As per provisions of the Emigration Act, 1983 of the Government of India, the Employer is required to complete the following emigration formalities:

    1. Letter of appointment as Recruiting Agent--- This is required to be issued on the letter head pad of the Principal Employer authorising the Bureau to recruit Indians for him or on his behalf.
    2. Power of Attorney--- This is also required to be executed on the letter head pad of the Principal Employer or on stamp paper, as per rule of the country of employment and is to be supplied to the Bureau duly attested by the Indian Embassy in the country of employment.
    3. Requisition for Recruitment--- The Principal Employer is required to place a requisition of personnel on his letter head pad with the Bureau indicating categories of posts, job description for each of the required category, number of vacancies in each category, detailed break-up of salary, allowances, free provisions if any etc. This requistion is also to be attested by Indian Embassy in the country of employment.
    4. Employment Contract --- The Bureau has developed a model Employer-Employee contract. If the Employer has also developed such a contract, the same may be sent to Bureau but in both cases duly attested by the Indian Embassy in the country of employment.
    5. Visa --- The Principal Employer is responsible for arranging the visa. The Bureau shall direct the candidates to the concerned Embassy in New Delhi to get visas endorsed on their passports.
    6. Ticketing --- The Principal Employer shall arrange for air-tickets, or Bureau can do the needful on receipt of tele-remittance from the Employer.
    7. Service Charges --- The Bureau does not charge the Foreign Employer for its services. The Bureau does charge service charges from candidates deployed abroad by the Bureau, which are Rs 2000 from unskilled, Rs. 3,000 from semi-skilled, Rs. 5,000 from skilled and Rs. 10,000 from professionals, as per the rates approved by Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India.