cum Consultancy services provider to HPSEBL for establishment of Smart Grid Pilot Project.
Present Status:
1) All the hardware/ software under Smart Grid Pilot project at Kala Amb stand delivered at field locations/ Control Centre and installed at respective locations. 1,335 Smart Meters have been installed, as per the current field requirements (1,404 was the supplied quantity) 914 on Single Phase, 136 on Three Phase whole current, 50 on LTCT DT meters, 9 on LTCT Consumer, 202 on HTCT Meters and 24 on feeder meters have been installed.
2) All the testing has been completed and Availability Test has been started w.e.f. 01-10-2018 as per the condition of the Contract. The period of Availability Test is of 3 months and the contractor has to maintain the availability of system in accordance with the Contract Document. Successful completion of the Availability Test will lead to Operation Acceptance of the system. At present availability report is being prepared. Further proposal to provide Smart Meters to 1,35,000 consumers in Shimla and Dharamshala towns covered under Smart Cities is under consideration.
1) Computerization of all the offices in HPSEBL.
2) Augmentation and construction of new Sub-Stations and HT/LT lines to provide quality and reliable power to the consumers in the State of H.P.
3) To reduce the T&D losses.
The packages for Construction of Neri Khad Intake works, Rana Khad Intake works, Storage reservoir, Head Race Tunnel, Penstock and Power House have been completed. The works of HRT package has been completed during August, 2018 after that work of filling the water in respective components for testing has been taken in hand. During testing in storage reservoir and Penstock some rectification works have been observed and repair work thereof has started. Out of this rectification job in storage reservoir has been completed and rectification work in penstock is in pipe line which shall be tentatively completed by April, 2019.
After that filling of water in the respective components shall be started by the last week of April, 2019. The first unit of the project shall be commissioned by the end of May, 2019. The estimated cost of the project is `1,281.50 crore at December, 2012 (Price level) and update expenditure as on October, 2018 is `1,571.36 crore. Erection work of Electro-Mechanical package has been completed in all respect, however commissioning of Turbine and Generator Transformer shall be completed after availability of water and in Transmission work, construction of 132 KV Single Circuit Transmission Line from Chullah to Bassi (15.288 KM) and 132 KV Double Circuit Transmission Line from Chullah to Hamirpur (34.307 KM) stands completed.
The Government of Himachal Pradesh has allotted Sai Kothi-I (15 MW), Sai Kothi-II (16.50 MW), Devi Kothi (16 MW), Hail (18 MW), HEPs to HPSEB Ltd. for implementation. The Physical and Financial status of above projects is as under:-
SAI KOTHI STAGE-I HEP(15 MW): This project has been allotted to HPSEBL by Govt. of Himachal Pradesh for investigation and implementation purpose. The Detail Project Report of the project has been completed and Techno Economic Clearance has also been obtained from DOE during April, 2018. The Preconstruction Stage activities are in progress and the status of the same is as under:
1) The NOC’s from all concern departments/Gram Panchyats/ Gram Sabhas have been obtained and FRA has been obtained on 28.04.2018 from DC, Chamba.
2) For FCA case the enumeration of trees has been completed, Joint inspection, DGPS Mapping and identification of land for compensatory afforestation is underway.
3) A sum of `11.84 crore has been spent up to 30.11.2018 and an anticipated amount of `4.91 crore is expected up to 31.03.2019.
SAI KOTHI STAGE-II HEP (16.50 MW): This project has been allotted to HPSEBL by Govt. of Himachal Pradesh for investigation and implementation purpose. The Detail Project Report of the project has been completed and Techno Economic Clearance has also been obtained from Directorate of Energy amounting up to `152.26 crore. The Preconstruction Stage activities are in progress and the status of the same is as under:
1) The NOC’s and FRA from all concern departments/Gram Panchyats/ Gram Sabhas have been obtained.
2) The FCA case has been uploaded on MoEF & CC website and has been resubmitted to Nodal officer-cumAPCCF (FCA) Shimla on dated 25.08.2018 after attending observations.
3) A sum of `13.70 crore has been spent up to 30.11.2018 and an anticipated amount of `6.96 crore is expected up to 31.03.2019.
DEVI KOTHI STAGE-II HEP (16 MW): This project has been allotted to HPSEBL by Govt. of Himachal Pradesh for investigation and implementation purpose. The Detail Project Report of the project has been completed and Techno Economic Clearance has been conveyed by Directorate of Energy on dated 19.03.2014. The Pre-construction Stage activities are in progress and the status of the same is as under:
1) The NOC’s and FRA from all concern departments/Gram Panchyats/ Gram Sabhas have been obtained.
2) The FCA case for the project was uploaded on MOEF web portal on 23.03.2018. The case is now pending with DFO Salooni in want of identification of land for Compensatory Afforestation (CA) as per new guidelines of Govt. of India on use of degraded forest land as land for CA.
3) A sum of `12.08 crore has been spent up to 30.11.2018 and an anticipated amount of `7.11 crore is expected up to 31.03.2019.
HAIL HEP(18 MW): This project has been allotted to HPSEBL by Govt. of Himachal Pradesh for investigation and implementation purpose. The Preconstruction Stage activities are in progress and the status of the same is as under:
1) The NOC’s from all concern departments/Gram Panchyats/ Gram Sabhas have been obtained.
2) The process of acquisition of Revenue papers of additional land required due to shifting of the layout on the right bank have been initiated and is under process.
3) The necessary documents for enumeration of trees on the Govt./forest/Pvt. Land likely to be acquired for the project have been submitted to DFO Salooni for further action for FCA case.
4) A sum of `12.31 crore has been spent up to 30.11.2018 and an anticipated amount of `5.03 crore is expected up to 31.03.2019.
Other works: The other works like construction of Lineman Training Center at Solan (around 30 % of the work has been completed and the work will be finished by December, 2019) Electrical Systems building at Mattansidh, Hamirpur is in progress, AL&DC Building at Tutu, Shimla (The case is being processed for taking approval of NGT), Construction of cottages and Residential quarters below Sankatmochan Mandir, Tara Devi (The case of transfer of land is under process) are also undertaken.
Integrated Kashang HEP (243 MW): Integrated Kashang HEP (243 MW) envisages development of Kashang and Kerang Streams, tributaries of the river Sutlej comprising four distinct stages as under:-
Stage-I (65 MW) : Comprising diversion of Kashang stream to an underground power house located on the right bank of Satluj near Powari village, developing a head of approximately 830 metre to generate 245.80 MU per annum ₹2.92 per unit. The project is under commercial operation since 01.09.2016, from the date of commissioning, 373.37 MU has been generated from the project up to 31.12.2018.
Stage-II and III (130 MW): Comprising diversion of the Kerang stream into an underground water conductor system (K-K Link) leading to upstream end of Stage-I water conductor system, augmenting the generating capacity of Stage-I power house to generate 790.93 MU per annum.
Stage-IV (48 MW): This stage is more or less independent scheme harnessing the power potential of Kerang stream upstream of the diversion site of Stage-II. In this scheme, a head of approximately 300 metre could be utilized to develop power in an underground powerhouse located on the right bank of Kerang stream.
Sainj HEP (100 MW): Sainj HEP has been contemplated as a run of the river development on river Sainj, a tributary of River Beas in Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh. The project comprises of a diversion barrage on the river Sainj near village Niharni and underground power house on right bank of river Sainj near village Suind with a gross head of 409.60 metre to generate 322.23 MU per annum. The project has been executed on EPC mode. The Project is under commercial operation since 4.09.2017. From the date of commissioning, 515.58 MU has been generated from the Project up to 31.12. 2018.
Sawra Kuddu HEP(111 MW): Sawara Kuddu HEP (111 MW) a run-of- the-river scheme on the Pabbar River in Shimla District (Himachal Pradesh) near Rohru. The Project is being financed by Asian Development Bank except Head Race Tunnel (HRT) Package, which is being financed by Power Finance Corporation (PFC) out of equity contribution by the State Government. The project is expected to generate 385.78 MU of electricity in a 90 per cent dependable year. Barrage & Power House Works are almost complete but progress of HRT Package suffered badly due to poor geology and bad performance of the then contractor. Re-tendering of HRT package had to be done and work further awarded to m/s HCC Ltd. on 25.11.2014. The civil works of the project are likely to be completed by June, 2019 and the project will be commissioned between July, 2019 to Sept, 2019.
Shongtong Karcham HEP (450 MW): Shongtong Karcham Hydro electric project a run-of – river scheme on the river Sutlej in District Kinnaur of Himachal Pradesh with diversion barrage, near village Powari, and underground power house, located on the left bank of the river Satluj near village Ralli will generate a gross head of 129 metre to generate 1,579 MU per annum. The project is being constructed through EPC mode and civil and HM works has been awarded to M/s Patel Engineering Ltd. on 04.08.2012. M/s PEL took the 1st blast on Adit-II of HRT on 27.12.2013. E&M work has been awarded to M/s AHPL for which contract agreement signed on 4.03.2015. Work of Project on all fronts is in progress. The scheduled commissioning date of the project is April, 2024.
Chanju HEP-III (48MW) and Deothal Chanju HEP (30 MW): Chanju HEP-III (48MW) has been developed on Chanju stream which is a tributary Baira and Sieul of Ravi basin. The expected production of energy per annum is 176.19 MU in dependable year. Deothal Chanju HEP (30 MW) has also been developed on Deothal stream, a tributary of Baira of Ravi basin. The expected production of energy per annum is 101.35 MU in dependable year. Environmental cleanses for these projects have been given on 29.09.2017. Environmental clearance of projects has been accorded by State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SLEIAA) on 29.09.2017. The Techno Economic Clearance (TEC) of ChanjuIII HEP (48 MW) and Deothal Chanju HEP (30 MW) have been accorded by Directorate of Energy, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh on 14.07.2015 & 22.07.2015 respectively. Deputy Commissioner, Chamba has issued the FRAs certificate for both the projects on dated 13.04.2016. Forest clearance case excluding compensatory afforestation for double area of forest land proposed for construction of both projects has been submitted to DFO Chamba. DFO Chamba has identified Non forest land required for compensatory afforestration for both the projects in District Mandi. Further action to prepare DGPS maps and KML files has been initiated. French Development Agency has given its consent for financing of Chanju-III HEP (48 MW) and Deothal Chanju HEP (30 MW) and Credit Facility Agreement amounting to 80 million euro has been signed between Govt. of India and AFD on 4.07.2017. Further, the project agreement was also signed on 2.02.2018 and on lending agreement between HPPCL, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh and AFD was signed on 11.07.2018. NoC has been received from Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India on dated 11.12.2017 for both the projects.
Renuka ji Dam HEP (40 MW): Renukaji Dam project, conceived as a drinking water supply scheme for the National Capital Territory of Delhi, envisages construction of 148 metre high rock fill dam on river Giri at Dadahu in Sirmaur district and a power house at toe of Dam. The project will ensure 49,800 hectare meter of live water storage in its reservoir and a firm water supply to the tune of 23 Cubic Meter to Delhi besides generating 199.99 4MU per annum exclusively for use of Himachal Pradesh. DPR of the project was approved for 4,596.76 crore at March 2015 price level.
Now in compliance to the Ministry of Water Resources directions, the cost estimate of Renuka ji Dam Project has been revised at November, 2018 Price level and submitted to CWC. The project has been declared as “National Project” by Govt. of India and is eligible to be funded by Govt. of India/ beneficiary states to the extent of 90:10 of the project cost (except power component). As per “National Project” guideline power component is to be funded by the native states itself. The apportioned cost of the water component is `4,325.43 crore and that of power component is `271.30 crore.
After persistent request by state govt. National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi has agreed to fund 90 % cost of power component of the project. Ministry of Environment and Forest has accorded Environment clearance to the project on 23.10.2009 and forest clearances (Stage-I) for diversion of 909 hectare of forest land on 20.02.2015. Techno Economic clearance (TAC) of Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) has approval to the project on 06.03.2017 subject to certain conditions. All the conditions have been compiled, except
(i) and stage-II forest clearance, for which HPPCL needs to deposit `414.28 crore in CAMPA account of Ministry of Environment & Forest and Climate Change and
(ii) signing of Interstate Agreement, for which all the beneficiary states except Govt. of Haryana have given NoCs. The interstate agreement will be signed after receipt of NOC from all the beneficiary states. Amount of `446.96 crore has been released to the state government for the land acquisition in respect of Renukaji Dam Project. A sum of `337.51 crore has been disbursed to the land owners by the land acquisition Collector, HPPCL till November, 2018. The Environment clearance was challenged in the National Appellate Authority/National Green Tribunal.
The Hon’ble National Green Tribunal has disposed off all such appeals by a common judgment on dated 02.02.2016. Further, Hon’ble National Green Tribunal constituted an eight members committee to study & examine the sufficiency of all compliances on the project and to examine the land requirement for the project. Now, after fully satisfying itself, committee has directed to revise the Environmental clearance of the project. Investment Clearance case has been submitted to Central Water Commission on 29.09.2018 which after approval shall be placed before Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs for further approval. The central grant for the project shall be released thereafter.
Surgani Sundla HEP (48 MW): The scheme has been envisaged to use the tail water of Baira Suil HEP for the Generation of 48 MW of Power. The Project is expected to generate 209.60 MU of electricity in 90% dependable year. Techno-Economical Clearance (TEC) has been accorded by DoE, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh on 20.10.2012. Defence Clearance has been accorded by Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India on 13.06.2018. Environment clearance (EC) has been accorded by State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SLEIAA), HP on 28.09.2018. Proposal for funding was submitted to Govt. of India and discussed in 78th screening committee meeting of Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) held on 19.12.2017. Screening Committee suggested that Govt. of HP should revisit the project proposal with financial/economic viability in view of its high cost i.e. `800.00 crore (July 2017 Price Level). Accordingly, Director of Energy (DoE), Govt. of Himachal Pradesh has been requested on 22.02.2018 for revalidation of cost at July, 2017 Price level, which is under progress.
Dhamwari Sunda HEP (70 MW): Techno-Economical Clearance (TEC) of Dhamwari Sunda HEP (70 MW) in Distt. Shimla was accorded by Directorate of Energy, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh on 10.01.2011. The Project was allotted to HPPCL on 06.04.2015. DPR of Dhamwari Sunda HEP (70 MW) is also approved, but the matter is currently sub-judice.
Thana Plaun HEP (191 MW): The project is contemplated as Storage-cum-Run-of River Scheme envisaging Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) gravity dam of 107 m high on river Beas in Mandi District of Himachal Pradesh. The annual power generation in a 90% dependable year shall be 668.07 MU. Case for diversion of 406.79 hectare of forest land was submitted to DFO, Joginder nagar (H.P.), but got delayed due to non-availability of non forest land for Compensatory Afforestation (CA). Now MoEF&CC vide letter dated 16.11.2018 has allowed un-demarcated and unmutated protected forests (PF) to be considered for Compensatory Afforestation. Till date 770 hectare of non forest land out of 810 hectare has been identified. The work of preparation of DGPS map has been awarded and work is expected to be completed by 07.01.2019. Subsequently the case shall be submitted to Forest Department for processing it further for “Forest Clearance”. Case for financing of the Project through external assistance has been prepared and is under active consideration of planning department of Govt. of Himachal Pradesh. Process of Techno Economic Clearance is in advanced stage from various Govt. agencies vis-a-vis CWC/CEA. Stage-I clearance has been obtained and the Detailed Project Report (DPR) has been submitted for level –II clearance in Central Electricity Authority (CEA) on 09.02.2018. The DPR is in advanced stages of appraisal in Central Electricity Authority (CEA)/ Central Water Commission (CWC).
Nakthan HEP (460 MW): Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Nakthan HEP (460 MW) in Distt. Kullu is in advanced stages of appraisal in Central Electricity Authority (CEA)/ Central Water Commission (CWC). Clearances/ approval for 10 aspects/ chapters of DPR has been obtained from CWC/CEA out of total 11 aspects/chapters under Level-I stage. The work for last clearance of CSMRS is on and the same is expected within next 2 months. Project was taken up for appraisal by EAC earlier in 2015 and 2016. In the 91st meeting of EAC held in February, 2016 Environment clearance was withheld due to pending court case with M/s Sai Engineering in Hon’ble High Court of HP. Forest Clearance case is being pursued; however, the same has been pending for past some time due to non issuance of FRA certificate by Barshaini Panchayat despite repeated pursuance. For financing of Nakthan HEP (460MW) through World Bank, a combined financing proposal (HPPCL, HPPTCL, HPSEBL & DoE) for USD 804.75 million was submitted to DEA and discussed in 83rd & 85th Screening Committee meeting held on 18-05-2018 & 17.07.2018 respectively.
Kishau Multipurpose Project (660 MW): Kishau Dam Project is proposed across River Tons (a tributary of River Yamuna) along the border of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. A dam toe power house on left bank of River Tons is proposed with an installed capacity of 660 MW. Memorandum of Understanding for implementation of Kishau Multipurpose Power Project was signed between Govt. of Himachal Pradesh & Govt. of UK on 20th June, 2015. As per the MoU, project is to be implemented by a special purpose vehicle (SPV) which will be a company under the Company Act 2013 with equal share and staff participation of Himachal and Uttarakhand. Accordingly, Kishau Corporation Ltd. (KCL) was incorporated on 16.01.2017. The Project has been declared as “National Project” by Govt. of India & is eligible to be funded by Govt. of India/beneficiary states to the extent of 90:10 of the project cost (except power component). The work of updation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Kishau Multipurpose Project (660 MW) is under process by both UJVNL & HPPCL parallely. As per the decision taken in a meeting held through video conferencing with MOWR on 5.11.2018, the DPR is to be updated in all respects within a period of one year.
Triveni Mahadev HEP (78 MW) in Distt. Mandi: Kashang Stage-IV (48 MW), Chirgaon Majhgaon HEP (52 MW) in Distt. Shimla, Gyspa Dam Project (300 MW) in Distt. Lahaul Spiti and Bara Khamba HEP(45 MW) in Distt. Kinnaur are in different stages of investigation. Two projects totaling installed capacity of 350 MW shall be taken up in third phase and preliminary survey and investigation works are being taken up for these projects. PreFeasibility Reports (PFR) in respect of Lujai HEP (45 MW) in Distt. Chamba, has been prepared and work of prefeasibility report of Khab HEP (305 MW) in Distt. Kinnaur shall be taken up shortly.
Other areas of Power development: H.P. Power Corporation apart from Hydro Power Development intends to diversify its power development activities in other renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind power to meet the growing energy demands for the development of the State and the Indian Nation.
HPPCL has set up a 5 MW Berra Dol solar power plant, near Shri Naina Devi Ji Shrine in District Bilaspur. The work was awarded to M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited and the contract agreement was signed on 22.07.2017. The plant has been successfully synchronized with HPSEBL grid on 07.12.2018. HPPCL intends to set up another solar power plant of 10 MW capacity at Aghlor in Distt. Una. The Detailed Project Report of the scheme is under preparation:-
Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited (HPPTCL) is an undertaking of Govt. of Himachal Pradesh with a view to strengthen the transmission network in Himachal Pradesh and to facilitate evacuation of power from upcoming generating plants. The jobs entrusted to Corporation by Government of Himachal Pradesh inter-alia included execution of all new works; both Transmission Lines and Sub-Stations of 66 KV and above voltage rating, formulation, up-gradation, execution of Transmission Master Plan of Himachal Pradesh for strengthening of transmission network and evacuation of power.
HPPTCL is discharging the functions of a State Transmission Utility (STU) and coordinating the transmission related issues with Central Transmission Utility, Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power (Govt. of India), Himachal Pradesh Government and HPSEB Ltd. Besides, corporation is also responsible for planning and coordination of transmission related issues with IPPs, CPSUs, State PSUs, HPPCL and other State/ Central Government Agencies. The Corporation is planning transmission system in such a way to ensure principles of reliability, security, eco-friendly and economy matched with rising and desirable expectation of cleaner, safer, healthier environment to people, both affected and benefited by its activities is one of the objective of the corporation.
The Government of India has approved ADB loan of $ 350 Million for implementation of Transmission Projects covered in Power System Master Plan (PSMP) in Himachal Pradesh and loan agreement for Tranche-I for undertaking implementation of Transmission projects in District Kinnaur (Satluj Basin) and Shimla (Pabbar basin) estimated at a cost of $ 113 Million has been signed and made effective from January, 2012. The Following Transmission Projects are under execution:-
i) 400/220/66 KV, 2x315 MVA substation at Wangtoo in district Kinnaur. The awarded amount for the project is `310.00 crore and shall be commissioned in March, 2019.
ii) 220/66/22 KV, 2x315 MVA substation at Bhoiktoo in District Kinnaur. The awarded amount for the project is `27.00 crore commissioned in December, 2016.
iii) 220 KV, transmission line from Hatkoti to Pragati Nagar in District Shimla. The awarded amount for the project is `62.00 crore and shall be commissioned in March, 2019.
iv) 33/132 KV 31.5 MVA GIS Substation at Pandoh. The awarded amount for the project is `37.00 crore. It shall be commissioned in March, 2019.
v) 33/132 kV 2x25/31.5 MVA GIS Sub-station at Chambi (Shahpur). The awarded amount for the project is `45.00 crore. It shall be commissioned in June, 2019.
The following Transmission Projects have been funded through domestic borrowing.
i) 33/220 KV, 2x315 MVA Substation at Phojal in district Kullu has been commissioned in Oct., 2015
ii) 33/220 KV, 63 MVA Sub-station at Karian in district Chamba has been commissioned in 2015 and the work of line has been commissioned.
The Tranche-II of ADB loan amounting to $110 Million has been signed in September, 2014 now it has reduced to $95 Million. The following Nine number of projects have been awarded:-
i) 66 KV GIS Switching sub-station Urni. The awarded amount for the project is `28.00 crore and shall be commissioned in March, 2019.
ii) 400/220/33 kV GIS Sub-station Lahal. The awarded amount for the project is `233.00 crore and shall be commissioned in June, 2019.
iii) 220 KV line from Charor to Banala. The awarded amount for the project is `47.00 crore and shall be commissioned in June, 2019.
iv) 220 KV D/C line from Lahaul to Budhil. The awarded amount for the project is `5.00 crore and shall be commissioned in March, 2019.
v) 66 KV D/C line from Urni to Wangtoo Sub-station. The awarded amount for the project is `14.00 crore and shall be commissioned in August, 2019.
vi) 220 KV D/C line from Sunda to Hatkoti. The awarded amount for the project is `56.00 crore and shall be commissioned in March, 2020.
vii) 220/132 KV, 100 MVA GIS Sub Station at Charor. Awarded amount is `68.36 crore. Work shall be completed in December, 2019.
viii) 220/132 KV, 2X100 MVA GIS Sub Station at Sunda. Awarded amount is `63.30 crore. Work shall be completed in December, 2019.
The Tranche-III of ADB Loan amounting to $105 Million has been signed in November 2018. There are following 9 nos. of work are being executed under this Tranche, out of which seven nos. of projects have been awarded and remaining two projects are under bidding process:
i) 33/132 KV, 2 x31.5 MVA GIS Substation, Pooling Station at Barsaini in district Kullu. Awarded amount is `49.00 crore. Work is in progress and shall be completed in June, 2020.
ii) 220 KV GIS Switching Station at Hatkoti in district Shimla. Awarded amount is `46.00 crore. Work is in progress and will be completed in Dec, 2019.
iii) 132/220 KV Pooling Station Mazra in district Chamba. It will be completed in February, 2021.
iv) 66/22 KV GIS Sub-station at Nirmand (Bhagipul) in District Kullu will be completed in February, 2021.
v) 220KV Transmission Line from Bajoli Holi HEP to Lahal (DC line on Twin Moose conductor). Awarded amount is `58.00 crore. Work is in progress and will be completed in June, 2019.
vi) 400 KV Transmission Line from Lahal to Chamera (Rajera) Pooling station of PGCIL in district Chamba. Awarded amount is `115.00 crore. Work is in progress and will be completed in May, 2020.
vii) 220 KV Transmission Line from Mazra to Karain in District Chamba. Awarded amount is `37.00 crore. Work is in progress and will be completed in January, 2021.
viii) 132 KV Transmission Line from Barsaini to Charor in district Kullu. Awarded amount is `43.00 crore. Work is in progress and will be completed in June, 2020.
ix) 66 KV Transmission Line from Nirmand to Kotla in district Kullu. Awarded amount is `23.00 crore. Work is in progress and it shall be completed in January, 2021.
In addition to above, Green Energy Corridor-I (GEC-I) funded by KfW amounting to 57 million Euro has been signed in October, 2015. There are following 13 No’s of Packages of projects, divided into 14 numbers of packages for implementation of works, out of which 7 No’s of projects have been awarded and 7 No’s of projects are in bidding process.
i) Construction of 66/220 KV, 80/100 MVA sub-station in the yard of 132/220 kv Sunda sub- station. It will be completed in March, 2020.
ii) Construction of 22/132 KV, 2x31.5 MVA sub-station in the yard of Tangnu Romai HEP. It will be completed in March,2020.
iii) Construction of 132 KV, D/C line from 22/132 KV sub-station at Tangnu Romai HEP to 132/220 KV sub-station at Sunda. Awarded amount is `16.91 crore. It will be completed in February, 2019.
iv) Construction of 132/220 KV, 2x100 MVA GIS sub-station AT Dehan in district Kangra. Awarded amount is `75.72 crore and It will be completed in March, 2020.
v) 220 KV, D/C Transmi9ssion Line (55 Kms) from Dehan sub-station to 400/220 KV sub-station of PGCIL at Hamirpur. Awarded amount is `110.68 crore and it will be completed in March, 2020.
vi) Construction of 33/132 KV, 31.5 MVA sub-station in the yard of Rupin HEP. It shall be completed in March, 2020.
vii) Construction of 132 KV D/C line between 33/132 KV, sub-station in Rupin HEP and 132/220 KV substation at Sunda. It shall be completed in March, 2020.
viii) 66/220 KV, 100 MVA sub-station at Helping by LILO of 220 KV Bajoli Holi-Lahal D/C/ line. It will be completed in March, 2020.
ix) Providing additional 33/220 KV, 100 MVA Transfarmer at 132/220 KV, 100 MVA GIS sub-station at Charor (ADB funded) in Distt. Kullu. It will be completed in March, 2020.
x) Providing additional 33/132 KV, 31.5 MVA Transfarmer at 33/132 KV, 31.5 MVA GIS sub-station at Pandoh in Distt. Mandi. Awarded amount is `20.50 crore. It will be completed in September, 2019.
xi) Providing additional 400/220 KV, 1x315 MVA Transfarmer in the 400/220 KV sub-station at Gumma (ADB, funded) in Distt. Shimla. Awarded amount is `43.01 crore. It will be completed in March, 2019.
xii) Construction of 33 KV GIS Switching station at Palchan in district Kullu. It shall be completed in February, 2020.
xiii) Construction of 33 KV Transmission line Palchan-Prini in district Kullu. Awarded amount is `8.13 crore. It shall be completed in June, 2019.
xiv) Construction of 220 KV Transmission line Snail-Hatkoti. Awarded amount is `18.00 crore. It shall be completed in March, 2019.
HIMURJA has made concerted efforts to popularize renewable energy programmes throughout the State with financial support of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India and State Government. Efforts are continued for promotion and providing of renewable energy devices like Solar Solar Photovoltaic applications, Solar Cooker, solar water heating system etc. HIMURJA is also assisting the Government for exploitation of Small Hydro (upto 5 MW) in the State. The achievements of HIMURJA during the year 2018-19 (upto December, 2018), anticipated upto March, 2019 and target fixed for 2019-20 are as under:
i) Solar Cooker: During the current financial year 27 Box type and 14 Dish type solar cookers have been provided up to December, 2018. Anticipated achievement up to March, 2019 will be about 50 Box type and 50 Dish type solar cookers. A target of 500 Box type and 500 Dish type solar cookers has been proposed for the year 2019-20 under MNRE, Government of India programme.
ii) CST Solar Steam Cooking System: During the current financial year up to December, 2018, installation of Solar Steam Cooking System at two places is in progress.Anticipated achievements upto March, 2019 will be 150 sq. mts. A target for installation of CST Solar Steam cooking systems of 150 sq. metres collector area have been proposed for the year 201920 under MNRE, Government of India Programme.
iii) Solar Water Heating System: During the current financial year, solar water heating systems of 5000 Ltr. Per day capacity have been installed up to December, 2018, anticipated achievement up March 2019 will be about 10,000 Ltr. Per day. A target of 2,40,000 litres per day capacity solar water heating systems installation has been proposed for the year 2019-20.
i) SPV Street Lighting System: During current financial year 6,023 No. SPV Street Lighting Systems have been installed for community use up to December, 2018 under MNRE, of Government of India and other programmes. Anticipated achievements upto March, 2019 will be about 10,000. A target of 10,000 SPV Street Lighting systems has been proposed for the year 2019-20.
ii) SPV Domestic Light: During the current financial year 297 number of SPV Domestic Lights have provided upto December,2018 and anticipated achievement upto March, 2019 will be about 1000. A target of 1,000 SPV Domestic Lights has been proposed for the year 2019-20.
iii) SPV Lanterns: During current financial year 5,116 No. SPV Solar Lantern have been provided on full cost upto December, 2018 and anticipated achievement upto March, 2019 will be about 5,500. A target of 5,000 SPV Lanterns has been proposed for the year 2019-20.
iv) Solar Power Plants/Projects:
1) Off-grid Solar Power Plants: During current financial year SPV Power Plants of 203 kWp have been commissioned up to December, 2018. anticipated achievement upto March, 2019 will be about 1,000 kWp. A target of 3,000 kWp capacity SPV Power Plants has been proposed for the year 2019-20.
2) Grid-connected Solar Roof Top Power Plants: During current financial year SPV Power Plants of 943.83 kWp have been commissioned up to December, 2018. Anticipated achievement upto March,2019 will be about 10,000 kWp. A target of 10,000 kWp SPV Power Plants has been proposed for the year 2019-20.
3) Ground Mounted Gridconnected Solar Power Projects: During current financial year 13.00 MW capacity Ground Mounted Solar Power Projects have been commissioned upto December, 2018. Anticipated achievements upto March, 2019 will be about 13.00 MW. A target of 15 MW capacity Solar Power Projects has been proposed for the year 2019-20.
C) SMALL HYDRO ELECTRIC PROJECTS UPTO 5 MW CAPACITY BEING EXECUTED THROUGH PRIVATE SECTOR PARTICIPATION: During the current financial year, 2 projects with an aggregate capacity of 5.50 MW has been commissioned upto December, 2018, anticipated achievement upto March, 2019 will be about 20.00 MW. For the financial year 2019-20, capacity addition of 30.00 MW have been targeted. Upto date status (as on December,2018) of the allotted projects upto 5 MW capacity is as under.

D) HYDRO ELECTRIC PROJECTS BEING EXECUTED BY HIMURJA MHEPs: Himurja is operating Micro Hydel projects at Lingti (400KW), Kothi (200 KW), Juthed (100 KW), Purthi (100 KW), Sural (100 KW), Gharola (100 KW), Sach (900 KW) and Billing (400 KW) which are under generation. During current year 22.68 lakh units of electricity has been generated from these projects upto October,2018. As per decision of the Government, Micro Hydel projects namely, Lingti (400KW), Purthi (100 KW), Sural (100 KW), Gharola, Sach (900 KW) and Billing (400 KW) have been transferred and handed over to HPSEBL for operation. Other projects, namely Bara Bhangal (40 KW) and Sarahan (30 KW) have also been executed by HIMURJA.
From Bara Bhangal project, energy is being provided to local public. State Government has allotted 18 projects with an aggregate capacity of 36.87 MW capacity to HIMURJA. Out of these 10 projects with a capacity of 2.37 MW have been commissioned, 3 HEPs of 14.50 MW capacity have been allotted by HIMURJA with the approval of the government on BOT basis. Construction activities on one project are in progress and for other two projects, process for obtaining various clearances for these projects is in progress. For remaining 5 HEPs of 20.00 MW capacity the tendering process has been initiated for allotment of the projects on BOT basis.
The expenditure during 2018-19 under Annual Plan/Non Plan will be about `3.10 crore under IREP and NRSE schemes on the basis of budgeted Annual Plan outlay for the promotion of renewable energy programmes including implementation of Small Hydro Programmes in the State, Under Annual Plan/ Non Plan for 2019-20 an outlay of `11.00 crore has been proposed.


Roads are an essential ingredient of infrastructure of economy. In the absence of any other suitable and viable modes of transportation like railways and waterways, roads play a vital role in boosting the economy of the hilly State like Himachal Pradesh. Starting almost from a scratch the State Government has constructed 37,913 Kms. of motorable roads (inclusive of jeepable and track) till December, 2018. The State Government has been assigning a very high priority to road sector. For the year 2018-19, there is an outlay of ` 955.14 crore. The target fixed for 2018-19 and achievements made up to December, 2018 are given as under in table 14.1:-

In the State 10,308 villages as detailed below in table 14.2 were connected with roads as on 31.12.2018:
National Highways (Central Sector) 14.3 The process of improvement of National Highways in the State having total length of 2,017 Km. which includes urban links and bye-passes, continued during the year also. Upto the end of December,2018, an expenditure of `262.55 crore has been incurred.
There are only two narrow gauge railway lines connecting Shimla with Kalka (96 Km.) and Jogindernagar with Pathankot (113 Km.) and one 33 Km. broad gauge railway line from Nangal Dam to Charuru in District Una upto December,2018.
Road Transport is the main stay of economic activity in the Pradesh as other means of transport namely Railways, Airways, Taxies, Auto Rickshaw etc. are negligible. Therefore, the road transport corporation assumes paramount importance in the State. The passenger transport services to the people of Himachal Pradesh, within and outside the State are being provided by Himachal Road Transport Corporation with a fleet strength of 3,078 buses,25 Electric Buses, 21 Taxies & 50 Electric Taxies and plying bus services on 2,869 routes with coverage of 6.35 lakh Km. (approx.) daily (upto 15.12.2018)
For the benefit of people the following schemes remained in operation during the year:-
i) Green Card Scheme: Green card holder is allowed 25 percent discount in fare, if the journey under taken by passenger is of 50 km. The cost of this card is `50 and having its validity for two years.
ii) Smart Card Scheme: Corporation has introduced Smart card scheme. The cost of this card is `50 and having its validity for two years. This card having 10 percent discount in fare and also valid in HRTC Ordinary, Super Fast, Semi Deluxe and Deluxe buses, In Volvo and AC buses discount is to be allowed from 1st October to 31st March, in every year.
iii) Samman Card Scheme: Corporation has introduced Samman card scheme for the senior citizen of the age of the 60 years or more. Under this scheme, the discount of 30 percent in fare is allowed in ordinary buses.
iv) Free Facility to Women: Women have been allowed free travelling facility in HRTC ordinary buses on the occasion of “Raksha Bandhan” and “Bhaiya Dooj”. Muslim women have been allowed free travelling facility on occasion of “Id” and “Baker Id”.
v) Discount in fare to Women: The Corporation has also allowed 25 percent discount in fare in ordinary buses within the State to the women.
vi) Free Facility to Students of Government Schools: The students of Government schools up to +2 classes have been allowed free travelling facility in HRTC ordinary buses.
vii) Free Facility to the person suffering from serious disease: Free travelling facility to cancer, spinal injury, kidney and dialysis patients along with one attendant in HRTC buses for the purpose of medical treatment on referral slip issued by the Doctor within and outside the State.
viii) Free Facility to the Special abled persons: The Corporation is providing free travelling facility to special abled persons having disability of 70 percent or more along with one attendant within State.
ix) Free Facility to the Gallantry Awardees: The Gallantry Award winners have been allowed free travelling facility in HRTC’s ordinary buses in addition to Delux Buses in the State.
x) Luxury Buses: The Corporation is plying 51owned and 39 buses super luxury (Volvo / Scania) and 24 luxury AC buses under Wet-Leasing scheme to interstate roads to provide better transport facility to the public.
xi) 24X7 Helpline: 24x7 HRTC/ Private Bus Passenger’s helpline No.94180-00529 and 0177-2657326 have been introduced to lodge and address the complaints of passengers.
xii) Taxies on sealed roads: Taxies Services have also been introduced by the Corporation in Shimla Town for public on sealed/ restricted roads.
xiii) Tempo traveller to major Tourist localities: Corporation introduced 11 tempo traveller under wet- leasing scheme to major Tourist localities of the State in order to provide comfortable journey to the Tourist/ general Public. Himachal Pradesh has minimum presence of rail, air and water transport services, therefore, the State is almost entirely dependent upon road transport. The role of this department is to implement different rules/ acts and especially central motor vehicle Act. As on November, 2018 the State has a total of 15,64,738 transport and non transport vehicles have been registered. During the year 2018-19 upto October, 2018 the department has challenged 25,009 vehicles for different offences and a sum of `3.82 crore have been received.
Significant achievements of the Department during the year 2018-19 are as under:
1) I.T.: Intervention Department of Transport has implemented web-based software’s viz. Sarathi for Driving license and Vahan for vehicle registration, tax collection and issuance of permits in all the Registering & Licensing Authority wherein applicants can apply online for Driving License and vehicle related services. In all these services, applicants can deposit fee/taxes online through Cyber Treasury. Department of Transport has notified the standard operating procedure for the dealer point registration for personalized vehicles in the state for registration of vehicles at dealer end wherein all the fee/ taxes are being deposited at dealer end in cyber treasury and Registration Certificate are being dispatched by dealers to the vehicle owner. In the system vehicle owner need not to go to RTO/R&LA offices for registration of vehicles.The system has been started on pilot at Shimla i.e Tapan Industries and further Goyal Motors Shimla which is mapped RTO, Shimla, R&LA, Shimla (Urban) & R&LA, Shimla (Rural).
2) Inspection and Certification Centre: In order to improve the inspection and Certification of vehicles in the State , MoRTH has proposed to sanction one state of the art I & C Centre at Baddi in Solan District costing `16.50 crore. The fund shall be provided by the Govt. of India except to provide the land. The land measuring 63.03 bighas has been identified/ transferred in the name of the Transport Department. The detailed estimate as per the guidelines of MoRTH has been sent to the Ministry. State Govt. has also submitted guarantee for ` 3.65 crore on account to ensure over and above expenditure if any shall be incurred for establishment of Inspection & Certification Centre.
3) Creation of Transport Nagar: At present most of the motor mechanical workshops which cater to a large number of vehicles are functioning on road sides which are creating not only congestion on the road but are a public nuisance and cause of accident. To sort out the problem of traffic congestion in the state the department plans to develop 08 Transport Nagars on Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode in the state to shift the workshops to locations away from roads and create multiple facilities like parking lots, seating places, eating places, toilets, recreation centres and other facilities at the site of the newly created Transport Nagars in all district of the State. For this purpose the transfer of land in the name of Transport Department at Baddi, Distt. Solan and Mohal Rampur, District Una has been done. In addition to this the land has been identified at Nadaun , District Hamirpur, Damtal, District Kangra and Udaypur District Chamba. Transport Department has taken up the matter with the Deputy Commissioners to identify the lands for Transport Nagars with in their jurisdictions. H.P. Govt. has provided an amount of `12.00 crore in favour of the department to develop the basic infrastructure.
4) Water Transport: Water Transport Activities like passengers, cargo & tourists, water sports and Shikaras will be developed in Chamera, Koldam & Govind Sagar Lake for both Cargo & Passenger Transport. I Mari Time Consultancy Private Limited has been appointed as Consultant for the project study in these areas. The consultant has given its report to the Govt. of HP and MoRTH. As per DPR an amount of `26.01 crore has been demanded to carry out civil work for development of Ghats on above dams.
5) Driving Training School and Pollution Check Centre: Presently 10 Government, 12 HRTC and 240 Private Driving Training Schools are functioning in the state. As far as pollution check centres are concerted 5 under Government Sector and 92 under private sectors are functioning at different places in the State.
6) Guidelines for safe Transportation of School Children: The State government is seriously concerned with the safety of school children. Recently State Government has issued notification/guidelines for school buses vide notification dated 10.10.2018. The direction contained in this notification has been circulated to all RTOs for strict implementation.
7) Reservation of seats for Special Category Person: 40% seats in all type of Stage Carriage buses have been declared as reserved for Special Category persons i.e. Cancer Patients, Pregnant women, Physically Challenged and Senior Citizens. This facility is admissible in buses plying within a radius of 50 Km from its originating point.
8) Employment Generation: Transport Department has fixed a target of employment generation for the year 2018-19 to 24,000 people out of which direct employment to 17,368 people have been provided up to September, 2018.
9) Construction of new modern office complex: The Regional Transport Offices Dharamsala, Shimla and Mandi have been constructed / renovated to meet out the modern needs like digitization of records, waiting areas and with all the amenities to general public.
10) Introduction of new routes: HRTC has introduced 132 new routes by adding 22,291 Kms/ day in its operation during year 2019-20.
11) Implementation of FAME India Scheme: 50 electric buses were sanctioned by Govt. of India on 27.07.2018 under FAME-India Scheme for Shimla Town. The letter of award for procurement of 30 buses was issued on 12.10.2018 and these buses will be made operational till March,2019. 35 Electric buses will be purchased for smart city Dharamsala and will be operated by HRTC. Electric buses deployed on ManaliRohtang route were further deployed on Manali -Mandi Route for pollution free Transport.
12) Construction of new Bus Stands: It is proposed to construct new bus Stands at Bhanjraroo, Thunag, Chail Chowk, Manikaran, Shahpur, Jasoor, Nalagarh, Parwanoo, Hamirpur, Manali and Baddi and to construct 2 bus stands on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Mode.
13) Ropeway and Rapid Transport Corporation: State Govt. has developed a new Ropeway and Rapid Transport Corporation under the control of Transport Department for which a budget provision is proposed to be allocated for the financial year 2019-20. The Ropeway and Rapid Transport Development Corporation will be working on the following projects:-
(i) Passenger Ropeway Village Jana Kullu, District Kullu.
(ii) Mass Rapid Transit System (M.R.T.S) to decongest cities in H.P. i:e Shimla, Manali and Dharamsala.
14) Electric Vehicle Policy: The Government of H.P. is committed to establish Himachal Pradesh as a model state for Electric Vehicle Adoption across segments (personal, shared and commercial) and to provide sustainable, safe, eco-friendly, inclusive and integrated mobility. For this purpose electric vehicle policy is being prepared which aims to provide incentives for electric vehicle consumers, manufactures as well as to the establish the Charging Stations. The mission is to achieve 100% transition to electric vehicles by 2030 in the state in line with UN’s sustainable development goals (SDG’s) and vision of Government of India.


Tourism sector in Himachal Pradesh has been recognized as one of the most important sectors of the economy as it is being realized as a major engine of growth for future and as such contribution of the tourism sector to the State GDP is 6.6 percent approximately which is quite significant.The State is endowed with all the basic resources necessary for thriving tourism activity like geographical and cultural diversity, clean and peaceful environment and beautiful streams, sacred shrines, historic monuments and the friendly and hospitable people.
Tourism Industry in Himachal Pradesh has been given very high priority and the Government has developed appropriate infrastructure for its development which includes public utility services, roads, communication network, airports, transport facilities, water supply and civic amenities etc. At present about 3,066 hotels having bed capacity of about 85,823 are registered with the department. In addition, there are about 1,340 Home Stay units registered in the State having about 7,702 beds.
To give boost to the Tourism in the State, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved loan assistance worth US $ 95.16 million to Himachal Pradesh for development of tourist infrastructure in the State. Under Tranche-I financial assistance of US $ 33.00 million has been approved and the completion period of the projects is September, 2018 Community Based Tourism under Trenche-1 was implemented in 5 clusters of 4 District i.e Shimla, Kangra, Bilaspur and Una of the State in which various types of skilled and livelihood based trainings were provided and total 5,445 participants (Female 2,984 and Male 2,461) were trained.
Under Tranche-3 total finance of US $62.16 million has been approved on September, 2015. The completion period of Tranche-3 is June, 2020. Under this Tranche there are total 11 sub-projects of civil works and all the sub-projects have been awarded. The projects are being executed in district Bilaspur, Kangra, Mandi and Shimla. Under Tranche-3, 19 Panchayats have been selected for the implementation of Community Based Tourism (CBT) projects, out of which initial training have been started in 12 panchayats of 5 district and total 2,177 participants participated. Under the Swadesh Darshan Yojna the Government of India, Ministry of Tourism has sanctioned the project Integrated Development of Himalayan Circuit in Himachal Pradesh worth `99.76 crore under Swadesh Darshan Scheme and released first instalment of `19.95 crore. Under this project total 14 tourism development projects have been sanctioned for the State.
The Department of Tourism is encouraging private sector to develop tourism related infrastructure in the State under Public Private Partnership (PPP). The ropeway project Bhunter to Bijli Mahadev has been signed on 23.02.2017 between Department of Tourism and Usha Breco Chamunda Devi Ropeway Pvt. Ltd. condition precedence are being fulfilled by the promoter. In addition to above, the Department of Tourism and Civil Aviation has identified the following five sites for offering the same to the private sector on a long term lease basis:-

A sustained marketing of the State is being done throughout the year in print and electronic media. In order to promote tourism dissemination of tourist information plays significant role. The department of Tourism prepares different types of promotional publicity material like brochures/ pamphlets, posters, blow-ups etc. and participate in various tourism fairs and festivals in the country and abroad. The Department and HPTDC along with the private hoteliers participated in different tourism fair and festivals in and outside the State. In addition to above the department is also focusing on Social Media platform for promotion of tourism.
The Department has organized various general training Courses for the unemployed youth of the State like Basic Course on Tourism, training for Home stay and Dhaba owners, Food and Beverages Services and Trekking Guide Course etc. In 2018-19 department has approved the proposal to train 431 trainees will be trained by incurring expenditure of ` 29.00 lakh in financial year 2018-19. The Department has organized and supports the Tourism, related events and festival. The department has also prepared promotional films and commercials to promote tourism in the State which includes films of duration 20 minutes, 10 minutes and 5 minutes, three television commercials of 60 seconds and three television commercials of 30 seconds duration. The department is focusing on social media platform for promotion of Tourism.
To attract high end tourist in the State, regular flights are taking place from the three existing airports i.e Jubbarhatti (Shimla), Bhunter (Kullu) and Gaggal (Kangra) in Himachal Pradesh. The Government is making its sincere efforts for expansion of these airstrips.In this context, for the acquisition of land for expansion of Kangra Airport, an amount of `3.49 crore is required whereas for the construction of embankment for expansion of Shimla Airport an amount of `500.00 crore is required. State Government has taken up the matter with the Government of India to provide the requisite funds for the purpose. Proposal for construction of International Standard Airport in Mandi District is under consideration of the State Government. The land has been identified for the purpose at Nagchala and in-principle approval is being obtained. State Government on 09.10.2018 has released an amount of `99.47 lakh to the Airport Authourity of 110 India (AAI) for arring out the Obstacle Limtation Surface (OLS) survey of the selected site. To promote tourism in the state and to facilitate the visiting tourists as well as local people, State Government has also started helitexi service with effect from June,2018 from Shimla-Chandigarh-Shimla airport on Monday, and Friday of every week. 385 tourist have availed the heli taxi facility from 04.06.2018 to 05.10.2018 in the 1st phase, this service was available from Shimla–Chandigarh - Shimla. In addition, the Government has also started a Joy Ride service from ManaliRohtang-Manali on 25.10.2018 for the facilitation of the tourists. Under RCS-UDAN-II,the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MOCA),Government of India has informed that the ministry is connecting three airports of the state to the proposed helipads i.e. one each in Mandi, Kullu, Solan and three in Shimla District. DPRs etc. are being prepared by M/s Pawan Hans Ltd. for upgradation of requisite infrastructure at these helipad for making functional.
Nai Raahein Nai Manzilein: Himachal Pradesh has enormous potential for Adventure Tourism State also organises adventure activities in different places for the entertainment of the Tourist visiting the State Government has launched a new scheme “Nai Raahein Nai Manzilein” with an outlay of ` 50.00 crore in 2018- 19 for the development of unexplored areas from tourism point of view and to generate more employment opportunities for the unemployed youth of the State. Eco–Tourism Project at Janjehli Disrtict Bir-Billing Distric Kangra,Ski Destination at Chansal Disrtict Shimla and Larji Project District Kinnaur are being implemented in the first phase of “Nai Raahein Nai Manzilein” scheme. Funds amounting to ` 21.72 crore have been released to Deputy Director(Tourism) Shimla (`8.00 crore), Kangra (`5.00 crore),Mandi (`5.00 crore) and Project director, HPSEBL(`3.72 crore) for different works to be implemented under the scheme.
The Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (HPTDC) is a pioneer in the development of tourism infrastructure in Himachal Pradesh formed in 1972, it provides complete package of tourism services, including accommodation, catering, transport, conferencing & sports activities having the largest chain of finest hotels restaurants in the state with 55 hotels having 998 rooms with 2,282 beds. HPTDC also runs 64 restaurants. HPTDC is a commercial organization and functions differently from other Govt. Departments/ Boards/ Corporations and is engaged in the promotion of tourism related activities in the State to facilitate the tourists.
1) HPTDC added 5 rooms and one Convention Centre/ Hall having a capacity of 250-300 persons at Hotel Hatu, Narkanda in the current year.
2) The new lift having a capacity of 26 persons at the Mall Shimla has recently been put into operation by HPTDC which has 111 facilitated the tourists in more convenient manner.
3) The HPTDC also in the process of outsourcing the wayside amenities at Jathiya Devi, District Shimla Ghatta, District Mandi for which approval of the Govt. is awaited.
4) In order to give wider publicity as well as to provide marketing to Himachal Tourism, recently, a Food Festival with special emphasis on Himachali cuisines has been organized at Ahmedabad in which the various dishes were prepared by the chefs of HPTDC. HPTDC generated an income to the tune of `63.91 crore up to November, 2018 where as the target set for the next year is `125.00 crore.


Education is the key instrument for developing human capability. The State is committed to provide education to all. The concerted efforts of the Government have put Pradesh as one of the leading State in educational literacy. According to 2011 census Himachal Pradesh has a literacy rate of 82.80 percent. Male/ female literacy rate differs considerably in the State as against 89.53 per cent literacy rate for males it is 75.93 percent for females. All out efforts are afoot to bridge this gap.
The policies of the Government in the field of Elementary Education are implemented through the Deputy Directors of Elementary Education and Block Primary Education Officers at District and Block Level respectively with aims:-
1) To achieve the goal of universalization of Elementary Education.
2) To provide Quality Elementary Education.
3) To increase access to Elementary Education. At present up to 31.12.2018 there are 10,714 Primary Schools and 2,102 Middle Schools functioning in the State. To overcome the shortage of trained teachers, efforts are being made to make fresh appointments of teachers in the needy schools. An attempt has also been made to cater the educational need of special abled children.
To increase enrolment and to reduce the dropout rate and further to enhance the retention rate of the children in these schools, various scholarships and other incentives namely Poverty Stipend Scholarship, Girls Attendance Scholarship, Scholarship for Children of Army Personnel, Scholarship for the students belonging to IRDP families, MiddleMatric scholarship (Medhavi Chhatervariti Yojna), Pre Matric scholarship for Scheduled Castes students on Lahaul-Spiti pattern Scholarship. In addition to the above free Text Books and Uniforms are also being provided for OBC/ IRDP/ SC/ ST and in some cases free Text Books are provided to General Students in non Tribal areas. Free Text books and uniforms to all students are being provided.
The following incentives are being provided during the year 2018-19:-
i) Middle Merit/Medhavi Chatervarti Yojna `800 per annum per boy/ girl. 1,450 students were benefitted and `11.60 lakh were spent.
ii) Scholarship for IRDP families children `150 per student from class 1st to 5th is being provided and durng the year 2018-19 50,385 students were benefitted and `75.58 lakh have been spent. ` 250 per boy and `500 per girl is provided. Under this scheme 41,078 students were benefitted and `1.60 crore have been spent.
iii) Under Girls Attendance Scheme girl students having attendance more than 90 percent is being awarded `2 per month for 10 months. Total 39,098 students were benefitted and `7.82 lakh have been spent. Free Text Books: Free Text Books are being provided by Himachal Pradesh Government for all IRDP/ SC/ ST/ OBC/ General students for which there is a budget provision of `17.32 crore during 2018-19.
Atal School Vardi Yojana: Under Atal School Vardi Yojana two sets of uniform is being provided for class 1st to 12th . For the year 2018-19, about 8,30,945 students (Classes 1st to 12th) were benefitted. There is a budget provision of `30.00 crore during the year 2018-19.
Free Writing Material: Cash payment is being provided to those SC students who belong to IRDP/ BPL families and who study from 1st to 5th classes in government schools as per the following rates per annum.
a) 1st and 2nd class ` 250
b) 3rd and 4th class ` 300
c) 5th class ` 350 During the financial year 2018-19, 25,428 students were benefitted and an expenditure of `75.10 crore was incurred.
Sports Activities: A budgetry provision of `335.00 lakh was made for the year 2018-19 for carrying out the sports activities of children of Primary/ Elementry schools at Centre, Block, District, State and National levels. The department is organising these activities in conveyance with other line departments like Social Justice and Empowerment and youth and Sports department etc.
The government has made a budget provision for 2018-19 of `18.20 crore for the repair and maintenance and `10.90 crore to provide adequate infrastructure facilities for construction of Elementary school buildings/rooms and District/Block offices.
Atal Adarsh Vidyaly Yojna: Atal Adarsh Vidyaly Yojna has been launched in Barthin (Jhandutta) District Bialspur. Ten Aadarsh Vidyalya will be started from 03.12.2018.
Akhand Shiksha Jyoti Mere School Se Nikle Moti: The State Government launched the new scheme Akhand Shiksha Jyoti Mere School Se Nikle Moti on 10th October 2018.The features of the scheme as under:-
1) To raise the standered of educational infrastructure and quality of education.
2) To compare with private schools.
3) To bring the people from society to government schools.
4) To link the old students with schools so they would contribute towards improvement of schools.
5) To persuade old students/Alumni to play the role as motivators and source of inspiration for students.
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) launched in the State with a well defined Pre-Project Phase on improving the infrastructure in the District Project Offices, capacity building of educational administrators, teachers, school mapping, micro-planning, surveys etc. The objective of this movement was to ensure universal access, enrolment, removal of gender gaps, retention and completion of elementary schooling by all 6-14 age group children coupled satisfactory quality elementary education with active participation of the community in the management of schools.
The main efforts for improving the quality of elementary education under SSA are as under:
1. Pre Primary education in H.P: The state govt has launched Pre- primary (Nursury and KG) classes in selected 3,391 schools across the state in first phase from 1st October, 2018. In the subsequent years, preprimary classes will be states in remaining primary schools. 25,000 children have been enrolled in pre primary in first phase till date.
Objectives of Pre Primary:
i) To set up and activate pre-school education activities through an integrated approach focusing onphysical, social, emotional, language and congnitive development.
ii) Introducing children to a set of school readiness activities to prepare them for primary education in later years.
iii) Creating awareness in the community regarding the importance of pre school education focusing on parents.
iv) To creat a compelling atmosphere that motivates society to enroll children in Government school.
Learning Outcomes: The State government has provided subject and class wise learning outcomes developed by the NCERT to all elementary school teachers and they have been directed to teach in such a manner that the desired learning outcomes are attained by the students in each competency.
Teacher App: The State Govt. has launched teacher app to make teaching learning more interesting and joyful.
Shiksa Saathi App: The Himachal Pradesh Department of education has consistently raised the bar in education by fostering innovative reforms.The most recent addition to these innovative advancements has been a Shiksa Saathi App.This mobile based app integrates different functions conducted by the Department on a single platform.
i) The app meets multiple objectives of the department and aids defferent responsibilities of education officials,thus making it revolutionary for the state Education Department.
ii) It has advanced feature that make the previous process of inspection and data collection easier and more effective.
iii) The app also provides for a speedy communication channel for the Samagra Shiksa to interact with the education official through notification of letters and instruction issued.
iv) At present ,the Review and Monitoring module has been launched on the app.
v) The app allows real time data collection of issued by asking block officials on school visit to capture a photograph of the issue in the school.
vi) The app has remarkable feature that are tailored to suit the Himachal context.
Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat: To teach with play way method flash cards, reading cards, charts, worksheets / workbooks, story books, cursivewriting worksheet learing resources at primary level have been provided to enhance their basic skills in Language and Arthmatic.
Smart Shalamath’s kits (Sampark Foundation): State project office has signed MoU with Sampark Foundation to enhance the learning level of students in the subject of Mathematics and English. 10,661 Sampark Smart Shala math’s kits have been provided by Sampark Foundation to all Govt. Primary School. Workbooks in the subject of math will be provided to all primary school children studing in class 2nd and 3rd.
Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE): CCE is being implemented in all Government schools up to class VIII in the State through formative and summative assessments in addition to class tests being taken after completion of every chapter.
Computer Aided Learning Programme (CALP): As of now 1,202 Government schools have already been covered with necessary infrastructure such as; 3 computers, 1 multipurpose laser printer, 2 UPSs and furniture, out of three Computers supplied in each school, one is with 42” LCD TV .
180 schools already covered during 2017-18.
Activities under RAA in selected lab schools:
i) Establishing mathematics laboratories.
ii) Strengthening of existing science labs.
iii) Developing Science Parks with the help of experts in lab schools. Introducing BaLA features related to mathematics and science learning on the wall and other available space. Developing Vermi compost plants.
iv) Preparing students for Regional Mathematics Olympiads. Preparation of students for Children Science Congress (CSC) and Innovation in Science Pursuit for IRDP families children 150 per student from 1st to 5th Is being provided.
Achievement Surveys: State Level Achievement Survey, subject wise State Level Achievement Survey (SLAS) of all class I to VIII children is being conducted by the State Project Office (ISSE) since 2013-14 onwards. On the basis of the findings of this survey, teachers are provided academic support accordingly. National Achievement Survey: National level Achievement Survey has been conducted by NCERT in the State. Assessment data has been collected and is under the process of analysis.
Girl Education: Under model-III, there are 10 Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBVs) functioning in Himachal Pradesh. Eight KGBVs are in District Chamba, one each in Shimla and Sirmour districts. As of now, these KGBVs are catering to the needs of as many as 508 girls. These girls belong to poor SC/ ST and minority communities and are provided free boarding–lodging, stipend, medical assistance, stationery, skill education as per need, self defence training, exposure visits etc. For the year 2018-19 seven KGBVs have been upgraded up to class -12. Retention: Under SSA there is a provision of two sets of free uniform for all girls, all SC/ST boys, children belonging to BPL families and free text books for all general category boys and girls of class I to VIII. Rests of the students are covered from the State budget.
Community participation and the training of SMC members: To ensure that education is delivered well at the school level, every student learns and excels parents of students and PRI members are sensitized as well as oriented every year. Under this intervention schools also prepare School Development Plans (SDPs) reflecting action points at all the three parts of the operating system i.e. at input, process and output level. Community mobilization: This is for wide publicity of all the education initiatives/ schemes launched by the State and Central Government. The purpose of this intervention is to spread the message of all schemes across the State as well as prepare people for active participation and ownership in the implementation of all educational schemes.
Monitoring and review: Monitoring and review mechanism has also been redefined. To improve the quality of review and monitoring, a detailed OMR-based quality monitoring tool, which is easily and digitilable and analyzable, has been prepared and distributed to various block officials. The state has mandated block officials (initially BRCCs, and then BEEOs) to visit schools in their blocks and inspect schools on various key parameters like CCE performance, basic infrastructure, classroom teaching and school management. The resulting data from these inspections is collated, analyzed and then discussed at district and state levels to come up with solutions which can improve the performance of schools on each of these parameters. Benefits of this intervention include:
) A single OMR-based quality monitoring tool integrating multiple forms
i) Regular school visits and inspections by State officials to identify problems / best practices, on this basis to take timely action, if required
ii) Easy digitization of detailed schoolwise data
iii) Monthly review meetings at district and State level data
iv) Increased accountability and culture of data-backed decision making within the government
v) Reduce burden on State functionaries by replacing multiple review forms with one comprehensive quality monitoring tool.
Children With Special Needs (CWSN): Total 11,944 children have been identified with special needs for the year 2018-19. The process of inclusion goes with the following activities:-
i) Identification through SMCs and surveys
ii) Medical Camps to identify the need of every CWSN
iii) Special Educators to teach these children.
Out of School Children: In Himachal Pradesh there are negligible children who are outside the formal range of education. However they are being attempted to bring into the fold of elementary education through NRBCCs. The first and foremost obligation of RTE Act is to ensure that all children in the age group of 6-14 years should be there in schools. Other Independent studies conducted by IMRB and Pratham have also confirmed that the number of out of school children in Himachal Pradesh is below one percent. It is observed that due to migration from other parts of the country to the urban/semi urban areas of the state, the figure of out of school children keeps on fluctuating. Districts have been asked to conduct survey in the month of July and December every year to keep track of migratory population and enroll them in schools.
Highest Priority is being given towards education in the State owing to increasing share of education to the total Plan Outlay of the State every year along with the educational institutions. Up to December, 2018, there are 929 Government High schools, 1,841 Government Senior Secondary Schools and 138 Government Degree colleges including 7 Sanskrit colleges, 1 SCERT, 1 B.Ed. college and 1 Fine Art College running in the State.
To improve the educational status of the deprived sections of the society, various types of scholarships/ stipends are being provided by the State/ Central Goverments at various stages. The scholarship schemes are:-
i) Dr. Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatarvrity Yojna: Under this scheme the scholarship is being given to the top 1,000 meritorious students of SC category and top 1,000 meritorious students of OBC on the basis of Matric examination conducted by HPBSE for 10 +1 and 10+2 classes in recognised institution within or outside of the State `10,000 per student per annum. During the year 2017-18, 1,779 students of SC category and 1,702 of OBC category have benefited under this scheme.
ii) Swami Vivekanand Utkristha Chhatarvrity Yojna: Under this scheme 1,000 top meritorious students of General category declared as such in the result of Matric and 10+1 Examination conducted by HPBSE on merit basis for 10+1 and 10+2 classes are awarded the scholarship studying in school recognising within or outside the state is given `10,000 per student per annum. During the year 2017-18, 1,644 students have been benefited under this scheme.
iii) Thakur Sen Negi Uttkristha Chhatarvrity Yojna: Under this scheme, the scholarship is being given to the top 100 boys and 100 girl students of ST category on the basis of the Matric result conducted by HPBSE on merit basisfor 10+1 and 10+2 classes in school recognising within or outside the State `11,000 per student per annum. During the year 2017-18, total 306 such students benefited under this scheme.
iv) Maharishi Balmiki Chhatarvrity Yojna: The bonafide Himachali girl students belonging to Balmiki families whose parents are engaged in unclean occupation are being given scholarship, under this scheme 9,000 per girl student per annum beyond Matric level to college level and for professional courses in Himachal Pradesh irrespective of their status (Government or Private). A total of 11 girls students have been benefited under this scheme during the year 2017-18.
v) Indira Gandhi Utkrishtha: Chhatervriti Yojna: Under this scheme, 150 meritorious students for post plus two courses for studying in colleges or doing professional courses shall be awarded ` 10,000 per year per student purely on basis of merit and without any income ceiling. Total 34 students have been benefited under this scheme during the year 2017-18.
vi) Sainik School Scholarship: The scheme is applicable to the bonafide H.P. students in the Sainik School Sujanpur Tihra from class VI to XII.
vii) NDA Scholarship Scheme: The NDA scholarship at different rates is being given to the Cadets of Himachal Pradesh who are getting training at National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla 1 student have been beneffitted under this schme during the year 2017-18.
viii) Kalpana Chawla Chhatravriti Yojna: Under this scheme, the top 2,000 meritorious girl students of +2 classes of all study groups are given `15,000 per student per annum. During the year 2017-18, total 692 students have been benefitted under this scheme.
ix) Mukhya Mantri Protsahan Yojna: This scheme has been started during the year 2012-13 and one time 75,000 will be given to all students of State who are selected and take admission for a degree course in any Indian Institute of Technology or All India Institute of Medical Sciences and post graduate diploma course in any Indian Institute of Managment Dhanbad at Jharkhand and Indian Insititute of Science (IISC) at Banglore. Total 72 students benefitted under this scheme in 2017-18.
x) Rashtriya Indian Military College Scholarship: This award is given to the ten bonafide Himachal Pradesh students, two from each class VIII to XII in RIMC, Dehradun, `20,000 per year per student. Under this scheme 7 students have been benefited during the year 2017-18.
xi) IRDP Scholarship Scheme: A sum of `300 per month for 9th and 10th class, `800 per month for +1 and +2 Class, `1,200 per month for College/Day scholar students and `2,400 per month for Hostellers is being given to those students who belong to IRDP families and studying in Government/ Government Aided Institutions. 38,826 students have been benefited under this scheme during the year 2017-18.
xii) Scholarship to the children of Armed Forces Personnel Killed/ disabled during wars: A sum of `300 (boys) and `600 (girls) per month for 9th and 10th class, ` 800 per month for 10+1 and 10+2 Class, `1,200 per month for College/ University/ Day scholar students and `2,400 per month for hostellers is being given to Children of Armed Forces Personnel killed/ disabled in different operations/ war.
xiii) Post Matric Scholarship to SC/ST/OBC students (Centrally Sponsored Scheme): The students belongs to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribles whose parents annual income is up to `2.50 lakh and Other Backward Classes students whose parents annual income is up to `1.00 lakh are eligible for full scholarship (i.e. Maintenance allowance + full fee) for all courses and they are studying in Government/ Government Aided Institutions. During the year 2017-18, 556 Scheduled Caste, 2,204 and no student from OBC has been benefited.
xiv) Pre-Matric Scholarship to Other Backward Classes students: This scholarship will be awarded to those students from class 1st to 10th whose parents/ guardians income from all sources does not exceed `2,50,000 per annum. A sum of `100 per student per month for day scholar students and `500 per month for hostellers is being given.
xv) Pre-Matric Scholarship to SC student:. This scholarship will be awarded to those students whose parents/ guardians income from all sources does not exceed `2.50 lakh per annum. A scholarship of `3,000 per student per annum to Day scholars and `6,250 per annum to hostellers of class IX and X is being given. During the year 2017-18, total 3,875 students have been benefited under this scheme.
xvi) Pre-Matric Scholarship to ST students: This scholarship will be awarded to those students whose parents/ guardians income from all sources does not exceed `2.00 lakh per annum. A scholarship of `2,250 per student per annum to Day scholars and `4,500 per annum to hostellers of class IX and X is being given. During the year 2017-18, total 1,691 students have been benefited under this scheme
xvii) Incentive to SC/ST girl students for secondary education: Under this Centrally Sponsored Scheme SC/ ST girl students who take admission in 9th Class after passing Middle Standard Examination from H.P. Board School Examination. The amount of incentive under this scheme is `3,000 and will be given in the shape of a Time Deposit.
xviii) Merit cum means Scholarship Scheme for Students belonging to Minority Community (CSS): This Scholarship is for the Minority students belonging to Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Budhhist communities, whose parents/ guardians income from all sources does not exceed `2.50 lakh from all sources and student should not have less than 50 percent marks. A total of 69 students have been benefitted during 2017-18 under this scheme.
xix) Post–Matric Scholarship Scheme to students belonging to Minority community(CSS): This Scholarship is being given from XI to Phd. Level in Govt./recognized private school/college/ institute including technical/vocational courses for the Minority students belonging to (Muslim, Sikh-, Christian, Budhhist and Parsi ).The annual income of the parent or guardian of the beneficiary should not exceed ` 2.00 Lakh from all sources and student should have not less than 50% marks in the previous final examination. Student must pass the examination from Govt. / Govt.-aided institutions. The Total 570 students have been benefitted under this scheme during 2017-18. The Scholarship amount is being disbursed at Govt. of India level.
xx) National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship (CSS): The Central sponsored Schemehas been started by Govt. of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education and Literacy Secondary Scholarship Division, New Delhi. The Scheme is being implemented through Principal, SCERT, Solan.
Tremendous efforts are made to promote Sanskrit Education by the State Government as well as Centre Government. The details are as under:-
a) Award of scholarships to students of High/ Senior Secondary Schools studying Sanskrit.
b) Providing grant for the salary of Sanskrit Lecturers for teaching Sanskrit in Secondary Schools.
c) Modernization of Sanskrit Schools.
d) Grant to State Government for various schemes for promotion of Sanskrit and for research/ research projects.
Teachers Training Programmes: The Teachers Training Programmes need to be strengthened to equip in-service teachers with the latest techniques/ teaching methods. Seminars/ re-orientation courses are being conducted by SCERT Solan, GCTE Dharamshala, HIPA Fairlawns, and Shimla, NUPA New Delhi/CCRT/ NCERT / RIE, Ajmer and RIE Chandigarh. Approximately 2,700 teaching and non-teaching staffs have been trained during 2018-19.
Yashwant Gurukul Awas Yojna: In order to provide suitable residential accommodation to the teachers posted in High/Senior Secondary Schools of Tribal and hard areas of the State. The scheme is being implemented in 61 identified schools of the State. Free Text Books 16.17 The State Government is providing free text books to the students of 9thand 10thclasses belonging to SC, ST, OBC and BPL categories. During the year 2018-19 `12.88 crore have been spent for this purpose and 1,65,990 students have been benefitted.
Free Education to Special abled Children: Free education to the children having more than 40 percent special abled is being provided in the State upto University level since 2001-02.
Free Education to Girls: Free education is being provided to girl students in the State up to University level including vocational and professional i.e. only tuition fee is exempted.
Information Technology educations is being imparted in all Government Senior Secondary Schools on self finance basis through outsourcing where students had opted for IT education as an optional subject. The department is charging IT fee `110 per month per student. The students of SC (BPL) families are getting 50 percent fee concession of total fee. In the year 2018-19 about 79,297 students are enrolled in IT education subject out of which 6,821 SC (BPL) students are being benefitted under this scheme. An amount of `45.02 lakh was spent in this scheme out of which 50 percent will be reimburse by Social Justice and Empowerment Department.
From the year 2018-19 onwards, Integrated RMSA (RMSA, ICT, Girls Hostels, Vocational Education, IEDSS) has been merged in the integrated scheme for school education (ISSE). The new merged scheme has been named as Samagra Shiksha. The following schemes are being running under Samagra Shiksha.
i) Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan: The Department has taken a lead in implementing the Rashtrya Madhayamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) at secondary level under Himachal Pradesh School Education Society (HPSES) on the sharing funding pattern 90:10. The activities under RMSA are being taken up to strengthen infrastructure in the existing secondary schools, training to in service teachers, self defence trainings and kala Utsav with Annual grant to schools in the State.
ii) Girls Hostel in Educationally Backward Blocks: The Centrally Sponsored Scheme for the construction and running of Girls Hostel for Students of Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools in Educationally Backward Block is to strengthen the Boarding and lodging facilities for Girl’s Students in classes IX to XII. The girls belonging to SC, ST, OBC, Minority Communities and BPL families shall be benefited under this scheme. Girls Hostel construction in Bachhad block of Chamba, Sirmaur District. The construction work of three girl’s hostels i.e. Himgiri, Mehla (Chamba) and Shillai (Sirmour) in educationally backward blocks sanctioned under RMSA, have been completed and made functional with the capacity of 50 girls each during the year 2018-19.
iii) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Project: In order to improve and strengthen the teaching learning activity by using smart class rooms and multimedia teaching aids, department has successfully implemented ICT in 2,137 Government High/ Higher Secondary Schools and five Smart Schools up to 2017-18. Government of India has introduced 145 more schools for the year 2018-19 and work is under progress.
iv) Vocational Education: In order to provide employability to students the department imparted Vocational Education under NSQF in 873 Schools with 11 subjects/ trades i.e. Automobiles, Retail, Security, ITeS, Healthcare, Tourism, Agriculture, Physical Education, Telecom, BFSI and Media. The MHRD , GOI has approved additional Vocational trades i.e. Electronics and Hardware, Apparels ,made ups & furnishing, Beauty & Wellness and Plumber in 80 more schools where requisite number of students are available at 9th standard with the aim to promote skills and to provide employment opportunity to the students during the year 2018-19
v) Inclusive Education for Special abled at Secondary Stage : Inclusive Education for special abled at Secondary Stage is commenced in the State in the year 2013-14. Under this scheme, 12 model schools have been established in all the districts and 18 Special Educator are engaged in these schools for imparting the Special Education to CWSN enrolled in the schools. 2,748 children with special need have been identified. For the assessment of these children 12 medical camps have been organised and 251 Aids and Appliances have been distributed to the needy children. Free Text books, Escort Allowance, Braille book have been supplied to the Children with Special Need during the year 2018-19. Rashtriya Ucchtar Shiksha Abhiyan 16.22 The Rashtriya Ucchtar Shiksha Abhiyan has been implemented in the state to improve the Higher Education System. Under this scheme, MHRD, GOI has sanctioned `231.00 crore and released an amount `176.00 crore (2013-17) and Govt. of India has approved `88.00 crore and received and released `5.00 crore to the colleges during the year 2018-19.
Distribution of Net books/ Laptops: The department will distribute the laptops/Net books to 8,800 meritorious students of 10th and 12th class (4400-10th and 4400-12th class) of Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education, Dharamshala and 900 first division college students alongwith free monthly 1GB data Cards to strengthen teaching learning activities under student Digital Yojana/Sri Niwasa Ramanujan Digital Yojana during the current financial year 2018-19.
Akhand Shiksha Jyoti, Mere School Se Nikle Moti: The department has started the scheme Akhand Shiksha Jyoti, Mere School Se Nikle Moti in the State. Under this Scheme, the names of all old students who have achieved something exemplary in their life are being entered on the school Honor board so as to inspire and instill the sense of determination and the confidence in the present school students to inspire them to excel in life. In this context, the department has placed Honor Boards in all the Govt. schools
Vidyarthi Van Mittar Yojna : The Governor has notified the scheme Vidyarthi Van Mittar Yojna on dated 20.08.2018. The prime objective of this scheme is to create awareness among school children about protection of forest and environment through their active participation in tree plantation and protection. The scheme is implemented through Eco Clubs established in all the Govt. Schools. 1100 plants per hectare will preferably be planted in blank areas nearby selected school under the supervision of designated Nodal officers of Forest and Education Department.
Bag Free Day : The department has declared the fourth Saturday of every month as Bag Free Day in every Government School in order to ensure overall development of the pupils by conducting various activities such as inter-House Sports Competitions, Extra Curricular Activities are being organized in the schools.
Medha Protsahan Yojna: It is important to coach our talented students to prepare for competitive exams. Medha Protsahan Yojna will be implemented in the Education Department. Under this scheme 500 selected meritorious students will be given coaching for 45 days in two phases to appear in the JEE, NEET and Civil Services Exam in the institutions like FITZEE, ALLEN, Helix. The students will be given ` 1.00 lakh for coaching and lodging in the coaching institutions outside the state. For the proper implementation of the Scheme, Govt. has sanctioned `5.00 crore to the department during the year 2018-19.
Establishment of Atal Tinkering Labs: In order to foster curiosity, creativity and imagination in young minds, Atal Tinkering Lab is a work space where young minds can give shape to their ideas through hands on do-it-yourself mode; and learn innovation skill young children will get a chance to work with tools and equipment to understand the concepts of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) During the year 2018-19, 119 Govt. Sr. Sec. schools, 03 local body schools, 13 private schools have been applied for registration to establish the Atal Tinkering labs to NITI Aayog .
Establishment of 36 language labs: In order to establish the 36 language labs, the department (ISSE) has initiated the tendering process and same would be established before the end of financial year 2018-19. For this purpose, Govt. of India has approved `60.00 lakh.
Installation of CCTV Surveillance System: In order to provide safety and security of the Govt. Educational institutions and Students, 100 CCTV Surveillance System have been installed in 100 Govt. Schools during the year 2018-19.
Installation of Aadhar Enabled Bio Matric Attendance System (AEBAS): The department has started the tendering process for the procurement of 2,700 Aadhar Enabled Bio Matric Attendance System (AEBAS) with the collaboration of HPSEDC. AEBAS will be installed in GSSS/GHS and Govt. Colleges for recording attendance of staff in the State before March, 2019.
Installation of Wi-fi in colleges: The department has installed Wi-fi in 114 colleges out of 137 colleges during the year 2018- 19 and in remaining 23 the installation of the same is under process in the current financial year 2018-19.
Department of Technical Education was established in the year 1968 and in July 1983, the vocational and Industrial and Training Institutes were also brought under the umbrella of this department at the moment, the department is providing education in the field of Technical Education, Vocational and Industrial Training. Today the department has reached a stage where aspiring students of the State can get admission in Engineering/ Pharmacy both diploma and degree as well as certificate courses in Himachal Pradesh through under mentioned institutions in Himachal Pradesh.


The State Government has ensured that health services for effective prevention and treatment intervention are accessible to people applied efficiently. In Himachal Pradesh, Health and Family Welfare department is providing services which include curative, preventive, primitive and rehabilitative services through a network of 89 Hospitals, 91 Community Health Centers, 580 Primary Health Centers, 16 ESI Dispensaries and 2,085 Sub-Centers. To provide better health services to the people, the Government is strengthening the existing infrastructure by providing modern equipments, specialized services, increasing the strength of the medical and para-medical staff in the medical institutions.
A brief description of various health and family welfare activities carried out in the State during 2018-19 is as under:
i) National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme: During the year 2018-19, (upto November, 2018) 4,21,429 blood slides were examined, out of which 97 slides were found positive and no death was reported.
ii) National Leprosy Eradication Programme: Under this programme the prevalence rate, which was 5.14 per ten thousand in 1995, has been reduced to 0.19 per ten thousand as on November, 2018. During 2018-19, (upto November,2018), 101 new cases of Leprosy have been detected, 80 cases were deleted after completion of treatment and 140 cases of leprosy are under treatment. They are getting MDT from different health institutions free of cost.
iii) Revised National T.B. Control Programme(RNTCP): Under this programme, 1 T.B. Sanatorium, 12 District T.B. Control Cell, 74 T.B. Units and 208 Microscopy Centres, 1 Intermediate Reference Laboratory, 1 State Drug Store, 1 State TB Training Center, 20 Cartridge based Nucleic Acid and Amplification Test Laboratories, 6 District DR-TB Centers and 3 Nodal DR-TB Centers having a provision of 315 beds were functioning in the State. During the year 2018-19 upto December, 2018, 15,786 TB cases were detected having symptoms of this disease and sputum tests of 99,573 symptomatic were diagnosed. Himachal Pradesh is one of the State where all the districts have been covered under this project. The achievement of total cases notification rate was 217 per lakh per year and Cure rate of Himachal Pradesh is 89 percent against the targets of 90 percent.
iv) National Programme for Control of Blindness: Under this programme during the year 2018-19 (upto October 2018), 16,038 cataract operations were performed against the target of 27,500 cataract operations. 11,565 cataract operations were performed with I.O. lenses. 129
v) National Family Welfare Programme: This programme is being carried out in the State as a part of Reproductive and Child Health Programme, on the basis of community needs assessment approach. Under this approach, grass-root level workers like multipurpose health workers(both male and female) give an estimate of the various family welfare activities required in the area/ population covered by them. Under this programme, 2,914 sterilisations, 10,793 I.U.D. insertions, 25,588 OP Users and 67,023 CC Users were done during 2018-19 (upto November, 2018).
vi) Universal Immunization Programme: This programme is also being implemented in the State as a part of Reproductive Child Health (RCH) programme with an aim to reduce the morbidity and mortality among mothers, children and infants. The vaccine preventable diseases viz. Tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Pertusis, Neo-natal Tetanus, Poliomyelitis and Measles have shown remarkable reduction. The targets and achievements for the year 2018-19 are given in Table 17.1.
Like previous years, the Pulse Polio campaigns were also launched in the State during the year 2018-19.The Government of India has decided only one National Immunization Day on 3rd February, 2019 with bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine (bOPV).
vii) Mukhya Mantri State Health Care Scheme: The Government has started Mukhya Mantri State Health Care Scheme to Ekal Narri, 130 Senior Citizens above 80 years of age, Daily Wages Workers, Part Time Workers, Anganwari Workers/ Helpers, Mid Day Meal Workers, Contractual Employees and Persons with more than 70 percent special ability with effect from 01.03.2016. Under the scheme 1.05 lakh Smart cards have been issued. A provision of cashless treatment to the tune of `30,000 under Basic Package and `1.75 lakh for Critical Care has been made in case of hospitalization under the scheme. For cancer it is `2.25 lakh and up to November, 2018 under the scheme 12,000 patients have availed the cashless treatment of ` 8.00 crore.
viii) National Rural Health Mission: Under this scheme 95 Health Institutions were identified to provide 24 hours emergency services. Apart from this 698 Rogi Kalyan Samities are also functioning at District Hospital, Civil Hospital Community Health Centers and Primary Health Centers. A sum of `5.71 crore has been distributed to all districts till December, 2018.
ix) National AIDS Control Programme: During the year 2018-19 up to December, 2018, 2,30,156 persons screened out of which 363 HIV positive cases were detected.
a) Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre(ICTC): Total 45 ICTC centres in Himachal Pradesh are providing Counselling and testing services. In the year 2018-19, up to December 2018, out of total tested persons, 78,047 were ANC clients, out of which 14 were diagnosed as HIV positive. Two Mobile ICTC Vans units are also functional.
b) STI/ RTI: Total 20 clinics are providing STI/RTI services in various districts of Himachal Pradesh. In the year 2018-19, up to December 2018, total 39,439 people have availed the services of these RTI/ STI clinics.
c) Blood Safety: Under blood safety, 17 Blood Banks and 3 Blood Component Separation Units IGMC, Shimla, ZH Mandi and RPGMC Tanda are functioning in the State. During the year 2018-19, up to December, 2018, 390 VBD Camps have been organized in the State. One Mobile Blood Bus with four donor coaches is also functional in State.
d) Anti Retroviral Treatment Programme(ART): State has 3 ART centre at IGMC, Shimla, RH Hamirpur and Dr. RPGMC Tanda, 3 FART and 7 Link ART Centres through these free ART Drugs are being provided to people living with HIV/ AIDS.
e) Targeted Interventions: 17 Targeted Interventions Project are being implemented in the State for High Risk Groups. During the year 2018-19, up to December 2018, total 13,803 people have availed the RTI/STI services. 9,771 High Risk Group were screened out of these 21 HIV positive cases were detected.
The Directorate of Medical Education Training and Research was established with the objective to provide better medical education system and training to Medical and Para Medical and 131 Nursing personnel and also to monitor and coordinate the activities of Medical and Dental services of State.
At present the State has Six Government Medical Colleges Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Medical College, Tanda, Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar Government Medical College Nahan, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Government Medical College, Chamba, Dr. Radha Krishan Government Medical College Hamirpur, Sh. Lal Bahadur Shastri Government Medical College Mandi and one Government Dental College in Shimla are functioning. Besides this, one Medical College and four Dental colleges in private sector are also functional in the State. During the academic session 2018-19, 180 seats for ANM training course 1,440 seats up for GNM courses, 1,210 seats for B.Sc. Nursing course, 265 seats for Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing courses, and 91 seats for M.Sc. Nursing degree course have been approved. Total 750 MBBS seats were filled in Government and Private Sector besides 232 PG seats in various specialties were filled in IGMC Shimla, RPGMC Tanda and Maharishi Markandeshwar University,Solan and also 340 BDS seats and 94 MDS seats were filled in both in Government and Private sector during academic session 2018-19. During financial year 2018-19 State Government has raised the stipend of MBBS Intern Students from `10,000 to `15,000 per annum. The institution wise allocation and expenditure of funds during 2018-19 upto 20.12.2018 are given in the table 17.2
The Institution wise major achievements under this Directorate are as follows:-
a) I.G.M.C., Shimla: Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital now upgraded as Super specialty Institute, is the premier health institute of the State. During current financial year Government of India had provided funds amounting to `12.60 crore (90% share) under Centre Sponsored Scheme and State Govt. has also release `1.40 crore (10% state share) for developing (L-1) Trauma care facilities in IGMC Shimla. A Super Specialty Block is under construction at chamyana with an approximate cost of `218.00 crore.The Government has approved in principal for extension of existing cancer hospital to Territory Cancer Centre at IGMC Shimla at the cost of `45.00 crore under Tertiary Cancer Centre Scheme of National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke. Construction work 132 of New OPD Block including lift block from Cart road to New OPD Block at IGMC Shimla at the estimated cost of `56.20 crore and construction work of new building of Kamla Nehru State Hospital for Mother & Child at the cost of `21.00 crore will be completed very shortly.
b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College, Kangra at Tanda (DRPGMC): Dr.Rajendra Prasad Medical College, Kangra at Tanda is the second Medical College of the State established in October, 1996. The first batch was started in 1999 with an intake capacity of 50 MBBS students which was increased to 100 students w.e.f. 2011. At present 20th Batch is undergoing training in this institution. During the year 2018-19, Hon’ble Chief Minister has laid the foundation stone of new facility block for the college costing approximately `3.00 crore. A new Girls hostel with a capacity of 120 students costing approximately `14.91 crore has been approved for the college. A new hostel for the MBBS students with a cost of `11.69 crore has been inaugurated in the month of April 2018 by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of the State. The institute had received ` 15.00 crore from NHM for the establishment of MCH wing. The Goverment of India has granted `6.00 crore for construction of Mental Health Centre.
(c) Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar Government Medical College, Nahan: Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar Government Medical College, Nahan Distt. Sirmaur is the third Medical College of the State established with an intake capacity of 100 MBBS students. During this financial year 3 rd Batch of MBBS students is undergoing training in this institution. An amount of `10.00 crore has been sanctioned for Mother & Child Health Centre in this Medical College.
(d) Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Government Medical College, Chamba: Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Government Medical College, Chamba is the fourth Medical College established under centre sponsored scheme with the annual intake of 100 MBBS students and the second Batch has been started from the year 2018. The Government had provided `55.81 crore during current financial year for civil work and for procurement of Machinery, equipments and furnitures. Trauma centre has been made functional in this Medical College by installing the requisite machineries.
(e) Dr. Radha Krishnan Government Medical College, Hamirpur: Dr. Radha Krishnan Government Medical College, Hamirpur is fifth Medical College in State established under centre sponsored scheme with annual intake of 100 MBBS students. The first batch has been started from the current academic year 2018-19. Construction work for the LOP-1 stage has been completed. The Government has provided funds amounting to `55.81 crores for civil work and machineries for this medical college during current financial year.
(f) Sh. Lal Bahadur Shastri Government Medical College, Mandi: The sixth medical college in State with annual intake of 100 MBBS students has been made functional and the second batch has been started. The B.Sc. Nursing College in the Medical College campus has been made functional and first bacth of 40 students 133 have been admitted in the current academic session 2018-19. Level III Trauma center has also been made functional. The approval to establishment of Tertiary Cancer Care Centre in the Medical College has been obtained with the total cost of `45.00 crore under central sponser scheme
(g) Dental College and Hospital Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Government Dental College and Hospital, Shimla was established in 1994 with an intake capacity of 20 students per year. From the year 2007-08 the admission of 60 students to BDS course has been started. The admissions of the diploma course of Dental Mechanic and Dental Hygienist have been made and classes have been started from October, 2018. During academic session 2017-18 PG course in one more subject i.e. Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology have been started with the intake capacity of two seats per year. Free dental treatment to the IRDP and BPL families of the State is being provided by the institution.
Indian System of Medicines and Homoeopathy plays a vital role in the Health Care System of the State. The separate Department of Ayurveda was established in 1984 and Health Care services are being provided to the general public through 2 Regional Ayurvedic Hospitals, 31 Districts Ayurvedic Hospitals, 1 Nature Cure Hospital 1,178 Ayurvedic health centers, 3 Unani health centers, 14 Homoeopathic Health centers and 4 Amchi clinics. The department has inbuilt system of production of medicines through 3 Ayurvedic Pharmacies, at Jogindernagar (District Mandi), Majra (District Sirmaur) and Paprola (District Kangra). These pharmacies catering to the needs of the Ayurvedic health institutions of the department. Rajeev Gandhi Government P.G. Ayurvedic College Paprola in Kangra district has an intake capacity of 60 students for B.A.M.S. degree and 39 seats of MD.
The department has a B-Pharmacy (Ayurveda) college at Jogindernagar with in take capacity of 30 students. The department of Ayurveda is also associated with National Health Programmes like Malaria, Family welfare, Anaemia free, AIDS, Immunization, Pulse Polio and TB Mukt Himachal etc. The Government of India has sanctioned a project of Anemia free Himachal to the tune of to `50.00 lakh for three development blocks i.e Basantpur of Shimla District, Banjar of Kullu District and Baijnath of Kangra District. First phase of this project has been implemented with coverage of almost 35% of population and the statistical analyses is being done by Economic and Statistics Department. During the current financial year 2018-19 there is a budget provision of `264.28 crore.
Development of Herbal Resources: Four Herbal Gardens Jogindernagar (District Mandi), Neri (District Hamirpur), Dumreda District Shimla) and Jangal Jhalera (Bilaspur) are functioning for propagating and conserving medicinal plants. Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India has established Regional-cumFacilitation Centre for North India at Research Institute in ISM, Joginder Nagar, District Mandi for the overall development of Medicinal Plants. An annual action plan for 2018-19 under the 134 medicinal plants component of National Ayush Mission amounting to `63.75 lakh has been approved by the Government of India, Ministry of Ayush. Under National AYUSH Mission clusters of farmers are being formed for subsidized cultivation of selected medicinal plants and 216 DBTs worth ` 65.18 lakh have been provided to farmers for cultivating medicinal plants.
During the year 2018-19 (upto December, 2018), DTL Jogindernagar has analyzed 169 samples (from Government and Private Pharmacies) and generated a revenue of `1.30 lakh.
Development Activities:
(i) Free Camps: To popularized and make people aware of AYUSH treatment, 50 free medical camps have been organized at different places of the State during the year 2018-19 wherein 13,130 patients have been diagnosed and treated.
(ii) Jan Manch: Under Jan Manch programme 7 Camps have been organized from June to December,2018 and 21,434 patients were benefitted.
(iii) Sapthahik Yog Diwas: Under Sapthahik Yog Diwas 77,535 people were benefitted from April to December, 2018.


The Social Justice and Empowerment Department of the State is engaged in socio-economic and educational uplift of scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, other backward classes, infirms, special abled, orphans, children, widows, destitutes, poor children and women etc. The following schemes are being implemented under social welfare programme:
Social Security Pension Scheme:
a) Old Age pension: Old age pension `750 per month is being provided to those proper who have attained the age 60 years or above but below 70 years having annual income below `35,000 per year, 70 years and above pensioners are being provided pension `1,300 per month without any income criteria.
b) Special Ability Relief Allowance: Special Ability Relief Allowance `750 per month is being given to those special abled persons who are having at least 40 percent of special ability and whose annual income does not exceed `35,000 per year. To the persons having special ability above 70 percent is being provided `1,300 per month without any income criteria subject to the condition that applicant should not be in Government Service/ Semi Government Service/ Board/ Corporation and should not be in possession of any kind of pension. During current financial year 2018-19 there is a target of 2,79,184 pensioners under the above schemes. An amount of `337.41crore have been spent upto December, 2018 against the budget provision of ` 391.54 crore.
c) Widow /Deserted/ Ekal Nari Pension: The Widow/ Deserted/ Ekal Nari Pension `750 per month is being provided to those Widow/ Deserted/ Ekal Nari ladies above 45 years of age whose annual income does not exceed `35,000 per year. During current financial year 2018-19 there is a target of 87,732 pensioners. Under the above scheme, an amount of `104.16 crore have been spent upto December, 2018 against the budget provision of `127.36 crore.
d) Rehabilitation allowance to Lepers: Rehabilitation allowance to leprosy `750 per month is being provided to the patient of leprosy who have been identified by the Health Department irrespective of their age and annual income. During current financial year 2018-19 there is a target of 1,482 pensioners under the above scheme. An amount of `108.14 lakh have been spent upto December, 2018 against the budget provision of `134.50 lakh.
e) Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension: (IGNOAP): Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension is being provided to the persons who have attained the age 60 years or above and 136 belong to BPL household. During current financial year 2018-19 there is a target of 97,434 pensioners under the above scheme. An amount of `43.32 crore have been spent upto December, 2018 against the budget provision of `47.36 crore.
f) Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension (IGNWP): Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension is being provided to the widows between the age group of 40 to 79 years and belongs to BPL household. During current financial year 2018-19 there is a target of 23,016 pensioners under the above scheme. An amount of `9.73 crore have been spent upto December, 2018 against the budget provision of `11.43 crore.
g) Indira Gandhi National Special Ability Pension: Indira Gandhi National Special Ability Pension is being provided to the special abled persons between the age group of 18 to 79 years having 80 percent of special ability and belongs to BPL household. During current financial year 2018-19 there is a target of 1,024 pensioners under the above scheme. An amount of `106.87 lakh have been spent up to December, 2018 against the budget provision of `134.50 lakh.
For all the above Central Pension Schemes a sum of `200 per month to 60 years to 79 years of age and `500 per month to 80 years and above old age pensioners is being provided under IGNOAPS by the Government of India. Whereas under IGNWPS and IGNDPS an amount of `300 is being provided by Government of India. However, the remaining amount `550 per month to below 70 years and `800 per month to above 70 years pensioners under IGNOAPS and `450 per month under IGNWPS along with service charges is being borne by the State Government and the budget provision for this purpose has been made under State Old Age and State Widow Pension Schemes, so that social security pensions could be provided at uniform rates to all the pensioners `750 per month below 70 years and `1,300 per month to the pensioners 70 years and above of age. Similarly under IGNDPS, the State Government is providing `1000 per month per pensioner along with the service charges from its own resources, so that all the 70 percent and above special abled pensioners get pension at the uniform rate of `1,300 per month.
The department is also providing funds to the three Corporations via; Himachal Pradesh Minorities Finance and Development Corporation, Himachal Pradesh Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation and Himachal Pradesh Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe Development Corporation under the head investment for the running of various self employment schemes. There is a budget provision of `8.77 crore for the year 2018-19 and upto December, 2018, an amount of `1.63 crore have been released
Under this programme, the important schemes implemented during 2018-19 are as under:-
i) Award for Inter-caste Marriage: For elimination of the practice of untouchability with Scheduled Castes and non Scheduled Castes, the State Government encourages inter-caste marriages. Under this scheme, an amount of `50,000 per couple is given as incentive money. For inter-caste marriages during 2018-19, a budget provision of `1.30 crore is kept for the purpose and 176 couples have been benefited with an amount of `88.00 lakh upto December, 2018 against the target of 260 couples.
ii) Housing Subsidy: Under this scheme the members of scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes, minorities, person with special ability, widow/ destitute/ single women are given subsidy of `1,30,000 per family for house construction purposes and for house repair `25,000 to those whose annual income does not exceed from `35,000. During the year 2018-19 an amount of `18.36 crore has been provided in the budget and 1,416 persons were benefited with an amount of `16.42 crore upto December, 2018.
iii) Training and Proficiency in Computer Applications and Allied Activities: Under this scheme computer training are provided in the recognized computer courses to candidates belonging to BPL, SC, ST OBC, Minorities, Special Ability, single woman and widow or those whose annual income is less than `2.00 lakh. The department bears the training cost not exceeding `1,350 per month per candidate and `1,500 for special abled candidates balance cost if any is borne by the candidate. During the training a stipend of `1,000 per month is being provided and `1,200 per month is being provided for special abled candidates. After completion of the training, the candidates are placed for six months in the organization/ offices, so as to gain proficiency in computer applications. During the period of placement `1,500 per month per candidate is being provided and `1,800 per month per candidate for special abled students is being provided. During the year, 2018-19, budget provision of `4.66 crore is kept out of which an amount of `1.10 crore has been spent upto December, 2018 and 3,668 trainees were benefited against the target of 3,940 trainees.
iv) Follow up Programme: Under this scheme, `1,300 per beneficiary is being provided for purchase of tools for carpentry, weaving and leather works and `1,800 for purchase of, sewing machine to scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes whose annual income does not exceed from `35,000 per annum. For the year 2018-19 a budget provision of `1.34 crore was made under this scheme out of which an amount of `0.56 crore was spent benefiting 3,111 persons upto December, 2018 against 7,416 beneficiaries.
v) Compensation to Victims of Atrocities on Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes Families under SCs/STs (POA) Act-1989: Under the rules of the above Act monetary relief is granted to those scheduled castes, scheduled tribes families who become victims of atrocities committed by the member of other communities due to caste consideration, relief amounting to `1.00 lakh to `8.25 lakh is provided to the victims of atrocity, which depends upon the nature of atrocity. During the year 2018-19 against the budget provision of `80.00 lakh an amount of `62.41 lakh was spent upto December, 2018, under this scheme thereby benefiting 71 persons.
Department is implementing Comprehensive Integrated Scheme named “ASEEM” (A Scheme for Enabling, Empowering and Mainstreaming of the Specially Abled) for persons with special abilities. The components of the scheme along with financial and physical achievement upto December, 2018 is as under:-
i) Specially Abled Scholarship: This Scheme is applicable to all categories of special abled students including hearing impaired persons having special ability of 40 percent or above without considering there family income. The rate of scholarship varies from `625-3,750 per month for day scholars and `1,875-5,000 per month for boarders. Against the budget provision of `1.94 crore upto December, 2018 whole amount has been spent and benefited 2,089 students.
ii) Marriage Grant to Individuals Marrying Persons with Special Abilities: To encourage able bodied young men or girls to marry the special abled boy or girl having not less than 40 percent special ability and who have attained the Marriageable age, if both are special abled, marriage grant of `25,000 to those who are special abled with 40 to 69 percent and `50,000 to those who are special abled with more than 70 percent is provided by the State Government. Against the budget provision of `0.67crore an amount of `0.21 crore has been spent upto December, 2018, there by benefiting 134 persons.
iii) Awareness Generation and Orientation: Provision has been made to organize block and district level composite camps for representative of NGOs working for persons with special abilities, SHGs and representative of PRIs at grass root level. In these camps medical certificates, aids and applications are provided to persons with special abilities. A part from this all the schemes being run for persons with special abilities are publicized in these camps. There is a budget provision of `0.30 crore for the year 2018-19 and upto December, 2018 under the scheme no amount has been spent.
iv) Self Employment: Special abled persons having special ability of 40 percent and above are provided loans by the Himachal Pradesh Minorities Finance and Development Corporation for setting up small ventures. SCs/ OBCs and Minority Affairs Department provides subsidy on projects sanctioned by H.P. Minorities Finance and Development Corporation upto `10,000 or 20 percent of the project cost (whichever is less). During 2018-19 upto December, 2018, loans amounting to `3.32 crore has been released by the Himachal Pradesh Minorities Finance and Development Corporation to the 110 persons with special ability. Proposal of subsidy is awaited from Minority Corporation.
v) Skill Enrichment: Vocational rehabilitation training to PWDs through selected ITIs is provided in identified trades. Training is free of cost and stipend `1,000 per month is paid by the department. Budget provision of `10.00 lakh has been provided under the scheme. During the current financial year, 45 special abled children have been sponsored for training. Proposal is awaited from Technical Education.
vi) Scheme of Awards: Provision of incentives to best performing special abled individuals and private employers providing employment to maximum special abled in their organization has been made. Best performing individuals are to be given cash award of `10,000 each. Best private employer is to be provided cash incentive of `5,000.
vii) Institutions of Children with Special Needs: Two institutions at Dhalli and Sundernagar have been set up in the State for providing education and vocational rehabilitation services to visually and hearing impaired children. In the “Institution for Children with Special Abilities” Sundernagar 14 Visually and 98 Hearing impaired girls have been enrolled. Besides, 8 Visually Impaired and 3 Hearing Impaired Girls are taking training in special ITI in Sundernagar. To whom all boarding, lodging and medical facilities are being provided by the department. For running and maintenance of this Institution against the budget provision of `1.47 crore an expenditure of `1.23 crore has been incurred upto December, 2018. Besides this, an amount of `28.04 lakh has been provided to DWO Mandi for running and Maintenance of ICSA Sundernagar under ICPS. Besides this `60.19 lakh have been received for repair of old building of ICSA Sundernagar out of which `30.19 lakh have been released to DWO Mandi up to December, 2018. For the institution run by the HPCCW at Dhalli (Shimla) and Dari (Kangra) school an amount of `39.92 lakh has been released by the department against the budget provision of `202.00 lakh. In addition to this, State Government is providing grant and free boarding, lodging and medical facilities to the inmates of the Prem Ashram Una, Astha Welfare Society, Nahan, Paradise Children care Centre, Chuwari, Adrash Education Society Kalath, Kullu and Udaan Respite care Centre, New Shimla to meet out expenditure on boarding, lodging and education of 50 mentally retarded children and 20 mentally retarded male adult, 30 mentally retarded adult male and female (10 female and 20 male), 60 mentally retarded adult females and 15 mentally retarded children has been provided `5,500 per inmate, per month respectively. A budget provision of `105.00 lakh have been provided and no amount has been spent upto December, 2018.
viii) Sepcial ability Rehabilitation Centres (DRCs): Two Special ability Rehabilitation Centres have been set up at Hamirpur and Dharamshala under NPRPD. These centres are being run through DRDA Hamirpur and Indian Red Cross Society, Dharamshala respectively. During the year 2018-19 an amount of `15.00 lakh has been provided under the scheme.
The Scheduled Castes in this Pradesh are not concentrated into specific regions but are widely dispersed and would be benefited equally as rest of the population. Accordingly, approach to economic development in the case of Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan is not area based as the case with the Tribal Sub-Plan. The district of Bilaspur, Kullu, Mandi, Solan, Shimla and Sirmaur are the predominantly Scheduled Castes population districts where Scheduled Castes concentration is above the State average. These six districts taken together account for 61.09 percent of the Scheduled Castes population in the state.
For making Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan need based and effective the Single Line System for Plan formulation and monitoring has been introduced whereby funds are allocated to each district based on fixed parameters which are non-divertible from one district to another district and plans are prepared at district level for each district under the supervision of the Deputy Commissioner and in consultation with the Heads of the Districts/ Regional Offices of the implementing department.
The various programmes for the welfare of Scheduled Castes are being implemented effectively. Although the Scheduled Castes communities are deriving benefits under the normal Plan as well as Tribal Sub-Plan, yet in order to provide special coverage under individual beneficiary programmes and development of infrastructure in Scheduled Castes concentrated villages, 25.19 percent of the total State Plan allocation is earmarked for Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan. The main emphasis of the State Government is to identify more and more realistic schemes, which may generate sizeable income and employment for the Scheduled Castes families.
A separate Sub Major Head “789” has been created for Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan and a separate demand (Demand No. 32) has also been created. Such an arrangement is very helpful in diverting funds from one scheme to another in the same major head and from one major head to another to ensure 100 percent expenditure under SCSP. During the year 2018-19 a sum of `1,586.97 crore are being spent under Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan for the welfare of Scheduled Castes in the state and `1,788.49 crore has been proposed for the year 2019-20.
The District Level Review and Implementation Committee has been constituted at district level under the Chairmanship of Minister of the district and Deputy Commissioner as its Vice-Chairman. The Chairman of the Zila Parishad and all the Chairpersons of BDCs alongwith other prominent local persons have been nominated as non-official members and all district level officers concerned with SCSP as official members to review, formulation and implementation of Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan. The Chief Secretary to the Government of Himachal Pradesh holds quarterly review meeting with the Administrative Secretaries at the State level. Besides this, a High Powered Coordination and Review Committee has been constituted under the Chairmanship of the Hon’ble Chief Minister, which also review the performance of Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan once in a year
There are 95,772 SC families in the State who have been found to be living below poverty line according to the survey conducted by the Rural Development department during the year 2007. For the year 2018-19 there is a target of 2,038 families has been proposed and 4,134 families were benefitted up to November,2018. In addition to this Post Metric Scholarship is to be provided to SC students under the non targeted scheme.
a) Integrated Child Protection Scheme (now named as Child Protection Scheme): Child Protection services is to contribute for the improvement in the well being of children in difficult circumstances, as well as to the reduction of vulnerability to situations and actions that lead to abuse neglect, exploitation, abandonment and separation of children from parents. The Child Care Institutions registered under Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act.2015 are covered under the scheme. Presently 48 Child Care Institutions, comprising of 41 Children Homes, 2 Observation Home-cumSpecial, Home-cum-Place of safety, 4 Open shelters and 1 Shishu Grih (Specialized Adoption Agency) are being run under the scheme. For implementation of JJ Act in all Districts, Juvenile Justice Boards, Child Welfare Committees and District Level Advisory Boards have been set up in the State. Childline emergency services bearing phone no. 1098 has also been set up in the seven districts i.e. Shimla, Kullu, Kangra, Solan, Mandi, Chamba and Sirmaur under the scheme. During the current financial year the total allocation of budget from centre is `14.34 crore and state share is `78.09 lakh out of which `11.72 crore has been incurred upto 12.12.2018.
b) Mukhymantri Bal Udhar Yojna: This scheme is being implemented by the State Government to supplement Centrally Sponsored Child Protection Services scheme. Under the scheme, financial assistance is also provided to children after leaving Child Care Institutions for pursuing Higher/professional education. Grant-in-Aid is also provided to the HP Council for Child Welfare. During current financial year 2018-19, against the budget provision of `573.05 lakh, an expenditure of `208.71 lakh has been incurred upto November, 2018. 142
c) Bal/Balika Surksha Yojna and Foster Care Programme: Bal/ Balika Suraksha Yojna and Foster Care Programme are being implemented in the State with a view to look after and maintain the orphan/ helpless children in congenial family environment. Bal Balika Suraksha Yojna/ Foster Care Programme an amount of `2,000 per child per month are sanctioned in favour of foster parents for maintenance of children and `300 per child per month are sanctioned on account of additional assistance from the State Government in favour of children placed under foster care and are deposited in her/ his bank account or post office account to be matured and drawn by the child after attaining the age of 18 years. Under this scheme, during current financial year, an expenditure of `273.93 lakh has been incurred upto November, 2018 to benefit 1,019 children.
d) Integrated Child Development Services: Integrated Child Development Services” (ICDS) programme, is being implemented in all Developmental Blocks of the State through 78 ICDS projects. Services are being provided to children and pregnant/ lactating mothers through 18,386 Anganwari Centres and 539 Mini Anganwari Centres in the State. The department is providing Supplementary Nutrition, Nutrition and Health Education, Immunization, Health check-ups Referral Services and Non Formal Pre-School Education is being implemented on 90:10 (Centre:State) basis. There is a budget provision of `284.48 crore for the year 2018-19, out of which State Share is `30.34 crore and Central Share is `254.14 crore, an amount of `113.92 crore has been spent upto November, 2018 out of which State Share is `5.73 crore and Centre Share is `108.19 crore. Monthly honorarium of `3,000, `1,500 and `2,250 has been fixed by the Government of India for Anganwari Workers, Helpers and Mini Anganwari Workers respectively. 10 percent of the honorarium is borne by the State Government and 90 percent by the Centre Government. State Government is also paying `1,750, `900 and `1,050 per month to Anganwari Worker, Anganwari Helper and Mini Anganwari Worker per month in addition to its 10 percent share.
e) Supplementary Nutrition Programme: Under this programme, supplementary nutrition is provided in Anganwari Centres to children, pregnant/ lactating mothers and BPL adolescent girls. The nutrition is provided for 300 days in a year. Rates has been fixed (per beneficiary per day) children `8, pregnant/ lactating woman `9.50, adolescent girls `5 and severely mal-nourished children `12. Expenditure under this programme is borne by the Central and State Governments on 90:10 basis. During the current financial year, there is a budget provision as State share of `8.16 crore and `52.32 crore have been received as Grant-inaid from Government of India and upto November, 2018, `3.67 crore State share and 143 `34.88 crore Central share have been utilized under this scheme. 3,97,048 children and 96,228 pregnant/ lactating mothers have been benefited.
Various schemes are being implemented for the welfare of women in the Pradesh. The major schemes are as under:-
a) Woman State Home Mashobra: The main purpose of the scheme is to provide free shelter, food, clothing, education health and medicines, counselling and vocational training to the young girls, widows, deserted, destitute and women who are in moral danger. At present 27 inmates and 2 children inmates are living in State Home, Mashobra. For rehabilitation of such women after leaving State Home, financial assistance upto `20,000 per woman is provided. In case of marriage, assistance of `51,000 also provided to women. Against the budget provision of `118.58 lakh during the financial year upto November, 2018 an amount of `29.26 lakh has been spent on running/ maintenance of State Home.
b) Mukhya Mantri Kanyadaan Yojna: Under this programme marriage grant of `40,000 is being given to the guardians of the destitute girls for their marriages provided their annual income does not exceed `35,000. During 2018-19, a budget provision of `532.00 lakh has been kept for this purpose out of which an amount of `444.61 lakh has been spent and 1,111 beneficiaries were covered upto November, 2018.
c) Self Employment assistance for Women: Under this scheme `5,000 are provided to the women having annual income less than `35,000 for carrying income generating activities. A budget provision of `8.02 lakh has been made. 146 women have been benefited under the scheme and an amount of `7.30 lakh has been spent upto November, 2018.
d) Widow Re-marriage Scheme: The main objective of the scheme is to help in rehabilitation of widow after re-marriage. Under this scheme an amount of `50,000 as grant, is provided to the couple. During the year 2018-19, a budget provision of `104.00 lakh is kept under this scheme against which `29.50 lakh has been given to 59 such couples upto November, 2018.
e) Mother Teressa Asahay Matri Sambal Yojna: The aim of this scheme is to provide assistance of `5,000 per child per annum to the destitute women belonging to the BPL families or having income less than ` 35,000 for the maintenance of their children till they attain the age of 18 years. The assistance will be provided only for two children. Budgetary Provision for this scheme for the year 2018-19 is `10.00 crore, out of which `4.41 crore has been utilized upto November,2018 and 22,242 children have been benefited.
f) Vishesh Mahila Utthan Yojna: The scheme has been started in 100 districts of India included Una district of Himachal Pradesh. State Government has started Vishesh Mahila Utthan Yojna as 100 percent State Plan Scheme for training and 144 rehabilitation of women in moral danger in the State. There is a provision to provide stipend `3,000 per month per trainee, training cost `25 per trainee per hour and test fee `800 per trainee through the department of Women and Child Development. In the current year, there is a budget provision of `1.10 crore out of which an amount of `32.00 lakh has been spent upto November, 2018.
g) Financial Assistance and Support Services to Victims of Rape Scheme 2012: This scheme has been notified on 22.09.2012 as 100 percent State Plan Scheme. The scheme aims to provide financial assistance and support services such as counselling, medical aid, legal assistance, education and vocational training depending upon the needs of rape victims. An affected woman shall be entitled to financial assistance and restorative support/ services adding upto a maximum amount of `75,000. Additional assistance of `25,000 can also be given in special cases i.e. in case of rape of minors. During the current financial year 2018-19, there is a budget provision of `1.10 core out of which an amount of `90.10 lakh has been spent upto November, 2018.
h) Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme: This scheme has been launched in 100 districts of India including Una district of Himachal Pradesh. In the year 2016-17 the scheme has been started in Kangra and Hamirpur districts of Himachal Pradesh. During the financial year 2017-18 under Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme five districts were selected i.e. Solan, Sirmour, Shimla, Bilaspur and Mandi of Himachal Pradesh with the objective of preventing gender biased sex selective elimination, ensuring survival, protection and education of the girl child. This scheme is an initiative to arrest and reverse the trend of an adverse and declining child sex ratio. Through this process, efforts are being made to create awareness among masses about the adverse effects of declining sex ratio.
With a view to change negative family and community attitude towards the girl child at birth and to improve enrolment and retention of girl children in schools, Beti Hai Anmol scheme is being implemented in the State. Under this scheme Post Birth Grant of `12,000 is provided to two girls only belonging to BPL families and scholarships are provided from 1st class to graduation level for their education. The rates of scholarships ranging from `450 to `5,000 per annum. For the year 2018-19 there is a budget provision of `12.00 crore, and an amount of `856 crore has been spent upto November, 2018 and 16,000 girls have been benefited.
Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG) has been universalized w.e.f.01.04.2018 and has totally replaced the Kishori Shakti Yojana. The scheme is being implemented through Anganwari Services of Umbrella ICDS platform and Anganwadi Centres are the focal points for the delivery of services.The scheme aims at support Out of school Adolescent Girls (OoSAGSs) of 11-14 145 years age to successfully transition back to formal schooling or bridge learning, improving their nutritional and health status, promote awareness about health, hygiene, nutrition and upgrading various skills like home skills, life skills, vocational skills and guidance on existing public services. The cost sharing ratio of the scheme is 90:10 between the Centre and the State. There are 593 Out of Schools Adolescent Girls of 11-14 years age in Himachal Pradesh. Supplementary Nutrition is being provided to all Adolescent Girls at `9.50 per Adolescent Girls per day.
Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Youjana is a Central sponsored scheme. The cost sharing ratio of the scheme is 90:10 between the Centre and the State. The main objectives of PMMVY are to provide partial compensation for the wage loss in terms of cash incentives so that the women can take adequate rest before and after delivery of the first living child and the cash incentive provided would lead to improved health seeking behavior amongst the pregnant women and lactating mothers. Under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Youjana, a cash incentive of `5,000 would be provided directly in the account of Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers in three installments for first living child subject to fulfilling specific conditions relating to maternal and child health. An amount of ` 20.06 crore has been deposited in the bank accounts of 54,800 beneficiaries through the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode during 2018-19 up to 15.12.2018.
One Stop Centre is a Central Sponsored Scheme. The main objective of the scheme are to provide integrated support and assistance to women affected by violence, both in private and public spaces under one roof; and to facilitate immediate, emergency and non-emergency access to a range of services including medical, legal, psychological and counselling support under one roof to fight against any forms of violence against women. In Himachal Pradesh One Stop Centre has been setup at Solan district. During the financial year an amount of `17.04 lakh has been received by the One Stop Centre Solan and total 53 women have been facilitated under One Stop Centre. In financial year 2018-19 Government of India has approved One Stop Centre for Mandi district and funds for the establishment of One Stop Centre has been received in the Mandi district.
Government of India has approved a new scheme namely Mahila Shakti Kendra to empower rural women through community participation. Community engagement through College Student Volunteers is envisioned in 115 most backward districts as part of the Block Level initiatives. Student volunteers will play an instrumental role in awareness generation regarding various important Government schemes/programmes as well as social issues. Mahila Shakti Kendra’s has been sanctioned by the Himachal Pradesh in the districts i.e. Una, Kangra and Hamirpur for the year 2017-18 and six more districts that is Shimla, Solan, Sirmaur, Bilaspur, Mandi and on the block level backward district Chamba has been selected for the year 2018-19. The Scheme is implemented through cost sharing ratio of 90:10 between centre and states. An amount of `1.24 crore has been released and `36.32 lakh has been revalidated for the financial year 2018-19. Further approval has been conveyed by the government for implementing Mahila Shakti Kendra in District Chamba and for filling up of one post of Women Welfare Officer and two District Coordinators on outsourcing basis in district Chamba.
In the budget speech of financial year 2017-18, new scheme Sashkat Mahila Yojana has been started. The scheme has been envisaged with a vision to empower the rural women by providing them an interface for organization and socioeconomic development and to make every woman in the state well educated, skilled and self-reliant in every respect thereby contributing to the socio-economic development of the state. The scheme will focus on promotion of socio-economic empowerment of rural women by creating awareness about their right and facilitating institutional support for enabling them to realize their right and develop/utilize their full potential. The scheme will cover all the adolescent girls in the age Groups of 11-18 Years and all women in the age group of 19- 45 years. Sashkat Mahila Kendra will be set up in every panchayat of the State.Sashkat Mahila Kendra will be governed by women aged between 19-45 years who have knowledge/ expertise in social work or women related issue in their local area/village. Sashkat Mahila Kendra will be set up to create awareness among women and girls about their rights and laws related to women. Government of Himachal Pradesh have approved an amount of `1.00 crore for the financial year 2018-19 for implementing this scheme in the state.
Government of Himachal Pradesh has constituted Kannya Sashkti Karan and Kalyan Board. Now the name of the Kalyan Board has been changed to Saksham Gudiya Board Himachal Pradesh. The broad objective of the board are as follows:
i) To make recommendations for the policies for empowerment of girl child/adolescent girl.
ii) To make recommendations on acts, rules, policies and programme related to safety and security of girl child/adolescent girl.
iii) To review the implementation of various programmes being run by different departments for upliftment and empowerment of girl child.
iv) To make recommendation for protection of crime against girl child.


The main objective of the Rural Development Department is to implement the poverty alleviation, employment generation and area development programmes in the rural areas of the State. The following State and Centrally sponsored developmental schemes and programmes are being implemented in the state
The Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) has been replaced by the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) w.e.f 01.04.2013 which is being implemented in all the districts of the State. The scheme is being implemented under Intensive and NonIntensive blocks in the State. At present, 32 blocks have been identified in Intensivce Blocks, rest are non-intensive blocks.The identified Intensive Blocks are Ghumarwin, Bharmour, Bhattiyat, Chamba, Kandaghat, Basantpur, Mandi Sadar, Nurpur, Haroli, Tissa, Bhoranj, Nichar, Kullu, Lahaul , Spiti, Gohar, Ponta Sahib, Mehla, Pangi, Salooni, Bijhri, Baijnath , Rait, Kalpa, , Pooh, Banjar, Naggar, Seraj, Mashobra, Pachhad, Dharampur, Bangana as pilot blocks in 1st Phase. Apart from above under NRLM for generation of Self Employment activities like Credit mobilization formation of women SHGs, Capacity Building and Institution Buildings are proposed for implementation. For the current financial year Annual Action Plan for `25.00 crore has been approved by the Government of India for implementation of NRLM activities. Total 5,400 women SHGs are proposed for assistance by providing credit of `60.00 crore. Under NRLM 4 Districts viz. Shimla, Mandi Kangra and Una have been undertaken for the implementation of additional interest subvention where interest applicable on credit disbursed to Women Self Help Group (WSHG) would be 4 % and in rest of the 8 Districts rate of interest on credit mobilization has been fixed 7 % per annum. But the aforesaid interest rates would be applicable only to those WSHGs who are prompt in repayment of loans within the fixed timeline.
The district-wise Physical and Financial Targets and Achievement made under NRLM up to December, 2018 is as under:-
Deen Dyal Upadhaya-Gramin Kaushalya Yojana is the skill and placement initiative of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India (MoRD). It evolved out of the need to diversify incomes of the rural poor and to cater the occupational aspirations of the youth. The programme focus is on 148 skilling and placement in the formal sector for rural youth who are poor. But the programme initially took place in H.P. during the year 2017- 18 and till date a target of 10,400 youth has been allocated to 12 Project implementing Agencies. As of now 3,800 rural unemployed youth have been enrolled in the programme and by end of Financial Year 2018-19, 6,000 rural unemployed youth would be enrolled in the programme.
Beneficiaries under the Programme: The target group of DDu-GKY are poor rural youth in the age group 15-35. However, the upper-age limit for women candidates, and candidate belonging to Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), Transgender and other Special Groups like rehabilitated bonded labour victims, manual scavengers, trans-genders, HIV positive persons etc., shall be 45 years.
1) The poor will be identified by a process called Participatory Identification of Poor (PIP) which is an important component of the NRLM strategy. Below Poverty Line (BPL) households, shall also be eligible to avail the skilling programme.
2) Youth from MGNREGA worker households, with at least 15 days work in the previous financial year by any of its family members
3) Youth from a household who have been issued Antyodaya Anna Yojana/BPL, PDS cards.
4) Youth from household where a family is a member of SHG under NRLM.
5) Youth from a household covered under auto inclusion parameters as per SECC, 2011 (when notified), shall also be eligible to avail the skilling programme.
With the objectives to develop wastelands/ degraded lands, of rural areas of the State erstwhile “Integrated Watershed Management Programme” (IWMP) is now renamed as “Watershed Development Component of Pradhan Mntri Krishi Sinchyee Yojana”. The Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, Department of Land Resources, New Delhi has sanctioned 163 projects w.e.f 2009-10 to 2014-15 with a total cost of `1,260 crore for the treatment of 8,39,972 hectares Rainfed areas in all districts of the State. As per the mandate of MORD this programme is being implemented on the funding pattern of 90:10 between Centre and State. By the end of November, 2018 the total funds to the tune of `288.35 crore have been released to the concerned districts, out of which `286.36 crore have been utilized by treating Rainfed areas of total 1,50,753 hactare.
The PMAY-G aims to provide a pucca house with basic amenities to all houseless households and households living in kutcha and dilapidated house by 2022. The minimum unit size enhanced from the existing 20 Sq. mt. to 25 Sq. mt. including a dedicated area for hygienic cooking. The unit assistance has also been increased from `75,000 to `1.30 lakh per family in hilly states and difficult areas. The cost of unit (house) is to be shared between central and state government in the ratio of 90:10 for hilly states. The identification of beneficiaries is to be done using SECC-2011 data. As on December,2018 a total of 6,882 beneficiaries have been sanctioned and 5,926 houses have been completed.
Under mentioned all housing schemes are run by State Government.
i) Mukhaya Mantri Awaas Yojana (MMAY): The State Government had announced this scheme in the budget of 2016-17 for the first time for general category BPLs in the State in non-Plan component. But the benefits of this scheme have been extended to all categories of BPLs from current financial year 2018-19. There is a budget provision in current year 2018-19 of ` 12.19 crore in plan component with which 937 houses of all categories are being constructed in the State. In the non-plan component too, there is a budget provision of `30.00 crore with which 2,077 houses of general category BPLs are being constructed.
ii) Mukhya Mantri Awaas Repair Yojana (MMARY): There is a provision of ` 3.30 crore with which 1,320 houses of all categories are being repaired during current financial year 2018-19. Out of which 868 general, 332 SCs and 120 STs. Under this scheme, beneficiaries are selected by a committee headed by SDM of the area in which BDO & SDO (Dev) are members.
The main objective of the SAGY is to trigger processes which lead 150 to holistic development of the identified Gram Panchayats. To improve the standard of living and quality of life of all sections of the population through improved basic amenities, higher productivity, enhanced human development better livelihood opportunities reduced disparities, access to rights and entitlements wider social mobilization and enriched social capital. In Himachal Pradesh, all the MPs have chosen the Gram Panchayats in the first phase and three MPs in second phase, the detail of which is given below.
The Government of India has launched Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission (NRuM) in 2016. It aims at improving rural areas by providing economic, social and physical infrastructure facilities
The cluster would be strengthened with the required amenities, for which it is proposed that resources be mobilized through convergence of various schemes of underline departments of the 151 Government, over and above which a Critical Gap Funding (CGF) would be provided under this Mission from Government of India, for focused development of these clusters. In respect of NRuM till December, 2018 state Govt. received assistance of `36.00 crore in which centre share was `32.40 crore and state `3.60 crore. In the different activities of these clusters total `22.50 crore released to DRDA. In which centre share is `20.25 crore and state share is `2.20 crore.
This scheme covers all women living below the poverty line within the age group of 10-75 years. The policy provides relief to family members/insured women in case of their death or disablement arising due to any kind of accident, surgical operations like sterilization, mishap at the time of child birth/delivery drowning, washing away in floods, landslide, insect bite and the scheme also gives benefit to married women in case of accidental death of her husband. The compensation amount under the scheme has been hiked from 1.04.2017, as under :-
i) Death `2.00 lakh
ii) Permanent total Special ability `2.00 lakh.
iii) Loss of one limb and one eyes or both eyes and both limbs `2.00 lakh.
iv) Loss of one limb/one ear `1.00 lakh.
v) In case of death of husband `2.00 lakh. During 2018-19, 91 numbers of families have been provided financial assistance of `134.00 lakh till December, 2018 under the scheme.
The Government of India has launched the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) on 02.10.2014 to achieve the goal of Swachh Bharat by 2019. The main objectives of the programme are as under:-
i) Bring about an improvement in the general quality of life in the rural areas, by promoting cleanliness hygiene and eliminating open defecation.
ii) Accelerate sanitation coverage in rural areas to achieve the vision of Swachh Bharat by 02.10.2019.
iii) Motivate communities and panchayati Raj institutions to adopt sustainable sanitation practices and facilities through awareness creation and health education.
iv) Encourage cost effect and appropriate technologies for ecologically safe and sustainable Sanitation.
v) Develop where required community managed sanitation system focusing on scientific solid and liquid waste management systems for overall cleanliness in the rural areas. The District-wise physical progress under the Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin up to December, 2018 is as under:-
Maharishi Valmiki Sampooran Swachhata Puruskar (MVSSP): Maharishi Valmiki Sampooran Swachhta Purskaar (MVSSP) was started in the Year 2007-08. To boost the Sanitation Campaign in Himachal Pardesh a competition based State Reward Scheme i.e. Maharishi Valmiki Sampooran Swachhta Purskaar (MVSSP) is being implemented Under which winner ODF GPs (total 97 GPs) are rewarded at the State level award distribution function every year. The incentive pattern under this scheme is as under:-
1) Block level cleanest GP `1.00 lakh
2) District level cleanest GP `3.00 lakh (2GP can get prize if district has more than 300 GP).
3) Division level cleanest GP `5.00 lakh
4) State level cleanest GP `10.00 lakh
School Sanitation Reward Scheme. : This scheme was launched during the year 2008-09 for the cleanest Government Primary and Middle Schools at District and Block level. During the year 2011-12 High/ Higher Secondary schools have also been included in competition criteria. The prizes under the scheme are being given during the Himachal Day function on 15th April every year. This reward scheme recognizes those schools which have demonstrated outstanding achievement in school sanitation and hygiene education and an amount of `88.20 lakh is given as reward money to the winner schools under this scheme.
Since Year 2008 Mahila Mandal Protshahan Yojana a scheme to award active Mahila Mandal has been suitable restricted to incorporate the aims and objectives of sanitation in their ground level working. This scheme has been totally linked with the sanitation programme and a sum of `1.31 crore has been allocated during the year 2018-19 to provide incentives to Mahila Mandals who have performed good work under the Sanitation in their village/ward and Gram Panchayat area as per scheme’s guidelines. Each block selects 6 No. of Mahila Mandal on the basis of 1st to 6th Position which are awarded :
In addition to first six selected Mahila Mandals, the Government is of the view that other Mahila Mandals which have contributed for creating awareness among the villagers regarding sanitation campaign will also be given some incentive to boost them for maintain sustainable activities under sanitation. Each block will select Mahila Mandals on the following criteria and an amount of `8,000 will be given to each Mahila Mandals.
The Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was notified by the Government of India on September, 2005 and was made effective w.e.f. 2nd February, 2006. In the 1st Phase, the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) was introduced in District Chamba and Sirmaur on 2nd February, 2006. In second phase NREGS was started in District kangra and Mandi w.e.f.1-4- 2007. Now in the third phase all the remaining 8 district of the State have been covered under the scheme w.e.f. 1-4-2008. During the year 2018-19 Central share amount to `575.78 crore and State Share amounting to `63.31 crore have been credited in the State Employment Guarantee Fund account. The funds amounting to `572.96 crore have been utilized and 205.35 lakh Mandays have been generated by providing Employment to 4,79,004 households.


Ministry of Housing, Government of Himachal Pradesh through Housing and Urban Development Authority (HIMUDA) is Providing Houses, Flats and developing plots of various categories, so as to meet the housing demand of the people of various income groups.
There is an outlay of `107.91 crore for the current financial year 2018-19 and an expenditure of `94.19 crore was incurred up to December, 2018. During this year there is a target to construct 138 No flats and to develop 87 plots of different categories.
HIMUDA is executing deposit works of various department such as Social Justice and Empowerment, Prison, Police, Youth Services and Sports, Animal Husbandry, Education, Fisheries, I.T. Departments, Himachal Pradesh Bus Stands Management and Development Authority, Urban Local Bodies, Panchayati Raj, and Department of Ayurveda. During this year 2018-19 there is a target to construct 66 Nos building of various departments.
Construction work of Housing colonies at Theog, Flowerdale, Sanjauli, Mandhala Parwanoo, Jurja (Nahan) and Bhatolikhurd (Baddi) are in progress and the colonies at Chhabgroti, Flowerdale, and Parwanoo have been completed. At present HIMUDA has Land bank of 1,321 bighas in various places in Himachal Pradesh. Land acquisition for proposed housing colony at Jallandhar Lahar (Dehra) is under process.
New housing Schemes have also been taken in hand in the financial year 2018-19 at Sheel (Solan), Moginand-II, Trilokpur (Nahan) Bhatolikhurd, Shubhkhera Phase–II Dharampur (solan), Kamli, road Parwanoo, Rajwari (Mandi), and construction of commercial complex near petrol pump Vikas Nagar is under progress.
HIMUDA has undertaken process of executing a Housing Project in collaboration with Singapore Govt. through its agency Singapore Cooperation Enterprise. The Township is to be built at Jathia Devi, near shimla Airport. The work is scheduled to be started by February 2019.
M.C Mandi has conducted a demand survey under the PMAY-HFA to assess the demand of houses in Municipal Council Mandi. Accordingly 560 Flats under PMAY-HFA and 106 flats under affordable housing have been considered for preparation of DPR by M.C Mandi. The project is entrusted to HIMUDA for construction. M.C. Mandi has selected a chunk of land for construction of houses at Mohal Chhipnu Tehsil Sadar Mandi and accordingly HIMUDA has prepared lay out plan. It has total of 13,657 area out of which 3,480 area is to be retained by M.C. Mandi on which 64 Nos. EWS 155 Flats are to be constructed under PMAY and remaining 10,177 Sqm area is to be transferred to HIMUDA on which HIMUDA will construct 68 Nos. HIG Flats. This transfer of land will be made to HIMUDA in lieu of 64 Nos EWS Flats to be constructed by HIMUDA for M.C. Mandi.
HIMUDA has approved following policies/ schemes:
i) Policy for land owners becoming partners in development of Housing Colonies in the State and signed the MoU with Ashoka Alloys (P) Limited in Sirmour Distt.and private developers M/s Aakash Rare Realities and Pinewood Lifespace to develop housing colonies at Bharari(Shimla) and Bhagwati Nagar, Shimla under this Scheme.
ii) Scheme for the allotment of Houses/Flats/Plots in various colonies established by HIMUDA at “First come First Serve” basis after freezing cost for disposing of the unsold units.
iii) Policy for allotment of land/ additional land.
iv) Policy for additional premium for construction of third storey in allotted booth and shop sites in Housing Colonies.
HIMUDA has constructed its Circle office (North) building in Dharamshala as a pilot project which is in latest EPS Technology & construction of Superintending Engineer & Executive Engineers residences using similar Technology is also nearing completion. The Circle office building has been constructed within a period of 4 months.
To reduce human interface and in order to bring more transparency, HIMUDA has moved towards the egovernance and has digitalized the record in Head office and installed the tally Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) accounting & also HIMDUA is in the process of creating of website to facilitate its day to day work and to have better governance and cordial relations with the customers. The website will provide all information of the projects of HIMUDA on a click. The allottees would be able to see their records themselves and all applications for sale, registration, NOC,s, tenders etc. would be available online. HIMDUA plans to launch the website this year.
Consequent upon the 74th Constitutional amendment, the rights, powers and activities of the urban local bodies have increased manifold. There are 54 urban local bodies in Himachal Pradesh including Shimla and Dharamshala Municipal Corporation. The Government is providing grant-in-aid every year to these local bodies to enable them to provide civic amenities to the general public. As per the report of State Finance Commission during the year 2018-19 a sum of `120.65 crore has been released to the ULBs. This includes developmental grant and gap filling grant between income and expenditure.
Maintenance of Roads in Municipal Areas: About 3,098 Kms. roads/ paths/ streets and drains are being maintained by 54 urban local bodies and `5.34 crore stands released to the Urban Local Bodies in proportionate to length of roads/ street/ path being maintained by the urban local bodies during 2018-19. Budget provision under this scheme is `6.00 crore.
The main objective of NULM is to reduce poverty among the urban poor through the promotion of diversified and gainful self employment and skill wage employment opportunities, resulting in an appreciable improvement in their livelihood on a sustainable basis, through building strong grass roots level institutions of the poor. This scheme has following main components:-
i) Employment through skill training and placement.
ii) Social Mobilisation and Institution Development.
iii) Capacity Building and Training.
iv) Self Employment Programme.
v) Shelter for urban homeless.
vi) Support to Urban Street Vendors.
vii) Innovative and special Projects. For the financial year 2018-19, there is budget provision of `1.67 crore as centre and State Share for the implementation of this scheme and funds amounting to `2.34 crore stands already released under this scheme during the current financial year additionalitey provided by the govt. under this scheme 240 Self Help Groups (SHGs) have been formed. 739 beneficiaries were provided skill training under this scheme and 116 candidates have been provided placement. 244 individuals, 1 group and 59 SHGs were provided loan assistance on subsidised interest for setting up their micro enterprises. 5,000 Street Vendors were provided training on various topics and being provided Identity Cards.
There is a budget provision of `43.21 crore in General Plan, Non Plan and in SCSP component for sewerage schemes and maintenance of sewerage schemes during the financial year 2018-19. A sum of ` 38.52 crore share stand released so far. Since, this scheme is being executed by the I&PH Department.
Shimla and Kullu have been included under this Mission, during the financial year 2017-18 funds amounting to `22.98 crore were released under this scheme. During the current financial year 2018-19 there is a budget provision of `55.00 crore under this scheme.
The Smart City Mission has been launched in June, 2015. Municipal Corporation Dharamshala has been approved by Government of India under the mission with a project cost of `2,109.69 crore. Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for Dharamshala Smart City Ltd. has been registered under company Act, 2013. During the financial year 2017-18 Municipal Corporation, Shimla has also been selected under Smart City Mission by Government of India with a project cost of `2,905.97 crore. The Government of Himachal Pradesh has notified the SPV for the same. During the current financial year 2018-19, there is a budget provision `110 crore as Centre and state under this scheme. `36.00 crore stands released so far under this scheme.
Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) is a Flagship Programme of Government of India and being implemented in all statutory towns by Ministry of Housing Affairs, Government of India. The main aim of Swachh Bharat Mission is to make cities/towns open defecation free and provide a healthy and liveable environment to all. Following actions/ progress has been made under the Missions:-
1) Funds disbursed to ULBs for construction of individual household toilets and Community/ Public Toilets for providing adequate toilet facilities in the towns. Till date more than 2200 individual toilets for the households not having toilet facilities have been constructed under the mission and 265 communities and 1081 public toilet seats have been installed newly or renovated.
2) Underground waste bins project is being undertaken in 3 cities namely Dharamshala, Poanta Sahib and Sundernagar on the pilot basis. Underground waste bins have been installed and completed in Dharamshala, and Sundernagar and in Poanta Sahib the work is under progress.
3) Various IEC activities being conducted regularly in the State for awareness of general public. Awareness through Swachhta Pakhwara, hoardings/banners, nukkad nataks, print and electronic media, rallies etc .For the financial year 2018-19, there is a budget provision of `20.00 crore as Centre and State share for the implementation of this scheme. Funds amounting to `2.99 crore has been released under this scheme.
A new mission “Housing for all” (Urban) has been launched by the Government of India to be effective from 17.06.2015 to 31.03.2022. The aim of this scheme is to provide houses for slum dwellers under in-situ slum rehabilitation component providing affordable houses for low income group (LIG) and middle income group (MIG) through credit linked subsidy component providing houses for economic weaker section through public private partnership component and Govt. is also providing funds for construction of beneficiary houses through subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house component. For the financial year 2018- 19, there is a budget provision of `50.00 crore as Centre and State share for the implementation of this scheme out of which `21.87 crore as stands released and balance funds will be released during this financial year
Under this scheme, an amount of `1.50 crore has been provided in the budget during the financial year 2018-19 for providing wage employment in newly created Nagar Panchayats and newly merged areas (Wards) of Municipal councils/ Municipal corporation in the Pradesh, out of which an amount of `1.10 crore stands released so far to Municipal corporation, Dharamshala and Municipal Councils-Rampur, Nerchowk and Nagar Panchayats-Tahliwal, Jawali and Baijnath-Paprola.
The 14th Finance Commission has recommended two type of grants namely basic grant to be released unconditionally and performance grant subject to fulfillment of certain conditions as laid down in the 14th Finance Commission. There is budget provision of `46.01 crore during the current financial year.1 st installment of Basic grant to the tune of `17.92 crore has been released to the ULBs, whereas performance grant is yet to be released by the Government of India.
To solve the parking problems in the urban areas of the Pradesh an amount of `10.00 crore has been provided in the budget during the financial year 2018-19, out of which `3.25 crore stands released to 3 Urban Local Bodies so far for the construction of parkings.The funds under this scheme are released in the ratio of 50:50. (i.e. 50% is provided by the Govt. and 50% by the concerned ULBs). Development of Parks:-
For construction of parks in Urban Local Bodies in phased manner, a sum of `10.00 crore has been provided in the budget during the financial year 2018-19, out of which `35.00 lakh stands released to 1 Urban Local Body so far for the development of parks. The funds under this scheme are released in the ratio of 60:40 (i.e.)60% is provided by the Govt. and 40% by the concerned (ULBs).
The State Govt. has introduced” Atal Shresth Shahr Yojana:- 2018 (ASSY) the scheme aims to reward and incentivize performing urban Local Bodies on the indicators of sanitations /cleanliness and providing best public service to the citizens and other people. The best performing Urban Local Body be felicitated with Atal Shresth Shahar Pureskar by the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh on 25th December of every year on the birth Anniversary of Late Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, former Prime Minister of India. The best Municipal Council will be incentivize with a price of `1.00 crore and Nagar Panchayat with a Price of `0.75 crore. All Urban Local Bodies except Municipal Corporation are eligible to participate.
To ensure functional, economical, sustainable and aesthetical living environment through planned, equitable and regulated development, ensuring balanced use of scarce land resources, in view of demographic and socio-economic factors, preservation of environment, heritage and rational use of precious land resources by their sustainable development through community participation, the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Act, 1977 has been enforced in 55 Planning Areas (1.60 percent of the total geographical area of the State) and 35 Special Area (2.06 percent of the total geographical area of the State).
1) Existing Land Use Maps/ Registers prepared for Dhaulakuan-Majra and Amb-Gagret Planning Area.
2) Development Plans for Naggar, Reckong Peo, Hatkoti and Kandaghat Special Area have been 159 prepared and sent to the Government for approval.
3) The State Govt. has constituted remaining 20 left out Urban Local Bodies namely Shri Naina Devi Ji, Santokhgarh, Kangra, Nurpur , Nagrota, Kotkhai, Sunni, Jubbal, Arki, Rajgarh, Daulatpur, Tahliwal, Dehra, Jawalamukhi, Jawali, Chowari, Sarkaghat ,Rewalsar, Karsog and Banjar as Planning Areas under the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Act, 1977.
4) Directory of Registered Private Professionals has been prepared and uploaded on the Departmental website.
5) The State Government has omitted Chapters IX-A and IX-B of the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Act, 1977 and now the RERA Act, and Rules are fully applicable in the State.
6) The work for preparation of GISbased Development Plans for Shimla and Kullu Planning Areas under AMRUT Scheme is under progress. This will ensure comprehensive planning for the development of these Areas
7) Aut and Hinner Planning Areas and Sangla-Kamru Special Area have been brought under the provisions of the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Act, 1977 as per the requirements under Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee RURBAN Mission launched by the Government of India. GIS-based Existing Land Use Map work is under progress.
8) In order to publicize the Act, Rules and regulations of the Department, a Publicity Cell has been constituted in the Directorate.
9) The State Govt. has approved the Guidelines for enforcing Town and Country Planning Act, 1977 and rules framed there under on 09.07.2018 and District Level Coordination Committees have been constituted in all the Districts under the Chairmanship of respective Deputy Commissioner to tackle the problem of un-authorized construction in the State.
10)Internship Policy for imparting training to the students pursuing B. Tech. and M. Tech. course in the fields of Urban and Regional Planning approved by the Govt.
The projects that are proposed to be targeted for the next Financial Year 2019-20 which includes constitution of Planning Areas, Special Areas, preparation of Existing Land Use Maps, Development Plans and Regional Plans are as under:-
(i) Preparation of Regional Plans for Solan and Lahaul & Spiti.
(ii) Preparation of Development Plans for Jogindernagar, Ner-Chowk, Sujanpur, Chintpurni, Bhota, Dhaulakuan-Majra, Bharmour and Chail.

21.Panchayati Raj

At present there are 12 Zila Parishads, 78 Panchayat Samities and 3,226 Gram Panchayats constituted in this State. After the enactment of 73rd amendment in the Constitution, the present is the fifth term of the Panchayats. As per the provisions of the constitution of India the Panchayati Raj Institutions have been assigned certain powers, functions and responsibilities from time to time either by making provisions under the Himachal Pradesh Panchayati Raj Act or rules made there under or through executive instructions. Gram Sabhas have been vested with powers to select beneficiaries under various programmes. Gram Sabhas have been empowered to approve plans, programmes and budget prepared by Gram Panchayat, they are also authorized for issuance of utilization certificate of funds spent on the implementation of plans, projects and programmes of Gram Panchayat. The Gram Panchayats have been made the appointing authority in respect of Tailoring Teacher, Panchayat Chowkidar and Part-time Water Carriers in Primary schools and Jal Rakshak. Zila Parishads are authorized to appoint Assistant Engineers, Personal Assistants, and Junior Engineers. The services of regular Junior Accountant has been placed under the Zila Parishad cadre. The existing Panchayat Sahayaks has been designated as Panchayat Secretary (Contract) by abolishing the post of Panchayat Sahayak.
The ownership and maintenance of primary school buildings has been transferred to Gram Panchayats. Gram Panchayats have been empowered to collect the land revenue from the land owners/ right holders and Gram Panchayats will use the collected land revenue at their own level. Gram Panchayats have been authorized to impose various taxes, fees and fines and also to borrow money/ raise loans for creation of income generating assets. Before grant of any lease for mining of minerals, a resolution from the concerned Panchayat has been made compulsory. Panchayats have been empowered to prepare plans. Gram Panchayats have been also authorized to grant permission for erection of mobile communication towers and to levy fee. Gram Panchayats have also been empowered to hear and decide the application for maintenance under section 125 of the Cr.P.C.1973 and can grant a maintenance allowance not exceeding `500 per month. Cess of `1.00 per bottle of liquor sold in the rural area will be collected and transferred to the Gram Panchayat for utilization in the developmental activities.
It has been made mandatory that village level functionaries of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Primary Education, Forest, Health and Family Welfare, Horticulture, Irrigation and Public Health, Revenue and Welfare Departments shall attend the meetings of the Gram Sabha in whose jurisdiction they are posted and if such village level functionaries fail to attend the meetings, Gram Sabha shall report the matter to their controlling officer through the Gram Panchayat who shall take disciplinary action against such functionaries within one month 161 from the date of receipt of the report and shall intimate the action taken on such report to the Gram Sabha through the Gram Panchayat.
The other major provisions relating to Panchayati Raj are as under:-
i) The State Government is providing honorarium of the elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions. The rate of monthly honorarium to Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Zila Parishad is `11,000 and `7,500, Chairman, and ViceChairman of Panchayat Samiti is `6,500 and `4,500, Pradhan and Up-Pradhan of Gram Panchayat is `4,000 and `2,500 respectively. In addition, to this member of Zila Parishad `4,500, member of Panchayat Samiti is `4,000 and Members of Gram Panchayats `240 as sitting fee subject to the maximum for two sittings in a month.
ii) The Government is providing grant-in-aid to PRIs for meeting the expenditure on Travelling and Daily Allowances of the elected representative of PRIs while they are on official tour.
iii) The State Government has provided facility of staying in Government rest houses while they are on official tour to the office bearers of Zila Parishad and Panchayat Samities.
iv) The recommendation of 14th FC started from the year 2015-16 and will be applicable upto the year 2019-20. Under the award of this commission `1,628.82 crore has been allocated as basic grant and `180.98 crore as performance grant for the State of Himachal Pradesh.
v) The rates of monthly remuneration of the Employees working on contract/ Regular basis in the Panchayat are as:- Panchayat Secretary (contractual) `9,710 and Junior Accountant (contractual) `9,710 (regular) 5,910-20,200 + 1,900, Junior Engineer (contractual) `17,900 (regular) `10,300- 34,800+3,800, Junior Scale Stenographer (regular) `5,910- 20,200 + 2,800, Assistant Engineer (regular) `15,660- 39,100+5,400, Data Entry Operator (ZP) (contractual) `9,710 (regular) `5,910 – 20,200+ 1,900, Peon-cumChowkidar (ZP) (contractual) `8,200, (regular) `4,900 – 10,680+ 1,650, Tailoring Teacher (contractual) `6,300 Panchayat Chowkidar (contractual) `4,000 Water Guard (contractual) `2,100. Under Mission Mode Project (e-Panchayat Project) of the Government of India, 12 core software applications have been rolled out in the PRIs. The training to the officials of the Panchayats/ Departments on these applications has been organized in the Panchayati Raj Training Institute, Mashobra. The Panchayati Raj Institutions have already started using these software applications.


Under National eGovernance Plan (NeGP), Department of Information Technology, Himachal Pradesh (DITHP) created secure network called HIMSWAN (Himachal State Wide Area Network). The HIMSWAN provides secured network connectivity to all the State Government Departments till block level and provide various efficient electronic delivery of G2G (Government to Government), G2C (Government to Citizens) and G2B (Government to Business) services. The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India funded this project for initial period of six years. HIMSWAN was set-up on 05.02.2008 and thus Department of Electronics and Information Technology DeitY, Government of India funding period got over in the year 2014. Now the State Government bearing the cost of operation and maintenance of this project.
HIMSWAN project is presently on single-tier architecture with technologies like MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching)/ VPNoBB (Virtual Private Network Over Broadband) considering the growing demand for bandwidth due to video conferencing used in offices, the HIMSWAN is being revamped to three-tier architecture using state-of-art technologies with stringent SLA’s Network downtime, voice, data and video services. The following achievements have been made during the year:-
1) 2,095 Government Offices across the State are connected through HIMSWAN network.
2) M/s Orange Business Services is appointed as HIMSWAN Operator. M/s E&Y is appointed as HIMSWAN Third Party Auditor (TPA) for a period of 5 years for monitoring the Service Levels of HIMSWAN Operator.
3) HIMSWAN alternate Band Width Providers M/s Bharti Airtel Ltd.
Under National eGovernance Plan (NeGP), Department of Information Technology, (DIT) has commissioned the Himachal Pradesh State Data Centre (HPSDC) to host IT applications of various Government Departments for the benefits of citizens, to provide efficient electronic delivery of G2C (Government to Citizens), G2G (Government to Government) and G2B (Government to Business) services and to create common infrastructure for State Government Offices which include (Computing devices-servers in shared mode, storage, network devices, electrical, air conditioning, network connectivity, UPS, Rack etc.), installation and integration of IT infrastructure (servers, telecom equipment, integrated portal/ departmental information system, Enterprise and network management system, security,firewalls/ IDS, networking components etc.), software and data bases. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India is supporting the cost of establishment, operation and maintenance of State Data Centre for a period of five years on 80:20 basis. The following achievements have been made during the year:-
1) H.P.S.D.C. is in operation since 26.05.2016.
2) M/s Orange Business Services is the agency for installation, commissioning and maintenance of HPSDC for the period of 5 years and has started the work from 26.05.2014.
3) No. of Apps hosted 105 Applications in production environment (Additional 39 applications in Staging Server Area)
4) Cloud enablement of SDC applications went live on 01.09.2016.
5) M/s E&Y is the Third Party Auditor (TPA) appointed for period of 5 Years for monitoring the Service Levels being adhered to by HPSDC Operator.
7) HPSDC implemented with compliance such as ISO 27001, ISO 20000 and CERT-IN Security Standards.
8) Letter of intent issued to cloud service provider (CSP) M/s Nxtra Data Ltd. for HPSDC-Data Research Site.
The scheme aims to establish LMK’s (CSC) at Gram Panchayat level in the State and to act as front end delivery points for Government, Private and Social Sector Services to rural citizens at their door steps, in an integrated manner using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as tools. The LMKs are acting as front end delivery points for delivery of G2C services to the citizen of the State at Gram Panchayat Level. State Government has also implementing e-District Project and delivery of these services would also be made available at LMKs. The following achievements have been made during the year:-
Presently 4,793 CSCIDs have been issued and 3,100 are active for CSCs in Himachal Pradesh. Providing 195 B2C/ G2C services such.
1) Electricity Bill Collection
2) IPH Water Bill Collection
3) HRTC Ticket Booking
4) Revenue – Jamabandi
5) Farmer Centric Services
6) MC Shimla Bills (Water, Property)
7) HP PSC and HP SSC
8) Agricultural Services
9) Health Care Services
10) Under PMGDISHA Scheme107870 student registered 1,05,409 trained & 45,436 Certified till December, 2018.
Under the Capacity Building scheme of Government of India, there are different components like training of Government employees, sourcing of technical and professional manpower for assisting the State Government in the implementation of various e-Governance Projects. The following achievements have been made during the year :-
1) 2 nd and 4th Monday of every Month are fixed for imparting training to the user departments at DIT on e-Procuremnet and eOffice application.
2) Under SeMT, 4 Technical resources have been deployed through NeGD.
3) Under PMGDISHA training provided to 1,05,409 Students.
4) Digital Locker Workshop conducted at State Level about awareness and integration of 164 more departments from the State
Revenue Court Case Monitoring System has been developed by the Department of Information Technology for the use of Revenue Courts at Division, District, S.D.M.and Tehsil level. System captures the routine proceedings of revenue courts, interim orders and Judgments. The details of the revenue cases are available online for the general public. The citizens can access the status of their cases online, see cause list and download interim orders/ judgments. The following achievements have been made during the year:-
1) RCMS project got national level CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Awards for year 2014 for recognizing e-Government Initiatives in India.
2) 280 Revenue Courts are using RCMS software.
3) 78,934 court cases have been entered in the RCMS and out of which 39,923 cases are decided.
Monitoring of court cases at department level is a big challenge. Department of Digital Technologies and Governance has got developed a generic software for monitoring of court cases at the department level. Using this software, Secretaries/HoDs can easily monitor the status of the court cases with regard to pending cases, timely reply filling, present status, personal presence required etc.
The following achievements have been made during the year:-
1) The Advocate General office is updating the status of cases online. All the file movement activities within Advocate General office are being covered out through the software.
2) All Government Departments are using LMS for viewing the daily status of their cases.
3) All the communication to be sent to concerned department(s) are being generated through this software. Following features have been incorporated in LMS software:
i) Sending intimation to ADs/ HoDs/ Nodal Officers of the concerned Department via e-mail, SMS.
ii) Automatic generation of letters while entering the case details of concerned department.
iii) Deletion/ transfer of cases option has been incorporated in the software.
iv) Cases List is also being generated online, out of which total cases: 40,762 and 407 are approved.
Aadhaar program started in Himachal Pradesh in December, 2010 and since then the State Government has maintained a leading position in terms of Aadhaar generation.There are 73,14,691 residents in the State (projected population 2018). 77,57,779 UIDs (106.06%) have been generated in the State.
Use of Aadhaar:
1) Aadhaar seeding in PDS database is 90.56 percent, MGNREGA is 97.39 percent, Education is 99.90 percent, NSAP is 84.04 percent, LPG is 93 percent, Election is 71.71 percent and EPF is 35.32 percent.
2) Under Direct Benefit Transfer scheme: `3,222.09 crore till December 2018 has been successfully transferred into beneficiaries Aadhaar enabled bank accounts under 50 schemes
3) Himachal is a first state to start DBT in MGNREGA.
4) Aadhaar based Biometric: Attendance system is operational in TCP Department, Department of Information Technology, Women Child Development, Directorate of Prison, Fisheries Department and ITIs.
e-Office is a product that is aimed at file Movement automation in Government offices making the process more efficient, effective and transparent for inter-government intra-government transaction. e-Office has been deployed in different departments as under:
1) No. of departments maped in eOffice – 25.
2) No. of users maped in eOffice – 1,066. List of departments using e-Office:
i)Department of Information Technology.
ii). Police Head-Quarter
iii) Armed Police and Training Headquarter
iv) HP Police Communication & Technical Services,
v) Office of Superintendent of Police, Mandi
vi) Himachal Pradesh High Court, Shimla
vii) Directorate of Treasuries accounts & Lotteries, Shimla,
viii) Deputy Commissioner Office, Sirmaur
ix) Printing & Stationery Department
x) Himachal Pradesh Irrigation & Public Health (Circle Office), Shimla
xi) Office of Superintendent of Police, Bilaspur
xii) Deputy Commissioner Office, Mandi.
xiii) Deputy Commissioner Office, Kangra
xiv) Capital Treasury, Shimla,
xv) District Treasury, Solan,
xvi) District Treasury, Shimla,
xvii) Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs,
xviii) Department of Ayurveda,
)xix Office of Superintendent of Police, Sirmaur
xx) Directorate of Home Guard Civil Defence & Fire Services,
xxi) Secretariat Administration Department
xxii) Department of Personnel-II, III
xxiii) Election Department (HQ),
xxiv) Department of Environment Science & Technology,
xxv) Deputy Commissioner Office, Hamirpur. e-Peshi Video C
The facility would eliminate the need for taking prisoners to courts and will facilitate faster delivery of justice. The following achievements have been made during the year:-
1) M/s Bharti Airtel is the implementing agency to supply and install the VC equipment in the State and maintain the same for period of 5 years from the date of commissioning of the project.
2) M/s Bharti Airtel has been given order to supply and install 63 VC facilities and all 63 VC facilities has been delivered and commissioned successfully.
3) 7 Courts and 13 Jails have been provided VC facility under this project.
3) DIT, HPPCL, Panchayati Raj, DG Prisons, HPSFL and Health department are covered by VC facility.
e–District Project is a Mission Mode Project (MMP), that aims to provide integrated citizen centric services. It envisages integrated and seamless delivery of citizen services by district administration through automation of work flow, backend computerization, and data digitization across participating departments. It further aims to integrate multiple applications, faster processing of public cases/ appeals/ grievances, dissemination of information as per public requirement and redesign the processes for the core services to be delivered through the Common Service Centers. Following activities have been completed under this project:
1) 52 e-Services under e-district launched in all 12 Districts.
2) e-district managers and DeGS formed in all 12 districts.
3) M/s IL&FS Technologies Ltd. is working as SI (System Integrator) for State Wide roll-out of eDistrict MMP.
i) Hardware Delivery at all departmental locations for all 12 districts.
ii) Integration of e-District application with UIDAI (Aadhaar), SMS Gateway, Payment Gateway, Land Record, EPariwar, BPL, CRS, Public Service Gurantee Act (PSG) are completed.
4) Additional 13 G2C services of various Departments given to SI for development under e-District Project
This is a Web based online tool to make the Processes of Procurement and tendering more efficient. The e-Procurement System of Himachal Pradesh enables the Tenderers to download the Tender Schedule free of cost and then submit the bids online through this portal. The Objectives of the system are: Minimize Procurement Costs, Maximize Procurement Efficiency, Competitive and Uniform Rates across State, and Transparency in official procedure, No manipulation possible, Time Saving and No Pooling of Tenders.
1) 48 Departments/ Corporations are using this Software such as PWD, DIT, I&PH, MC Shimla etc. Various Corporations such as HRTC, HPMC, HPSEDC, etc.
2) Project Management Unit has been setup to include more and more deptts.
3) World Bank is funding this project for a period of five years and disbursement is linked with targets:
i) Digital Library of India to be achieved for current Financial Year is `3,173.30 crore.
ii) A total of 3410 no. of tenders have been Awarded (AOC Completed) during financial year 2018-19 that are worth ` 2,190.46 crore.
4)Finance Department to issue notification for reduction in tender value limit of `5.00 lakh w.e.f. 1.04.2018 to use online portal for all procurement in a passed manner.
5) Online payment gate has been successfully integrated with eProcurement portal to provide an easy and convenient online mode to bidders for making EMD and tender fee payments.