Himachal Backward Classes Finance & Development Corporation (HBCFDC), a Government of Himachal Pradesh
Undertaking under the aegis of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, was set-up on 31st January, 1994 as a
Company under
Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 with an
authorized share capital of Rs.10 Crores. The main objective of the
Corporation is Social, Economic and Educational upliftment of the
people belonging to the Backward Classes of Himachal Pradesh whose annual
family income does not exceed Rs.40,000 for those residing in the Rural Areas and Rs.55,000 for those residing in the Urban Areas and aged between 18 to 55 years.
 The Corporation provides loans to eligible beneficiaries for
approved Schemes (as per Brochure enclosed). At present, the
project cost is shared 85% by NBCFDC, 10% by HBCFDC and
the remaining 5% by the beneficiaries. The amount is repayable in 5 years in 20 equal quarterly instalments.
The NBCFDC has approved 54 Schemes for the purpose of sanctioning loans to the beneficiaries.
Click here to view the
list of the various loan
List of Loanees